# -*- mode: rec -*- # # Registry for HTTP status codes # %rec: TalerErrorCode %key: Value %singular: Value %typedef: ValueRange_t range 0 9999 %constraint: ( Value < 100 ) || ( Value > 999 ) %type: Value ValueRange_t %mandatory: Value %typedef: Description_t regexp |^[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-][abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_\(\)\.,;!"':#\/ -]*$| %type: Description Description_t %mandatory: Description %typedef: Name_t regexp /^[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_][ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789]*$/ %type: Name Name_t %unique: Name %mandatory: Name %singular: Name # A status of 0 means not an HTTP status (i.e. created client-side) %type: HttpStatus rec HttpStatusCode %mandatory: HttpStatus %sort: Value # 0 - 99: Reserved for GENERIC error codes Value: 0 Name: NONE Description: Special code to indicate success (no error). HttpStatus: 0 # We could not get the error code. Value: 1 Name: INVALID Description: A non-integer error code was returned in the JSON response. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 2 Name: GENERIC_CLIENT_INTERNAL_ERROR Description: An internal failure happened on the client side. HttpStatus: 0 # Fundamental problems detected client-side (10-19) Value: 10 Name: GENERIC_INVALID_RESPONSE Description: The response we got from the server was not even in JSON format. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 11 Name: GENERIC_TIMEOUT Description: An operation timed out. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 12 Name: GENERIC_VERSION_MALFORMED Description: The version string given does not follow the expected CURRENT:REVISION:AGE Format. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 13 Name: GENERIC_REPLY_MALFORMED Description: The service responded with a reply that was in JSON but did not satsify the protocol. Note that invalid cryptographic signatures should have signature-specific error codes. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 14 Name: GENERIC_CONFIGURATION_INVALID Description: There is an error in the client-side configuration, for example the base URL specified is malformed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 15 Name: GENERIC_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR Description: The client made a request to a service, but received an error response it does not know how to handle. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 16 Name: GENERIC_TOKEN_PERMISSION_INSUFFICIENT Description: The token used by the client to authorize the request does not grant the required permissions for the request. HttpStatus: 403 # Fundamental client-side protocol problems (20-29) # (fundamental: cannot be helped, client is very broken) Value: 20 Name: GENERIC_METHOD_INVALID Description: The HTTP method used is invalid for this endpoint. HttpStatus: 405 Value: 21 Name: GENERIC_ENDPOINT_UNKNOWN Description: There is no endpoint defined for the URL provided by the client. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 22 Name: GENERIC_JSON_INVALID Description: The JSON in the client's request was malformed (generic parse error). HttpStatus: 400 Value: 23 Name: GENERIC_HTTP_HEADERS_MALFORMED Description: Some of the HTTP headers provided by the client caused the server to not be able to handle the request. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 24 Name: GENERIC_PAYTO_URI_MALFORMED Description: The payto:// URI provided by the client is malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 25 Name: GENERIC_PARAMETER_MISSING Description: A required parameter in the request was missing. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 26 Name: GENERIC_PARAMETER_MALFORMED Description: A parameter in the request was malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 27 Name: GENERIC_RESERVE_PUB_MALFORMED Description: The reserve public key given as part of a /reserves/ endpoint was malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 28 Name: GENERIC_COMPRESSION_INVALID Description: The body in the request could not be decompressed by the server. HttpStatus: 400 # Circumstantial client-side protocol problems (30-39) # (Circumstantial == may work with another server, but not this one) Value: 30 Name: GENERIC_CURRENCY_MISMATCH Description: The currency involved in the operation is not acceptable for this backend. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 31 Name: GENERIC_URI_TOO_LONG Description: The URI is longer than the longest URI the HTTP server is willing to parse. HttpStatus: 414 Value: 32 Name: GENERIC_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS_LIMIT Description: The body is too large to be permissible for the endpoint. HttpStatus: 413 # 40-49: access control issues Value: 40 Name: GENERIC_UNAUTHORIZED Description: The service refused the request due to lack of proper authorization. HttpStatus: 401 Value: 41 Name: GENERIC_TOKEN_UNKNOWN Description: The service refused the request as the given authorization token is unknown. HttpStatus: 401 Value: 42 Name: GENERIC_TOKEN_EXPIRED Description: The service refused the request as the given authorization token expired. HttpStatus: 401 Value: 43 Name: GENERIC_TOKEN_MALFORMED Description: The service refused the request as the given authorization token is malformed. HttpStatus: 401 Value: 44 Name: GENERIC_FORBIDDEN Description: The service refused the request due to lack of proper rights on the resource. HttpStatus: 403 # Server-side database problems (50-59) Value: 50 Name: GENERIC_DB_SETUP_FAILED Description: The service failed initialize its connection to the database. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 51 Name: GENERIC_DB_START_FAILED Description: The service encountered an error event to just start the database transaction. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 52 Name: GENERIC_DB_STORE_FAILED Description: The service failed to store information in its database. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 53 Name: GENERIC_DB_FETCH_FAILED Description: The service failed to fetch information from its database. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 54 Name: GENERIC_DB_COMMIT_FAILED Description: The service encountered an error event to commit the database transaction (hard, unrecoverable error). HttpStatus: 500 Value: 55 Name: GENERIC_DB_SOFT_FAILURE Description: The service encountered an error event to commit the database transaction, even after repeatedly retrying it there was always a conflicting transaction. (This indicates a repeated serialization error; should only happen if some client maliciously tries to create conflicting concurrent transactions.) HttpStatus: 500 Value: 56 Name: GENERIC_DB_INVARIANT_FAILURE Description: The service's database is inconsistent and violates service-internal invariants. HttpStatus: 500 # Server-side computational problems (60-69) Value: 60 Name: GENERIC_INTERNAL_INVARIANT_FAILURE Description: The HTTP server experienced an internal invariant failure (bug). HttpStatus: 500 Value: 61 Name: GENERIC_FAILED_COMPUTE_JSON_HASH Description: The service could not compute a cryptographic hash over some JSON value. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 62 Name: GENERIC_FAILED_COMPUTE_AMOUNT Description: The service could not compute an amount. HttpStatus: 500 # Server-side resource problems (70-79) Value: 70 Name: GENERIC_PARSER_OUT_OF_MEMORY Description: The HTTP server had insufficient memory to parse the request. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 71 Name: GENERIC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE Description: The HTTP server failed to allocate memory. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 72 Name: GENERIC_JSON_ALLOCATION_FAILURE Description: The HTTP server failed to allocate memory for building JSON reply. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 73 Name: GENERIC_CURL_ALLOCATION_FAILURE Description: The HTTP server failed to allocate memory for making a CURL request. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 74 Name: GENERIC_FAILED_TO_LOAD_TEMPLATE Description: The backend could not locate a required template to generate an HTML reply. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 75 Name: GENERIC_FAILED_TO_EXPAND_TEMPLATE Description: The backend could not expand the template to generate an HTML reply. HttpStatus: 500 # 80-99: available for future use # 100 - 999: VERBOTEN due to confusion with HTTP status codes (at least 100-599). # 1000 - 1999: Reserved for exchange # 1000 - 1099: Reserved for EXCHANGE_GENERIC Value: 1000 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_BAD_CONFIGURATION Description: Exchange is badly configured and thus cannot operate. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1001 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_OPERATION_UNKNOWN Description: Operation specified unknown for this endpoint. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1002 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTS Description: The number of segments included in the URI does not match the number of segments expected by the endpoint. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1003 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_CONFLICTING_DENOMINATION_KEY Description: The same coin was already used with a different denomination previously. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1004 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COINS_INVALID_COIN_PUB Description: The public key of given to a "/coins/" endpoint of the exchange was malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1005 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_KEY_UNKNOWN Description: The exchange is not aware of the denomination key the wallet requested for the operation. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1006 Name: EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature of the denomination key over the coin is not valid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1007 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KEYS_MISSING Description: The exchange failed to perform the operation as it could not find the private keys. This is a problem with the exchange setup, not with the client's request. HttpStatus: 503 Value: 1008 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_VALIDITY_IN_FUTURE Description: Validity period of the denomination lies in the future. HttpStatus: 412 Value: 1009 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_EXPIRED Description: Denomination key of the coin is past its expiration time for the requested operation. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 1010 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_REVOKED Description: Denomination key of the coin has been revoked. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 1011 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_SECMOD_TIMEOUT Description: An operation where the exchange interacted with a security module timed out. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1012 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Description: The respective coin did not have sufficient residual value for the operation. The "history" in this response provides the "residual_value" of the coin, which may be less than its "original_value". HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1013 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_HISTORY_COMPUTATION_FAILED Description: The exchange had an internal error reconstructing the transaction history of the coin that was being processed. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1014 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_HISTORY_DB_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Description: The exchange failed to obtain the transaction history of the given coin from the database while generating an insufficient funds errors. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1015 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_CONFLICTING_AGE_HASH Description: The same coin was already used with a different age hash previously. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1016 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_INVALID_DENOMINATION_CIPHER_FOR_OPERATION Description: The requested operation is not valid for the cipher used by the selected denomination. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1017 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_CIPHER_MISMATCH Description: The provided arguments for the operation use inconsistent ciphers. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1018 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_NEW_DENOMS_ARRAY_SIZE_EXCESSIVE Description: The number of denominations specified in the request exceeds the limit of the exchange. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1019 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_UNKNOWN Description: The coin is not known to the exchange (yet). HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1020 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_CLOCK_SKEW Description: The time at the server is too far off from the time specified in the request. Most likely the client system time is wrong. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1021 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_DENOMINATION_VALUE Description: The specified amount for the coin is higher than the value of the denomination of the coin. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1022 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_GLOBAL_FEES_MISSING Description: The exchange was not properly configured with global fees. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1023 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_WIRE_FEES_MISSING Description: The exchange was not properly configured with wire fees. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1024 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_PUB_MALFORMED Description: The purse public key was malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1025 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_UNKNOWN Description: The purse is unknown. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1026 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_EXPIRED Description: The purse has expired. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 1027 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_RESERVE_UNKNOWN Description: The exchange has no information about the "reserve_pub" that was given. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1028 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KYC_REQUIRED Description: The exchange is not allowed to proceed with the operation until the client has satisfied a KYC check. HttpStatus: 451 Value: 1029 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_CONFLICTING_ATTEST_VS_AGE_COMMITMENT Description: Inconsistency between provided age commitment and attest: either none or both must be provided HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1030 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_AGE_ATTESTATION_FAILURE Description: The provided attestation for the minimum age couldn't be verified by the exchange. