# Ascension The main goal is to develop a tool to easily migrate existing DNS Zones to the GNU Name System using (incremental) Zone Transfers. (AXFR/IXFR) ## How to install To install the ascension simply execute one of the following commands: ```bash # System wide installation sudo python3 setup.py install # Local installation through virtualenv python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate python3 setup.py install ``` ## How to install (Developer) ```bash # installation through virtualenv python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate python3 setup.py develop ``` ## How to use If you have installed it, simply execute ascension with one of several options. You can also just run the file ascension.py itself directly. Taken from the dosctring of the ascension.py file: ``` Ascension Usage: ascension.py [-d] ascension.py -p [-d] ascension.py -ns [-d] ascension.py -ns -p [-d] ascension.py -h | --help ascension.py -v | --version Options: Port for zone transfer Domain to migrate DNS Server that does the zone transfer -d --debug Enable debugging -h --help Show this screen. -v --version Show version. ``` Example use: ``` # Transfers the sy TLD from ns1.tld.sy. ascension sy -ns ns1.tld.sy. # Transfers the nu TLD from zonedata.iis.se with debug options enabled ascension nu -ns zonedata.iis.se. -d ```