This is just the current plan, plans change. Annotations: RC == Release Critical 0.8.0 (new core features): - chat improvements: * allow leaving chat rooms * allow sending / joining by pressing ENTER * indicate who we are in the member list * add various options for sending messages * indicate how a message was received (private, signed, etc.) 0.8.1 (expand basics): - improved search: * implement search bookmarking (e.g. user could add/edit/delete favourite namespace/key etc combinations) * add right button popup menu operations for "Select by pattern" in the search result list. * for potentially long clists, add option to specify a string pattern that must be matched for the lines to be displayed (to further prune search results, for example) - improved chat: * allow specifying metadata with nickname * show chatroom member metadata (right-click pop-up) - unindexing: * add option to list all indexed files and delete from them (ECRS now supports listing of indexed files! => but this ECRS functionality may need to be tested!) 0.8.2 (collections): - improve collection handling * show content of current collection somewhere * does it make sense to have "no update" for collections? * for sporadically updated collection, have 'publish now' button 1.0.0 (goal: "userfriendly"): - a completely new interactive directory building module that would allow importing files/directories from disk and edit various parameters, file descriptions and the dir tree structure before the insertion. - also allow creation of directory from known file IDs [RC] + have sortability + have multiselection + print filenames as well - gnunet-tracekit plugin [RC]