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1031 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_DELETED Description: The purse was deleted. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 1032 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_PUB_MALFORMED Description: The public key of the AML officer in the URL was malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1033 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_GET_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature affirming the GET request of the AML officer is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1034 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_ACCESS_DENIED Description: The specified AML officer does not have access at this time. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1035 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_PENDING Description: The requested operation is denied pending the resolution of an anti-money laundering investigation by the exchange operator. This is a manual process, please wait and retry later. HttpStatus: 451 Value: 1036 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_FROZEN Description: The requested operation is denied as the account was frozen on suspicion of money laundering. Please contact the exchange operator. HttpStatus: 451 Value: 1037 Name: EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KYC_CONVERTER_FAILED Description: The exchange failed to start a KYC attribute conversion helper process. It is likely configured incorrectly. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1100 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_NOT_FOUND Description: The exchange did not find information about the specified transaction in the database. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1101 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_H_WIRE Description: The wire hash of given to a "/deposits/" handler was malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1102 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_MERCHANT_PUB Description: The merchant key of given to a "/deposits/" handler was malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1103 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_H_CONTRACT_TERMS Description: The hash of the contract terms given to a "/deposits/" handler was malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1104 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_COIN_PUB Description: The coin public key of given to a "/deposits/" handler was malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1105 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE Description: The signature returned by the exchange in a /deposits/ request was malformed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1106 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_MERCHANT_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature of the merchant is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1107 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_POLICY_NOT_ACCEPTED Description: The provided policy data was not accepted HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1150 Name: EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Description: The given reserve does not have sufficient funds to admit the requested withdraw operation at this time. The response includes the current "balance" of the reserve as well as the transaction "history" that lead to this balance. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1151 Name: EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Description: The given reserve does not have sufficient funds to admit the requested age-withdraw operation at this time. The response includes the current "balance" of the reserve as well as the transaction "history" that lead to this balance. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1152 Name: EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_FEE_OVERFLOW Description: The amount to withdraw together with the fee exceeds the numeric range for Taler amounts. This is not a client failure, as the coin value and fees come from the exchange's configuration. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1153 Name: EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_SIGNATURE_FAILED Description: The exchange failed to create the signature using the denomination key. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1154 Name: EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_RESERVE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature of the reserve is not valid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1155 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVE_HISTORY_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Description: When computing the reserve history, we ended up with a negative overall balance, which should be impossible. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1156 Name: EXCHANGE_GET_RESERVE_HISTORY_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Description: The reserve did not have sufficient funds in it to pay for a full reserve history statement. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1158 Name: EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_DENOMINATION_KEY_LOST Description: Withdraw period of the coin to be withdrawn is in the past. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 1159 Name: EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_UNBLIND_FAILURE Description: The client failed to unblind the blind signature. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1160 Name: EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_NONCE_REUSE Description: The client re-used a withdraw nonce, which is not allowed. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1161 Name: EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_COMMITMENT_UNKNOWN Description: The client provided an unknown commitment for an age-withdraw request. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1162 Name: EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_OVERFLOW Description: The total sum of amounts from the denominations did overflow. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1163 Name: EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_INCORRECT Description: The total sum of value and fees from the denominations differs from the committed amount with fees. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1164 Name: EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_REVEAL_INVALID_HASH Description: The original commitment differs from the calculated hash HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1165 Name: EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_MAXIMUM_AGE_TOO_LARGE Description: The maximum age in the commitment is too large for the reserve HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1175 Name: EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_BATCH_IDEMPOTENT_PLANCHET Description: The batch withdraw included a planchet that was already withdrawn. This is not allowed. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1205 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature made by the coin over the deposit permission is not valid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1206 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_CONFLICTING_CONTRACT Description: The same coin was already deposited for the same merchant and contract with other details. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1207 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_NEGATIVE_VALUE_AFTER_FEE Description: The stated value of the coin after the deposit fee is subtracted would be negative. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1208 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_REFUND_DEADLINE_AFTER_WIRE_DEADLINE Description: The stated refund deadline is after the wire deadline. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1209 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_WIRE_DEADLINE_IS_NEVER Description: The stated wire deadline is "never", which makes no sense. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1210 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_WIRE_FORMAT_JSON Description: The exchange failed to canonicalize and hash the given wire format. For example, the merchant failed to provide the "salt" or a valid payto:// URI in the wire details. Note that while the exchange will do some basic sanity checking on the wire details, it cannot warrant that the banking system will ultimately be able to route to the specified address, even if this check passed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1211 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_WIRE_FORMAT_CONTRACT_HASH_CONFLICT Description: The hash of the given wire address does not match the wire hash specified in the proposal data. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1221 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE Description: The signature provided by the exchange is not valid. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1222 Name: EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_FEE_ABOVE_AMOUNT Description: The deposited amount is smaller than the deposit fee, which would result in a negative contribution. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1240 Name: EXCHANGE_EXTENSIONS_INVALID_FULFILLMENT Description: The proof of policy fulfillment was invalid. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1251 Name: EXCHANGE_COIN_HISTORY_BAD_SIGNATURE Description: The coin history was requested with a bad signature. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1252 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVE_HISTORY_BAD_SIGNATURE Description: The reserve history was requested with a bad signature. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1302 Name: EXCHANGE_MELT_FEES_EXCEED_CONTRIBUTION Description: The exchange encountered melt fees exceeding the melted coin's contribution. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1303 Name: EXCHANGE_MELT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature made with the coin to be melted is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1305 Name: EXCHANGE_MELT_COIN_EXPIRED_NO_ZOMBIE Description: The denomination of the given coin has past its expiration date and it is also not a valid zombie (that is, was not refreshed with the fresh coin being subjected to recoup). HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1306 Name: EXCHANGE_MELT_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE Description: The signature returned by the exchange in a melt request was malformed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1353 Name: EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_COMMITMENT_VIOLATION Description: The provided transfer keys do not match up with the original commitment. Information about the original commitment is included in the response. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1354 Name: EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_SIGNING_ERROR Description: Failed to produce the blinded signatures over the coins to be returned. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1355 Name: EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_SESSION_UNKNOWN Description: The exchange is unaware of the refresh session specified in the request. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1356 Name: EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_CNC_TRANSFER_ARRAY_SIZE_INVALID Description: The size of the cut-and-choose dimension of the private transfer keys request does not match #TALER_CNC_KAPPA - 1. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1358 Name: EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_NEW_DENOMS_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH Description: The number of envelopes given does not match the number of denomination keys given. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1359 Name: EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_COST_CALCULATION_OVERFLOW Description: The exchange encountered a numeric overflow totaling up the cost for the refresh operation. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1360 Name: EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AMOUNT_INSUFFICIENT Description: The exchange's cost calculation shows that the melt amount is below the costs of the transaction. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1361 Name: EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_LINK_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature made with the coin over the link data is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1362 Name: EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_INVALID_RCH Description: The refresh session hash given to a /refreshes/ handler was malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1363 Name: EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_OPERATION_INVALID Description: Operation specified invalid for this endpoint. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1364 Name: EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AGE_RESTRICTION_NOT_SUPPORTED Description: The client provided age commitment data, but age restriction is not supported on this server. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1365 Name: EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AGE_RESTRICTION_COMMITMENT_INVALID Description: The client provided invalid age commitment data: missing, not an array, or array of invalid size. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1400 Name: EXCHANGE_LINK_COIN_UNKNOWN Description: The coin specified in the link request is unknown to the exchange. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1450 Name: EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WTID_MALFORMED Description: The public key of given to a /transfers/ handler was malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1451 Name: EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WTID_NOT_FOUND Description: The exchange did not find information about the specified wire transfer identifier in the database. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1452 Name: EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WIRE_FEE_NOT_FOUND Description: The exchange did not find information about the wire transfer fees it charged. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1453 Name: EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WIRE_FEE_INCONSISTENT Description: The exchange found a wire fee that was above the total transfer value (and thus could not have been charged). HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1475 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSES_INVALID_WAIT_TARGET Description: The wait target of the URL was not in the set of expected values. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1476 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSES_GET_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE Description: The signature on the purse status returned by the exchange was invalid. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1500 Name: EXCHANGE_REFUND_COIN_NOT_FOUND Description: The exchange knows literally nothing about the coin we were asked to refund. But without a transaction history, we cannot issue a refund. This is kind-of OK, the owner should just refresh it directly without executing the refund. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1501 Name: EXCHANGE_REFUND_CONFLICT_DEPOSIT_INSUFFICIENT Description: We could not process the refund request as the coin's transaction history does not permit the requested refund because then refunds would exceed the deposit amount. The "history" in the response proves this. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1502 Name: EXCHANGE_REFUND_DEPOSIT_NOT_FOUND Description: The exchange knows about the coin we were asked to refund, but not about the specific /deposit operation. Hence, we cannot issue a refund (as we do not know if this merchant public key is authorized to do a refund). HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1503 Name: EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_ALREADY_PAID Description: The exchange can no longer refund the customer/coin as the money was already transferred (paid out) to the merchant. (It should be past the refund deadline.) HttpStatus: 410 Value: 1504 Name: EXCHANGE_REFUND_FEE_TOO_LOW Description: The refund fee specified for the request is lower than the refund fee charged by the exchange for the given denomination key of the refunded coin. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1505 Name: EXCHANGE_REFUND_FEE_ABOVE_AMOUNT Description: The refunded amount is smaller than the refund fee, which would result in a negative refund. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1506 Name: EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature of the merchant is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1507 Name: EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_SIGNING_FAILED Description: Merchant backend failed to create the refund confirmation signature. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1508 Name: EXCHANGE_REFUND_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE Description: The signature returned by the exchange in a refund request was malformed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1509 Name: EXCHANGE_REFUND_INVALID_FAILURE_PROOF_BY_EXCHANGE Description: The failure proof returned by the exchange is incorrect. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1510 Name: EXCHANGE_REFUND_INCONSISTENT_AMOUNT Description: Conflicting refund granted before with different amount but same refund transaction ID. HttpStatus: 424 Value: 1550 Name: EXCHANGE_RECOUP_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The given coin signature is invalid for the request. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1551 Name: EXCHANGE_RECOUP_WITHDRAW_NOT_FOUND Description: The exchange could not find the corresponding withdraw operation. The request is denied. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1552 Name: EXCHANGE_RECOUP_COIN_BALANCE_ZERO Description: The coin's remaining balance is zero. The request is denied. HttpStatus: 403 Note: dead in latest cde Value: 1553 Name: EXCHANGE_RECOUP_BLINDING_FAILED Description: The exchange failed to reproduce the coin's blinding. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1554 Name: EXCHANGE_RECOUP_COIN_BALANCE_NEGATIVE Description: The coin's remaining balance is zero. The request is denied. HttpStatus: 500 Note: dead in latest cde Value: 1555 Name: EXCHANGE_RECOUP_NOT_ELIGIBLE Description: The coin's denomination has not been revoked yet. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1575 Name: EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The given coin signature is invalid for the request. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1576 Name: EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_MELT_NOT_FOUND Description: The exchange could not find the corresponding melt operation. The request is denied. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1578 Name: EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_BLINDING_FAILED Description: The exchange failed to reproduce the coin's blinding. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1580 Name: EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_NOT_ELIGIBLE Description: The coin's denomination has not been revoked yet. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1600 Name: EXCHANGE_KEYS_TIMETRAVEL_FORBIDDEN Description: This exchange does not allow clients to request /keys for times other than the current (exchange) time. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1650 Name: EXCHANGE_WIRE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: A signature in the server's response was malformed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1651 Name: EXCHANGE_WIRE_NO_ACCOUNTS_CONFIGURED Description: No bank accounts are enabled for the exchange. The administrator should enable-account using the taler-exchange-offline tool. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1652 Name: EXCHANGE_WIRE_INVALID_PAYTO_CONFIGURED Description: The payto:// URI stored in the exchange database for its bank account is malformed. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1653 Name: EXCHANGE_WIRE_FEES_NOT_CONFIGURED Description: No wire fees are configured for an enabled wire method of the exchange. The administrator must set the wire-fee using the taler-exchange-offline tool. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1675 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA Description: This purse was previously created with different meta data. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1676 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_MERGE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA Description: This purse was previously merged with different meta data. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1677 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_CREATE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Description: The reserve has insufficient funds to create another purse. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1678 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_FEE_TOO_LOW Description: The purse fee specified for the request is lower than the purse fee charged by the exchange at this time. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1679 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_DELETE_ALREADY_DECIDED Description: The payment request cannot be deleted anymore, as it either already completed or timed out. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1680 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_DELETE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature affirming the purse deletion is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1681 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_AGE_RESTRICTION_REQUIRED Description: Withdrawal from the reserve requires age restriction to be set. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1700 Name: EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_UNAVAILABLE Description: The exchange failed to talk to the process responsible for its private denomination keys or the helpers had no denominations (properly) configured. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 1701 Name: EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_BUG Description: The response from the denomination key helper process was malformed. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1702 Name: EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_TOO_EARLY Description: The helper refuses to sign with the key, because it is too early: the validity period has not yet started. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1725 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature of the exchange on the reply was invalid. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1750 Name: EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_UNAVAILABLE Description: The exchange failed to talk to the process responsible for its private signing keys. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 1751 Name: EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_BUG Description: The response from the online signing key helper process was malformed. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1752 Name: EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_TOO_EARLY Description: The helper refuses to sign with the key, because it is too early: the validity period has not yet started. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1775 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_EXPIRATION_BEFORE_NOW Description: The purse expiration time is in the past at the time of its creation. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1776 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_EXPIRATION_IS_NEVER Description: The purse expiration time is set to never, which is not allowed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1777 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_MERGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature affirming the merge of the purse is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1778 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_RESERVE_MERGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature by the reserve affirming the merge is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1785 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_OPEN_BAD_SIGNATURE Description: The signature by the reserve affirming the open operation is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1786 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_CLOSE_BAD_SIGNATURE Description: The signature by the reserve affirming the close operation is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1787 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_ATTEST_BAD_SIGNATURE Description: The signature by the reserve affirming the attestion request is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1788 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_CLOSE_NO_TARGET_ACCOUNT Description: The exchange does not know an origin account to which the remaining reserve balance could be wired to, and the wallet failed to provide one. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1789 Name: EXCHANGE_RESERVES_OPEN_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Description: The reserve balance is insufficient to pay for the open operation. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1800 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_NOT_FOUND Description: The auditor that was supposed to be disabled is unknown to this exchange. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1801 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT Description: The exchange has a more recently signed conflicting instruction and is thus refusing the current change (replay detected). HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1802 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature to add or enable the auditor does not validate. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1803 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_DEL_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature to disable the auditor does not validate. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1804 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_DENOMINATION_REVOKE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature to revoke the denomination does not validate. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1805 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_SIGNKEY_REVOKE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature to revoke the online signing key does not validate. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1806 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT Description: The exchange has a more recently signed conflicting instruction and is thus refusing the current change (replay detected). HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1807 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_SIGNKEY_UNKNOWN Description: The signingkey specified is unknown to the exchange. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1808 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_DETAILS_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature to publish wire account does not validate. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1809 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature to add the wire account does not validate. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1810 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_DEL_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature to disable the wire account does not validate. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1811 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_NOT_FOUND Description: The wire account to be disabled is unknown to the exchange. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1812 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_FEE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature to affirm wire fees does not validate. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1813 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_FEE_MISMATCH Description: The signature conflicts with a previous signature affirming different fees. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1814 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_DENOMKEY_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature affirming the denomination key is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1815 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_SIGNKEY_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature affirming the signing key is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1816 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_GLOBAL_FEE_MISMATCH Description: The signature conflicts with a previous signature affirming different fees. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1817 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_GLOBAL_FEE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature affirming the fee structure is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1818 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_DRAIN_PROFITS_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature affirming the profit drain is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1825 Name: EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature affirming the AML decision is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1826 Name: EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_INVALID_OFFICER Description: The AML officer specified is not allowed to make AML decisions right now. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1827 Name: EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT Description: There is a more recent AML decision on file. The decision was rejected as timestamps of AML decisions must be monotonically increasing. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1828 Name: EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_UNKNOWN_CHECK Description: There AML decision would impose an AML check of a type that is not provided by any KYC provider known to the exchange. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1830 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_UPDATE_AML_OFFICER_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature affirming the change in the AML officer status is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1831 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AML_OFFICERS_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT Description: A more recent decision about the AML officer status is known to the exchange. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1850 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA Description: The purse was previously created with different meta data. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1851 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_CONTRACT_STORED Description: The purse was previously created with a different contract. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1852 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: A coin signature for a deposit into the purse is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1853 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXPIRATION_BEFORE_NOW Description: The purse expiration time is in the past. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1854 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXPIRATION_IS_NEVER Description: The purse expiration time is "never". HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1855 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The purse signature over the purse meta data is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1856 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_ECONTRACT_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature over the encrypted contract is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1857 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature from the exchange over the confirmation is invalid. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1858 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_CONFLICTING_META_DATA Description: The coin was previously deposited with different meta data. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1859 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_ECONTRACT_CONFLICTING_META_DATA Description: The encrypted contract was previously uploaded with different meta data. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1860 Name: EXCHANGE_CREATE_PURSE_NEGATIVE_VALUE_AFTER_FEE Description: The deposited amount is less than the purse fee. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1876 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_INVALID_MERGE_SIGNATURE Description: The signature using the merge key is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1877 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_INVALID_RESERVE_SIGNATURE Description: The signature using the reserve key is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1878 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_NOT_FULL Description: The targeted purse is not yet full and thus cannot be merged. Retrying the request later may succeed. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1879 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature from the exchange over the confirmation is invalid. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1880 Name: EXCHANGE_MERGE_PURSE_PARTNER_UNKNOWN Description: The exchange of the target account is not a partner of this exchange. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1890 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_ADD_PARTNER_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature affirming the new partner is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1891 Name: EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_ADD_PARTNER_DATA_CONFLICT Description: Conflicting data for the partner already exists with the exchange. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 1900 Name: EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The auditor signature over the denomination meta data is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1901 Name: EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_UNKNOWN Description: The auditor that was specified is unknown to this exchange. HttpStatus: 412 Value: 1902 Name: EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_INACTIVE Description: The auditor that was specified is no longer used by this exchange. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 1925 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_WALLET_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature affirming the wallet's KYC request was invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1926 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_INVALID_RESPONSE Description: The exchange received an unexpected malformed response from its KYC backend. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 1927 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_ERROR Description: The backend signaled an unexpected failure. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 1928 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED Description: The backend signaled an authorization failure. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1929 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_REQUEST_UNKNOWN Description: The exchange is unaware of having made an the authorization request. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1930 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_CHECK_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED Description: The payto-URI hash did not match. Hence the request was denied. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1931 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_UNKNOWN Description: The request used a logic specifier that is not known to the exchange. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1932 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_GONE Description: The request requires a logic which is no longer configured at the exchange. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1933 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_BUG Description: The logic plugin had a bug in its interaction with the KYC provider. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 1934 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_ACCESS_REFUSED Description: The exchange could not process the request with its KYC provider because the provider refused access to the service. This indicates some configuration issue at the Taler exchange operator. HttpStatus: 511 Value: 1935 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_TIMEOUT Description: There was a timeout in the interaction between the exchange and the KYC provider. The most likely cause is some networking problem. Trying again later might succeed. HttpStatus: 504 Value: 1936 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_UNEXPECTED_REPLY Description: The KYC provider responded with a status that was completely unexpected by the KYC logic of the exchange. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 1937 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Description: The rate limit of the exchange at the KYC provider has been exceeded. Trying much later might work. HttpStatus: 503 Value: 1938 Name: EXCHANGE_KYC_WEBHOOK_UNAUTHORIZED Description: The request to the webhook lacked proper authorization or authentication data. HttpStatus: 401 Value: 1950 Name: EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_UNKNOWN Description: The exchange does not know a contract under the given contract public key. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 1951 Name: EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_INVALID_CONTRACT_PUB Description: The URL does not encode a valid exchange public key in its path. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 1952 Name: EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_DECRYPTION_FAILED Description: The returned encrypted contract did not decrypt. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1953 Name: EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature on the encrypted contract did not validate. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1954 Name: EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_DECODING_FAILED Description: The decrypted contract was malformed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 1975 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: A coin signature for a deposit into the purse is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 1976 Name: EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_DECIDED_ALREADY Description: It is too late to deposit coins into the purse. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 1980 Name: EXCHANGE_TOTP_KEY_INVALID Description: TOTP key is not valid. HttpStatus: 0 # 2000 - 2999: Reserved for merchant # 2000 - 2099: Reserved for MERCHANT_GENERIC Value: 2000 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_INSTANCE_UNKNOWN Description: The backend could not find the merchant instance specified in the request. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2001 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_HOLE_IN_WIRE_FEE_STRUCTURE Description: The start and end-times in the wire fee structure leave a hole. This is not allowed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 2002 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_WIRE_REQUEST_FAILED Description: The merchant was unable to obtain a valid answer to /wire from the exchange. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 2005 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_ORDER_UNKNOWN Description: The proposal is not known to the backend. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2006 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_PRODUCT_UNKNOWN Description: The order provided to the backend could not be completed, because a product to be completed via inventory data is not actually in our inventory. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2007 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_REWARD_ID_UNKNOWN Description: The reward ID is unknown. This could happen if the reward has expired. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2008 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_DB_CONTRACT_CONTENT_INVALID Description: The contract obtained from the merchant backend was malformed. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2009 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_CONTRACT_HASH_DOES_NOT_MATCH_ORDER Description: The order we found does not match the provided contract hash. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 2010 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_KEYS_FAILURE Description: The exchange failed to provide a valid response to the merchant's /keys request. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 2011 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_TIMEOUT Description: The exchange failed to respond to the merchant on time. HttpStatus: 504 Value: 2012 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_CONNECT_FAILURE Description: The merchant failed to talk to the exchange. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2013 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_REPLY_MALFORMED Description: The exchange returned a maformed response. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 2014 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_UNEXPECTED_STATUS Description: The exchange returned an unexpected response status. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 2015 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_UNAUTHORIZED Description: The merchant refused the request due to lack of authorization. HttpStatus: 401 Value: 2016 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_INSTANCE_DELETED Description: The merchant instance specified in the request was deleted. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2017 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_TRANSFER_UNKNOWN Description: The backend could not find the inbound wire transfer specified in the request. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2018 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_TEMPLATE_UNKNOWN Description: The backend could not find the template(id) because it is not exist. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2019 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_WEBHOOK_UNKNOWN Description: The backend could not find the webhook(id) because it is not exist. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2020 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_PENDING_WEBHOOK_UNKNOWN Description: The backend could not find the webhook(serial) because it is not exist. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2021 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_OTP_DEVICE_UNKNOWN Description: The backend could not find the OTP device(id) because it is not exist. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2022 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_ACCOUNT_UNKNOWN Description: The account is not known to the backend. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2023 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_H_WIRE_MALFORMED Description: The wire hash was malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2024 Name: MERCHANT_GENERIC_CURRENCY_MISMATCH Description: The currency specified in the operation does not work with the current state of the given resource. HttpStatus: 409 # 2100-2499: public API # 2100-2149: get orders endpoint Value: 2100 Name: MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_EXCHANGE_TRACKING_FAILURE Description: The exchange failed to provide a valid answer to the tracking request, thus those details are not in the response. HttpStatus: 200 Value: 2103 Name: MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_EXCHANGE_REQUEST_FAILURE Description: The merchant backend failed to construct the request for tracking to the exchange, thus tracking details are not in the response. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2104 Name: MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_START_FAILURE Description: The merchant backend failed trying to contact the exchange for tracking details, thus those details are not in the response. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2105 Name: MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_INVALID_TOKEN Description: The claim token used to authenticate the client is invalid for this order. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 2106 Name: MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_INVALID_CONTRACT_HASH Description: The contract terms hash used to authenticate the client is invalid for this order. HttpStatus: 403 # 2150-2199: post orders ID pay endpoint Value: 2150 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Description: The exchange responded saying that funds were insufficient (for example, due to double-spending). HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2151 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_KEY_NOT_FOUND Description: The denomination key used for payment is not listed among the denomination keys of the exchange. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2152 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_KEY_AUDITOR_FAILURE Description: The denomination key used for payment is not audited by an auditor approved by the merchant. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2153 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AMOUNT_OVERFLOW Description: There was an integer overflow totaling up the amounts or deposit fees in the payment. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2154 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_FEES_EXCEED_PAYMENT Description: The deposit fees exceed the total value of the payment. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2155 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_DUE_TO_FEES Description: After considering deposit and wire fees, the payment is insufficient to satisfy the required amount for the contract. The client should revisit the logic used to calculate fees it must cover. HttpStatus: 406 Value: 2156 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT Description: Even if we do not consider deposit and wire fees, the payment is insufficient to satisfy the required amount for the contract. HttpStatus: 406 Value: 2157 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature over the contract of one of the coins was invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 2158 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_FAILED Description: When we tried to find information about the exchange to issue the deposit, we failed. This usually only happens if the merchant backend is somehow unable to get its own HTTP client logic to work. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2159 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUND_DEADLINE_PAST_WIRE_TRANSFER_DEADLINE Description: The refund deadline in the contract is after the transfer deadline. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2160 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_ALREADY_PAID Description: The order was already paid (maybe by another wallet). HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2161 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_OFFER_EXPIRED Description: The payment is too late, the offer has expired. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 2162 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_MERCHANT_FIELD_MISSING Description: The "merchant" field is missing in the proposal data. This is an internal error as the proposal is from the merchant's own database at this point. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2163 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_WIRE_HASH_UNKNOWN Description: Failed to locate merchant's account information matching the wire hash given in the proposal. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2165 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_DEPOSIT_EXPIRED Description: The deposit time for the denomination has expired. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 2166 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_WIRE_FEE_ADDITION_FAILED Description: The exchange of the deposited coin charges a wire fee that could not be added to the total (total amount too high). HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2167 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUNDED Description: The contract was not fully paid because of refunds. Note that clients MAY treat this as paid if, for example, contracts must be executed despite of refunds. HttpStatus: 402 Value: 2168 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUNDS_EXCEED_PAYMENTS Description: According to our database, we have refunded more than we were paid (which should not be possible). HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2169 Name: DEAD_QQQ_PAY_MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_REFUND_REFUSED_PAYMENT_COMPLETE Description: Legacy stuff. Remove me with protocol v1. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 2170 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_FAILED Description: The payment failed at the exchange. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 2171 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_MISSING Description: The payment required a minimum age but one of the coins (of a denomination with support for age restriction) did not provide any age_commitment. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2172 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_SIZE_MISMATCH Description: The payment required a minimum age but one of the coins provided an age_commitment that contained a wrong number of public keys compared to the number of age groups defined in the denomination of the coin. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2173 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_VERIFICATION_FAILED Description: The payment required a minimum age but one of the coins provided a minimum_age_sig that couldn't be verified with the given age_commitment for that particular minimum age. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2174 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_HASH_MISSING Description: The payment required no minimum age but one of the coins (of a denomination with support for age restriction) did not provide the required h_age_commitment. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2175 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_WIRE_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED Description: The exchange does not support the selected bank account of the merchant. Likely the merchant had stale data on the bank accounts of the exchange and thus selected an inappropriate exchange when making the offer. HttpStatus: 409 # 2200-2249: post orders ID paid endpoint Value: 2200 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAID_CONTRACT_HASH_MISMATCH Description: The contract hash does not match the given order ID. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2201 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAID_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature of the merchant is not valid for the given contract hash. HttpStatus: 403 # 2250-2299: post orders ID abort endpoint Value: 2251 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_EXCHANGE_REFUND_FAILED Description: The merchant failed to send the exchange the refund request. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2252 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_FAILED Description: The merchant failed to find the exchange to process the lookup. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2253 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND Description: The merchant could not find the contract. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2254 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_REFUND_REFUSED_PAYMENT_COMPLETE Description: The payment was already completed and thus cannot be aborted anymore. HttpStatus: 412 Value: 2255 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_CONTRACT_HASH_MISSMATCH Description: The hash provided by the wallet does not match the order. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 2256 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_COINS_ARRAY_EMPTY Description: The array of coins cannot be empty. HttpStatus: 400 # 2300-2349: post orders ID claim endpoint Value: 2300 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_NOT_FOUND Description: We could not claim the order because the backend is unaware of it. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2301 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_ALREADY_CLAIMED Description: We could not claim the order because someone else claimed it first. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2302 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_CLIENT_INTERNAL_FAILURE Description: The client-side experienced an internal failure. HttpStatus: 0 # 2350-2399: post orders ID refund endpoint Value: 2350 Name: MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_SIGNATURE_FAILED Description: The backend failed to sign the refund request. HttpStatus: 0 # 2400-2449: reward pickup endpoint Value: 2400 Name: MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_UNBLIND_FAILURE Description: The client failed to unblind the signature returned by the merchant. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 2403 Name: MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_EXCHANGE_ERROR Description: The exchange returned a failure code for the withdraw operation. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 2404 Name: MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_SUMMATION_FAILED Description: The merchant failed to add up the amounts to compute the pick up value. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2405 Name: MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_HAS_EXPIRED Description: The reward expired. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 2406 Name: MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_REWARD_REMAINING Description: The requested withdraw amount exceeds the amount remaining to be picked up. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2407 Name: MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_DENOMINATION_UNKNOWN Description: The merchant did not find the specified denomination key in the exchange's key set. HttpStatus: 409 # 2450-2499: available for future public endpoint # 2500-2999: private API # 2500-2549: order operations Value: 2500 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_INSTANCE_CONFIGURATION_LACKS_WIRE Description: The merchant instance has no active bank accounts configured. However, at least one bank account must be available to create new orders. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2501 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_NO_LOCALTIME Description: The proposal had no timestamp and the merchant backend failed to obtain the current local time. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 2502 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_PROPOSAL_PARSE_ERROR Description: The order provided to the backend could not be parsed; likely some required fields were missing or ill-formed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2503 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ALREADY_EXISTS Description: A conflicting order (sharing the same order identifier) already exists at this merchant backend instance. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2504 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_REFUND_AFTER_WIRE_DEADLINE Description: The order creation request is invalid because the given wire deadline is before the refund deadline. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2505 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_DELIVERY_DATE_IN_PAST Description: The order creation request is invalid because the delivery date given is in the past. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2506 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_WIRE_DEADLINE_IS_NEVER Description: The order creation request is invalid because a wire deadline of "never" is not allowed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2507 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_PAY_DEADLINE_IN_PAST Description: The order ceration request is invalid because the given payment deadline is in the past. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2508 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_REFUND_DEADLINE_IN_PAST Description: The order creation request is invalid because the given refund deadline is in the past. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2509 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_NO_EXCHANGES_FOR_WIRE_METHOD Description: The backend does not trust any exchange that would allow funds to be wired to any bank account of this instance using the wire method specified with the order. Note that right now, we do not support the use of exchange bank accounts with mandatory currency conversion. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2510 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_ORDERS_ID_FORGET_PATH_SYNTAX_INCORRECT Description: One of the paths to forget is malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2511 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_ORDERS_ID_FORGET_PATH_NOT_FORGETTABLE Description: One of the paths to forget was not marked as forgettable. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2520 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_ORDERS_AWAITING_PAYMENT Description: The order provided to the backend could not be deleted, our offer is still valid and awaiting payment. Deletion may work later after the offer has expired if it remains unpaid. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2521 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_ORDERS_ALREADY_PAID Description: The order provided to the backend could not be deleted as the order was already paid. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2530 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_INCONSISTENT_AMOUNT Description: The amount to be refunded is inconsistent: either is lower than the previous amount being awarded, or it exceeds the original price paid by the customer. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2531 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_ORDER_UNPAID Description: Only paid orders can be refunded, and the frontend specified an unpaid order to issue a refund for. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2532 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_CONTRACT Description: The refund delay was set to 0 and thus no refunds are ever allowed for this order. HttpStatus: 403 # 2550-2599: transfer operations Value: 2550 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_EXCHANGE_UNKNOWN Description: The exchange says it does not know this transfer. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 2551 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_REQUEST_ERROR Description: We internally failed to execute the /track/transfer request. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 2552 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_TRANSFERS Description: The amount transferred differs between what was submitted and what the exchange claimed. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2553 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_REPORTS Description: The exchange gave conflicting information about a coin which has been wire transferred. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2554 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_BAD_WIRE_FEE Description: The exchange charged a different wire fee than what it originally advertised, and it is higher. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 2555 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND Description: We did not find the account that the transfer was made to. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2556 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_TRANSFERS_ALREADY_CONFIRMED Description: The backend could not delete the transfer as the echange already replied to our inquiry about it and we have integrated the result. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2557 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_SUBMISSION Description: The backend was previously informed about a wire transfer with the same ID but a different amount. Multiple wire transfers with the same ID are not allowed. If the new amount is correct, the old transfer should first be deleted. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2258 Name: MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_AWAITING_KEYS Description: We are waiting for the exchange to provide us with key material before checking the wire transfer. HttpStatus: 202 Value: 2259 Name: MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_AWAITING_LIST Description: We are waiting for the exchange to provide us with the list of aggregated transactions. HttpStatus: 202 Value: 2260 Name: MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_FATAL_NO_EXCHANGE Description: The endpoint indicated in the wire transfer does not belong to a GNU Taler exchange. HttpStatus: 200 Value: 2261 Name: MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_FATAL_NOT_FOUND Description: The exchange indicated in the wire transfer claims to know nothing about the wire transfer. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 2262 Name: MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_RATE_LIMITED Description: The interaction with the exchange is delayed due to rate limiting. HttpStatus: 202 Value: 2263 Name: MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_TRANSIENT_FAILURE Description: We experienced a transient failure in our interaction with the exchange. HttpStatus: 202 Value: 2264 Name: MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_HARD_FAILURE Description: The response from the exchange was unacceptable and should be reviewed with an auditor. HttpStatus: 200 Value: 2563 Name: MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_TRANSFERS Description: The amount transferred differs between what was submitted and what the exchange claimed. HttpStatus: 0 # 2600-2649: instance operations Value: 2600 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_ALREADY_EXISTS Description: The merchant backend cannot create an instance under the given identifier as one already exists. Use PATCH to modify the existing entry. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2601 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_BAD_AUTH Description: The merchant backend cannot create an instance because the authentication configuration field is malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2602 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCE_AUTH_BAD_AUTH Description: The merchant backend cannot update an instance's authentication settings because the provided authentication settings are malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2603 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_PURGE_REQUIRED Description: The merchant backend cannot create an instance under the given identifier, the previous one was deleted but must be purged first. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2625 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_INSTANCES_PURGE_REQUIRED Description: The merchant backend cannot update an instance under the given identifier, the previous one was deleted but must be purged first. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2626 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_ACCOUNT_DELETE_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT Description: The bank account referenced in the requested operation was not found. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 2627 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_ACCOUNT_EXISTS Description: The bank account specified in the request already exists at the merchant. HttpStatus: 409 # 2650-2699: product operations Value: 2650 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PRODUCTS_CONFLICT_PRODUCT_EXISTS Description: The product ID exists. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2660 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_LOST_REDUCED Description: The update would have reduced the total amount of product lost, which is not allowed. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2661 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_LOST_EXCEEDS_STOCKS Description: The update would have mean that more stocks were lost than what remains from total inventory after sales, which is not allowed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 2662 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_STOCKED_REDUCED Description: The update would have reduced the total amount of product in stock, which is not allowed. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2663 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_SOLD_REDUCED Description: The update would have reduced the total amount of product sold, which is not allowed. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2670 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PRODUCTS_LOCK_INSUFFICIENT_STOCKS Description: The lock request is for more products than we have left (unlocked) in stock. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 2680 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_PRODUCTS_CONFLICTING_LOCK Description: The deletion request is for a product that is locked. HttpStatus: 409 # 2700-2749: reserve operations Value: 2700 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_RESERVES_UNSUPPORTED_WIRE_METHOD Description: The requested wire method is not supported by the exchange. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2701 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_RESERVES_REWARDS_NOT_ALLOWED Description: The requested exchange does not allow rewards. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2710 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_RESERVES_NO_SUCH_RESERVE Description: The reserve could not be deleted because it is unknown. HttpStatus: 404 # 2750-2799: reward authorization Value: 2750 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_REWARD_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_EXPIRED Description: The reserve that was used to fund the rewards has expired. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 2751 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_REWARD_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_UNKNOWN Description: The reserve that was used to fund the rewards was not found in the DB. HttpStatus: 503 Value: 2752 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_REWARD_AUTHORIZE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Description: The backend knows the instance that was supposed to support the reward, and it was configured for rewardping. However, the funds remaining are insufficient to cover the reward, and the merchant should top up the reserve. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 2753 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_REWARD_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_NOT_FOUND Description: The backend failed to find a reserve needed to authorize the reward. HttpStatus: 503 Value: 2800 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_GET_ORDERS_ID_AMOUNT_ARITHMETIC_FAILURE Description: The merchant backend encountered a failure in computing the deposit total. HttpStatus: 200 # 2850-2899: template and OTP device operations Value: 2850 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TEMPLATES_CONFLICT_TEMPLATE_EXISTS Description: The template ID already exists. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2851 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_OTP_DEVICES_CONFLICT_OTP_DEVICE_EXISTS Description: The OTP device ID already exists. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2860 Name: MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_AMOUNT_CONFLICT_TEMPLATES_CONTRACT_AMOUNT Description: Amount given in the using template and in the template contract. There is a conflict. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2861 Name: MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_SUMMARY_CONFLICT_TEMPLATES_CONTRACT_SUBJECT Description: Subject given in the using template and in the template contract. There is a conflict. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2862 Name: MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_NO_AMOUNT Description: Amount not given in the using template and in the template contract. There is a conflict. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2863 Name: MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_NO_SUMMARY Description: Subject not given in the using template and in the template contract. There is a conflict. HttpStatus: 409 # 2900-2949: webhook operations Value: 2900 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_WEBHOOKS_CONFLICT_WEBHOOK_EXISTS Description: The webhook ID elready exists. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 2910 Name: MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PENDING_WEBHOOKS_CONFLICT_PENDING_WEBHOOK_EXISTS Description: The webhook serial elready exists. HttpStatus: 409 # 3000 - 3999: Reserved for auditor # 3000 - 3099: Reserved for AUDITOR_GENERIC Value: 3100 Name: AUDITOR_DEPOSIT_CONFIRMATION_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature from the exchange on the deposit confirmation is invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 3101 Name: AUDITOR_EXCHANGE_SIGNING_KEY_REVOKED Description: The exchange key used for the signature on the deposit confirmation was revoked. HttpStatus: 410 # 5000 - 5999: Reserved for bank # 5000 - 5099: Reserved for BANK_GENERIC Value: 5101 Name: BANK_SAME_ACCOUNT Description: Wire transfer attempted with credit and debit party being the same bank account. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 5102 Name: BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT Description: Wire transfer impossible, due to financial limitation of the party that attempted the payment. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5103 Name: BANK_NEGATIVE_NUMBER_AMOUNT Description: Negative numbers are not allowed (as value and/or fraction) to instantiate an amount object. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 5104 Name: BANK_NUMBER_TOO_BIG Description: A too big number was used (as value and/or fraction) to instantiate an amount object. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 5106 Name: BANK_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT Description: The bank account referenced in the requested operation was not found. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 5107 Name: BANK_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND Description: The transaction referenced in the requested operation (typically a reject operation), was not found. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 5108 Name: BANK_BAD_FORMAT_AMOUNT Description: Bank received a malformed amount string. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 5109 Name: BANK_REJECT_NO_RIGHTS Description: The client does not own the account credited by the transaction which is to be rejected, so it has no rights do reject it. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 5110 Name: BANK_UNMANAGED_EXCEPTION Description: This error code is returned when no known exception types captured the exception. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 5111 Name: BANK_SOFT_EXCEPTION Description: This error code is used for all those exceptions that do not really need a specific error code to return to the client. Used for example when a client is trying to register with a unavailable username. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 5112 Name: BANK_TRANSFER_REQUEST_UID_REUSED Description: The request UID for a request to transfer funds has already been used, but with different details for the transfer. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5113 Name: BANK_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_RESERVE_SELECTION_CONFLICT Description: The withdrawal operation already has a reserve selected. The current request conflicts with the existing selection. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5114 Name: BANK_DUPLICATE_RESERVE_PUB_SUBJECT Description: The wire transfer subject duplicates an existing reserve public key. But wire transfer subjects must be unique. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5115 Name: BANK_ANCIENT_TRANSACTION_GONE Description: The client requested a transaction that is so far in the past, that it has been forgotten by the bank. HttpStatus: 410 Value: 5116 Name: BANK_ABORT_CONFIRM_CONFLICT Description: The client attempted to abort a transaction that was already confirmed. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5117 Name: BANK_CONFIRM_ABORT_CONFLICT Description: The client attempted to confirm a transaction that was already aborted. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5118 Name: BANK_REGISTER_CONFLICT Description: The client attempted to register an account with the same name. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5119 Name: BANK_POST_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_REQUIRED Description: The client attempted to confirm a withdrawal operation before the wallet posted the required details. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 5120 Name: BANK_RESERVED_USERNAME_CONFLICT Description: The client tried to register a new account under a reserved username (like 'admin' for example). HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5121 Name: BANK_REGISTER_USERNAME_REUSE Description: The client tried to register a new account with an username already in use. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5122 Name: BANK_REGISTER_PAYTO_URI_REUSE Description: The client tried to register a new account with a payto:// URI already in use. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5123 Name: BANK_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_NOT_ZERO Description: The client tried to delete an account with a non null balance. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5124 Name: BANK_UNKNOWN_CREDITOR Description: The client tried to create a transaction or an operation that credit an unknown account. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5125 Name: BANK_UNKNOWN_DEBTOR Description: The client tried to create a transaction or an operation that debit an unknown account. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5126 Name: BANK_ACCOUNT_IS_EXCHANGE Description: The client tried to perform an action prohibited for exchange accounts. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5127 Name: BANK_ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_EXCHANGE Description: The client tried to perform an action reserved for exchange accounts. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5128 Name: BANK_BAD_CONVERSION Description: Received currency conversion is wrong. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5129 Name: BANK_MISSING_TAN_INFO Description: The account referenced in this operation is missing tan info for the chosen channel. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5130 Name: BANK_CONFIRM_INCOMPLETE Description: The client attempted to confirm a transaction with incomplete info. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5131 Name: BANK_TAN_RATE_LIMITED Description: The request rate is too high. The server is refusing requests to guard against brute-force attacks. HttpStatus: 429 Value: 5132 Name: BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_NOT_SUPPORTED Description: This TAN channel is not supported. HttpStatus: 501 Value: 5133 Name: BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_SCRIPT_FAILED Description: Failed to send TAN using the helper script. Either script is not found, or script timeout, or script terminated with a non-successful result. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 5134 Name: BANK_TAN_CHALLENGE_FAILED Description: The client's response to the challenge was invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 5135 Name: BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_LEGAL_NAME Description: A non-admin user has tried to change their legal name. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5136 Name: BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_DEBT_LIMIT Description: A non-admin user has tried to change their debt limit. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5137 Name: BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_MISSING_OLD_PASSWORD Description: A non-admin user has tried to change their password whihout providing the current one. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5138 Name: BANK_PATCH_BAD_OLD_PASSWORD Description: Provided old password does not match current password. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5139 Name: BANK_PATCH_ADMIN_EXCHANGE Description: An admin user has tried to become an exchange. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5140 Name: BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_CASHOUT Description: A non-admin user has tried to change their cashout account. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5141 Name: BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_CONTACT Description: A non-admin user has tried to change their contact info. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5142 Name: BANK_ADMIN_CREDITOR Description: The client tried to create a transaction that credit the admin account. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5143 Name: BANK_CHALLENGE_NOT_FOUND Description: The referenced challenge was not found. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 5144 Name: BANK_TAN_CHALLENGE_EXPIRED Description: The referenced challenge has expired. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 5145 Name: BANK_NON_ADMIN_SET_TAN_CHANNEL Description: A non-admin user has tried to create an account with 2fa. HttpStatus: 409 # 6000 - 6999: Reserved for sync # 6000 - 6099: Reserved for SYNC_GENERIC Value: 6100 Name: SYNC_ACCOUNT_UNKNOWN Description: The sync service failed find the account in its database. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 6101 Name: SYNC_BAD_IF_NONE_MATCH Description: The SHA-512 hash provided in the If-None-Match header is malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 6102 Name: SYNC_BAD_IF_MATCH Description: The SHA-512 hash provided in the If-Match header is malformed or missing. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 6103 Name: SYNC_BAD_SYNC_SIGNATURE Description: The signature provided in the "Sync-Signature" header is malformed or missing. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 6104 Name: SYNC_INVALID_SIGNATURE Description: The signature provided in the "Sync-Signature" header does not match the account, old or new Etags. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 6105 Name: SYNC_MALFORMED_CONTENT_LENGTH Description: The "Content-length" field for the upload is not a number. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 6106 Name: SYNC_EXCESSIVE_CONTENT_LENGTH Description: The "Content-length" field for the upload is too big based on the server's terms of service. HttpStatus: 413 Value: 6107 Name: SYNC_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ON_CONTENT_LENGTH Description: The server is out of memory to handle the upload. Trying again later may succeed. HttpStatus: 413 Value: 6108 Name: SYNC_INVALID_UPLOAD Description: The uploaded data does not match the Etag. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 6109 Name: SYNC_PAYMENT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT Description: HTTP server experienced a timeout while awaiting promised payment. HttpStatus: 408 Value: 6110 Name: SYNC_PAYMENT_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR Description: Sync could not setup the payment request with its own backend. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 6111 Name: SYNC_PREVIOUS_BACKUP_UNKNOWN Description: The sync service failed find the backup to be updated in its database. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 6112 Name: SYNC_MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH Description: The "Content-length" field for the upload is missing. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 6113 Name: SYNC_GENERIC_BACKEND_ERROR Description: Sync had problems communicating with its payment backend. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 6114 Name: SYNC_GENERIC_BACKEND_TIMEOUT Description: Sync experienced a timeout communicating with its payment backend. HttpStatus: 504 # 7000 - 7999: Reserved for wallet Value: 7000 Name: WALLET_EXCHANGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE Description: The wallet does not implement a version of the exchange protocol that is compatible with the protocol version of the exchange. HttpStatus: 501 Value: 7001 Name: WALLET_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION Description: The wallet encountered an unexpected exception. This is likely a bug in the wallet implementation. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 7002 Name: WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE Description: The wallet received a response from a server, but the response can't be parsed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7003 Name: WALLET_NETWORK_ERROR Description: The wallet tried to make a network request, but it received no response. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7004 Name: WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_THROTTLED Description: The wallet tried to make a network request, but it was throttled. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7005 Name: WALLET_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR Description: The wallet made a request to a service, but received an error response it does not know how to handle. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7006 Name: WALLET_EXCHANGE_DENOMINATIONS_INSUFFICIENT Description: The denominations offered by the exchange are insufficient. Likely the exchange is badly configured or not maintained. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7007 Name: WALLET_CORE_API_OPERATION_UNKNOWN Description: The wallet does not support the operation requested by a client. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7008 Name: WALLET_INVALID_TALER_PAY_URI Description: The given taler://pay URI is invalid. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7009 Name: WALLET_EXCHANGE_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature on a coin by the exchange's denomination key is invalid after unblinding it. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7010 Name: WALLET_EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_RESERVE_UNKNOWN_AT_EXCHANGE Description: The exchange does not know about the reserve (yet), and thus withdrawal can't progress. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 7011 Name: WALLET_CORE_NOT_AVAILABLE Description: The wallet core service is not available. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7012 Name: WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_ABORTED_BY_BANK Description: The bank has aborted a withdrawal operation, and thus a withdrawal can't complete. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7013 Name: WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_GENERIC_TIMEOUT Description: An HTTP request made by the wallet timed out. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7014 Name: WALLET_ORDER_ALREADY_CLAIMED Description: The order has already been claimed by another wallet. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7015 Name: WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_GROUP_INCOMPLETE Description: A group of withdrawal operations (typically for the same reserve at the same exchange) has errors and will be tried again later. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7016 Name: WALLET_REWARD_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The signature on a coin by the exchange's denomination key (obtained through the merchant via a reward) is invalid after unblinding it. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7017 Name: WALLET_BANK_INTEGRATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE Description: The wallet does not implement a version of the bank integration API that is compatible with the version offered by the bank. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7018 Name: WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_BASE_URL_MISMATCH Description: The wallet processed a taler://pay URI, but the merchant base URL in the downloaded contract terms does not match the merchant base URL derived from the URI. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7019 Name: WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_SIGNATURE_INVALID Description: The merchant's signature on the contract terms is invalid. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7020 Name: WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_MALFORMED Description: The contract terms given by the merchant are malformed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7021 Name: WALLET_PENDING_OPERATION_FAILED Description: A pending operation failed, and thus the request can't be completed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7022 Name: WALLET_PAY_MERCHANT_SERVER_ERROR Description: A payment was attempted, but the merchant had an internal server error (5xx). HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7023 Name: WALLET_CRYPTO_WORKER_ERROR Description: The crypto worker failed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7024 Name: WALLET_CRYPTO_WORKER_BAD_REQUEST Description: The crypto worker received a bad request. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7025 Name: WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_KYC_REQUIRED Description: A KYC step is required before withdrawal can proceed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7026 Name: WALLET_DEPOSIT_GROUP_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Description: The wallet does not have sufficient balance to create a deposit group. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7027 Name: WALLET_PEER_PUSH_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Description: The wallet does not have sufficient balance to create a peer push payment. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7028 Name: WALLET_PEER_PULL_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Description: The wallet does not have sufficient balance to pay for an invoice. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7029 Name: WALLET_REFRESH_GROUP_INCOMPLETE Description: A group of refresh operations has errors and will be tried again later. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7030 Name: WALLET_EXCHANGE_BASE_URL_MISMATCH Description: The exchange's self-reported base URL does not match the one that the wallet is using. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7031 Name: WALLET_ORDER_ALREADY_PAID Description: The order has already been paid by another wallet. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 7032 Name: WALLET_EXCHANGE_UNAVAILABLE Description: An exchange that is required for some request is currently not available. HttpStatus: 0 # 8000 - 8499: Reserved for Anastasis Value: 8000 Name: ANASTASIS_GENERIC_BACKEND_TIMEOUT Description: We encountered a timeout with our payment backend. HttpStatus: 504 Value: 8001 Name: ANASTASIS_GENERIC_INVALID_PAYMENT_REQUEST Description: The backend requested payment, but the request is malformed. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8002 Name: ANASTASIS_GENERIC_BACKEND_ERROR Description: The backend got an unexpected reply from the payment processor. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 8003 Name: ANASTASIS_GENERIC_MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH Description: The "Content-length" field for the upload is missing. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 8004 Name: ANASTASIS_GENERIC_MALFORMED_CONTENT_LENGTH Description: The "Content-length" field for the upload is malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 8005 Name: ANASTASIS_GENERIC_ORDER_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR Description: The backend failed to setup an order with the payment processor. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 8006 Name: ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PAYMENT_CHECK_UNAUTHORIZED Description: The backend was not authorized to check for payment with the payment processor. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 8007 Name: ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PAYMENT_CHECK_START_FAILED Description: The backend could not check payment status with the payment processor. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 8008 Name: ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PROVIDER_UNREACHABLE Description: The Anastasis provider could not be reached. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8009 Name: ANASTASIS_PAYMENT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT Description: HTTP server experienced a timeout while awaiting promised payment. HttpStatus: 408 Value: 8108 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UNKNOWN Description: The key share is unknown to the provider. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 8109 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_AUTHORIZATION_METHOD_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED Description: The authorization method used for the key share is no longer supported by the provider. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 8110 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_REQUIRED Description: The client needs to respond to the challenge. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 8111 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_FAILED Description: The client's response to the challenge was invalid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 8112 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_UNKNOWN Description: The backend is not aware of having issued the provided challenge code. Either this is the wrong code, or it has expired. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 8114 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_AUTHORIZATION_START_FAILED Description: The backend failed to initiate the authorization process. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 8115 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_KEY_SHARE_GONE Description: The authorization succeeded, but the key share is no longer available. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 8116 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_ORDER_DISAPPEARED Description: The backend forgot the order we asked the client to pay for HttpStatus: 502 Value: 8117 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_BACKEND_EXCHANGE_BAD Description: The backend itself reported a bad exchange interaction. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 8118 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UNEXPECTED_PAYMENT_STATUS Description: The backend reported a payment status we did not expect. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 8119 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_PAYMENT_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR Description: The backend failed to setup the order for payment. HttpStatus: 502 Value: 8120 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_DECRYPTION_FAILED Description: The decryption of the key share failed with the provided key. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 8121 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_RATE_LIMITED Description: The request rate is too high. The server is refusing requests to guard against brute-force attacks. HttpStatus: 429 Value: 8123 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_WRONG_METHOD Description: A request to issue a challenge is not valid for this authentication method. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 8150 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UPLOAD_UUID_EXISTS Description: The backend failed to store the key share because the UUID is already in use. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 8151 Name: ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UPLOAD_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED Description: The backend failed to store the key share because the authorization method is not supported. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 8200 Name: ANASTASIS_SMS_PHONE_INVALID Description: The provided phone number is not an acceptable number. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 8201 Name: ANASTASIS_SMS_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED Description: Failed to run the SMS transmission helper process. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 8202 Name: ANASTASIS_SMS_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED Description: Provider failed to send SMS. Helper terminated with a non-successful result. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 8210 Name: ANASTASIS_EMAIL_INVALID Description: The provided email address is not an acceptable address. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 8211 Name: ANASTASIS_EMAIL_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED Description: Failed to run the E-mail transmission helper process. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 8212 Name: ANASTASIS_EMAIL_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED Description: Provider failed to send E-mail. Helper terminated with a non-successful result. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 8220 Name: ANASTASIS_POST_INVALID Description: The provided postal address is not an acceptable address. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 8221 Name: ANASTASIS_POST_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED Description: Failed to run the mail transmission helper process. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 8222 Name: ANASTASIS_POST_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED Description: Provider failed to send mail. Helper terminated with a non-successful result. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 8230 Name: ANASTASIS_IBAN_INVALID Description: The provided IBAN address is not an acceptable IBAN. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 8231 Name: ANASTASIS_IBAN_MISSING_TRANSFER Description: The provider has not yet received the IBAN wire transfer authorizing the disclosure of the key share. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 8240 Name: ANASTASIS_TOTP_KEY_MISSING Description: The backend did not find a TOTP key in the data provided. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 8241 Name: ANASTASIS_TOTP_KEY_INVALID Description: The key provided does not satisfy the format restrictions for an Anastasis TOTP key. HttpStatus: 409 Value: 8301 Name: ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_IF_NONE_MATCH Description: The given if-none-match header is malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 8304 Name: ANASTASIS_POLICY_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ON_CONTENT_LENGTH Description: The server is out of memory to handle the upload. Trying again later may succeed. HttpStatus: 413 Value: 8305 Name: ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_SIGNATURE Description: The signature provided in the "Anastasis-Policy-Signature" header is malformed or missing. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 8306 Name: ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_IF_MATCH Description: The given if-match header is malformed. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 8307 Name: ANASTASIS_POLICY_INVALID_UPLOAD Description: The uploaded data does not match the Etag. HttpStatus: 400 Value: 8350 Name: ANASTASIS_POLICY_NOT_FOUND Description: The provider is unaware of the requested policy. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 8400 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_ACTION_INVALID Description: The given action is invalid for the current state of the reducer. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8401 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_STATE_INVALID Description: The given state of the reducer is invalid. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8402 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID Description: The given input to the reducer is invalid. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8403 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED Description: The selected authentication method does not work for the Anastasis provider. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8404 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID_FOR_STATE Description: The given input and action do not work for the current state. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8405 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_BACKEND_FAILURE Description: We experienced an unexpected failure interacting with the backend. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8406 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_RESOURCE_MALFORMED Description: The contents of a resource file did not match our expectations. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8407 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_RESOURCE_MISSING Description: A required resource file is missing. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8408 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_REGEX_FAILED Description: An input did not match the regular expression. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8409 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_VALIDATION_FAILED Description: An input did not match the custom validation logic. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8410 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_POLICY_LOOKUP_FAILED Description: Our attempts to download the recovery document failed with all providers. Most likely the personal information you entered differs from the information you provided during the backup process and you should go back to the previous step. Alternatively, if you used a backup provider that is unknown to this application, you should add that provider manually. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8411 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_BACKUP_PROVIDER_FAILED Description: Anastasis provider reported a fatal failure. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8412 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDER_CONFIG_FAILED Description: Anastasis provider failed to respond to the configuration request. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8413 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_POLICY_MALFORMED Description: The policy we downloaded is malformed. Must have been a client error while creating the backup. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8414 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_NETWORK_FAILED Description: We failed to obtain the policy, likely due to a network issue. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8415 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_SECRET_MALFORMED Description: The recovered secret did not match the required syntax. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8416 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_CHALLENGE_DATA_TOO_BIG Description: The challenge data provided is too large for the available providers. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8417 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_SECRET_TOO_BIG Description: The provided core secret is too large for some of the providers. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8418 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDER_INVALID_CONFIG Description: The provider returned in invalid configuration. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8419 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INTERNAL_ERROR Description: The reducer encountered an internal error, likely a bug that needs to be reported. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 8420 Name: ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDERS_ALREADY_SYNCED Description: The reducer already synchronized with all providers. HttpStatus: 0 # 8500 - 9000: Frosix # 9000 - 9599: LibEuFin. Value: 9000 Name: LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_GENERIC_ERROR Description: A generic error happened in the LibEuFin nexus. See the enclose details JSON for more information. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 9001 Name: LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION Description: An uncaught exception happened in the LibEuFin nexus service. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 9500 Name: LIBEUFIN_SANDBOX_GENERIC_ERROR Description: A generic error happened in the LibEuFin sandbox. See the enclose details JSON for more information. HttpStatus: 0 Value: 9501 Name: LIBEUFIN_SANDBOX_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION Description: An uncaught exception happened in the LibEuFin sandbox service. HttpStatus: 500 # 9600 - 9749: Taldir Value: 9600 Name: TALDIR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED Description: This validation method is not supported by the service. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 9601 Name: TALDIR_REGISTER_RATE_LIMITED Description: Number of allowed attempts for initiating a challenge exceeded. HttpStatus: 429 # 9750-9999: Challenger Value: 9750 Name: CHALLENGER_GENERIC_CLIENT_UNKNOWN Description: The client is unknown or unauthorized. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 9751 Name: CHALLENGER_GENERIC_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_BAD_REDIRECT_URI Description: The client is not authorized to use the given redirect URI. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 9752 Name: CHALLENGER_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED Description: The service failed to execute its helper process to send the challenge. HttpStatus: 500 Value: 9753 Name: CHALLENGER_GRANT_UNKNOWN Description: The grant is unknown to the service (it could also have expired). HttpStatus: 404 Value: 9754 Name: CHALLENGER_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_BAD_CODE Description: The code given is not even well-formed. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 9755 Name: CHALLENGER_GENERIC_VALIDATION_UNKNOWN Description: The service is not aware of the referenced validation process. HttpStatus: 404 Value: 9756 Name: CHALLENGER_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_INVALID_CODE Description: The code given is not valid. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 9757 Name: CHALLENGER_TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS Description: Too many attempts have been made, validation is temporarily disabled for this address. HttpStatus: 429 Value: 9758 Name: CHALLENGER_INVALID_PIN Description: The PIN code provided is incorrect. HttpStatus: 403 Value: 9759 Name: CHALLENGER_MISSING_ADDRESS Description: The token cannot be valid as no address was ever provided by the client. HttpStatus: 409 # Some of our build systems expect the range to be < 10k, so let's keep it like this for now. Value: 9999 Name: END Description: End of error code range. HttpStatus: 0