23 1 12 59 1 10 100 1 10 7 days 1 day 1 h tcp 6 udp 17 sctp 132 dccp 33 1 65535 80 1 10 100 1 10 65535 1 10 9999999 1 10 65535 1 10 100 1 10 800 700 False 5 True center-on-parent True dialog True False vertical 2 True False end gtk-cancel True True True True False False 0 gtk-delete True True True True False False 1 gtk-save True True True True True Store the updated record in the database. If the record is public, GNUnet will begin to publish the record to the world, limiting your ability to change it later (based on the selected expiration values). True False False 2 False True end 0 True True in True False True False vertical True False 0 none True False 12 True False True False _Port: True False False 5 0 True True 5 5 5 80 edit_dialog_srv_port_adjustment 1 True 80 False False 5 1 True False Protocol: False False 5 2 True False edit_dialog_protocol_liststore 0 0 False False 5 3 True False Label: False False 5 4 True False True Name of the record in the zone. 63 False False True True 5 True False in False False 10 6 True False Select the desired zone for the record. Changing this value here will move the record to the selected zone. 0 0 0 True True 7 True False <b>Name</b> True False False 0 True False False 0 none True False 4 12 True False 5 5 True False Priority: 0 0 True False Weight: 0 1 True False Port: 0 2 True False Target: 0 3 True True Priority of the target, lower values means more preferred 0 False False srv_priority_adjustment True 1 0 True True Relative weight for records with the same priority 0 False False srv_weight_adjustment True 1 1 True True TCP or UDP port on which the service is to be found 0 False False srv_port_adjustment True 1 2 True True Canonical hostname of the machine providing the service False False 1 3 True False <b>Service record (SRV)</b> True False False 5 0 False 0 none True False 4 12 True False True False True False Usage: False False 5 0 CA Constr. True True False True 0 True True False False 5 1 Service Cert. Constr. True True False True 0 True edit_dialog_tlsa_usage_ca_radiobutton False False 5 2 Trust Anchor Assertion True True False 0 True edit_dialog_tlsa_usage_ca_radiobutton False False 5 3 Domain Issued Cert. True True False 0 True edit_dialog_tlsa_usage_ca_radiobutton True True 5 4 True True 0 True False True False Selector: False False 5 0 Full certificate True True False 0 True True False False 5 1 Subject public key True True False 0 True edit_dialog_tlsa_selector_full_cert_radiobutton False False 5 2 True True 1 True False True False Matching-Type: False False 5 0 Full contents True True False 0 True True False False 5 1 SHA-256 True True False 0 True edit_dialog_tlsa_matching_type_full_contents_radiobutton False False 5 2 SHA-512 True True False 0 True edit_dialog_tlsa_matching_type_full_contents_radiobutton False False 5 3 True True 2 True False True False Certificate: False False 5 0 True True horizontal_value_adjustment vertical_value_adjustment in 400 100 True True horizontal_value_adjustment vertical_value_adjustment char tlsa_value_textbuffer True True 1 True True 3 True False True False Import ID: False False 5 0 True True Enter identifier to import certificate information from the network. For example, for X.509 specify the DNS name. For PGP, specify the key identifier. 15 False False True True 5 1 gtk-convert True True True Import Certificate from external source. True False False 5 2 True True 4 True False <b>TLSA Record Information</b> True False False 5 1 False False 1 True False 0 none True False 12 True False Record is public (visible to other users) True True False Please be aware that once a record is made public, you are less free to change expiration times. Most importantly, if your record is set to never expire, you will never be able to change the mapping in the future if the record is public. 0 True False False 0 Record is a shadow record (valid after other records expire) True True False A shadow record is a record which becomes valid in the future. They are not used as long as a second non-expired record with the same name and type exists. This is useful if a mapping is to be changed as soon as an existing record expires. For example, if a users are supposed to switch at midnight from one IP address to another, two records would be placed into the system: one that is valid until midnight, and a second "shadow" record that becomes valid at midnight. 0 True True True 1 True False <b>Options</b> True False False 2 True False 0 none True False 5 5 12 True False 5 True False Relative True True False Records with a relative expiration time (such as 1 week) are always valid for at least that time period into the future. In other words, the auto-renew their own expiration to the given time period into the future. When you convert a public record with a relative expiration time to one with an absolute expiration time, the earliest possible expiration will be the respective relative time in the future. Use relative expiration times for entries for which you do not know a specific date when they will expire. 0 True True False False 0 Absolute True True False Records with an absolute expiration time are valid until the specified date. You can change that date to an even later date, but you cannot set it to an earlier time (as other users may have cached the longer expiration time). Use absolute expiration times if you know that a particular record will only be valid until a particular day. 0 True edit_dialog_expiration_relative_radiobutton False False 1 Never True True False Records can be set to be valid forever. This is great if you are worried about censorship or certain that the mapping will never change. Note that if you set a public record to never expire, you cannot later change it (as other users are free to cache the old value forever). 0 True edit_dialog_expiration_relative_radiobutton False False 2 False False 0 True True Select the date on which you want this record to expire. At that date, you can then create a new mapping or have a shadow record go automatically into effect. Note that for public records you cannot change the expiration time to an earlier date after the fact. 2012 9 17 True True True 1 True False True False Hours: False False 5 0 True True Which hour of the day selected above should the record expire? 2 0 False False absolute_expiration_hours_adjustment False False 1 True False Minutes: False False 5 2 True True Which minute of the day selected above should the record expire? 2 0 False False absolute_expiration_minutes_adjustment False False 3 True False Seconds: False False 5 4 True True Which second of the day selected above should the record expire? 2 0 False False absolute_expiration_seconds_adjustment False False 5 True True 2 True False Relative expiration time of the record. The syntax is a number followed by a space and a time unit, possibly followed by additional numbers and time units. For example, you can specify "1 d" or "6 h 30 m 15 s". Use the drop-down menu to select from a set of common defaults. (Editing is not possible right now as Gtk2 and Gtk3 use incompatible ways for doing this.) edit_dialog_expiration_relative_liststore 0 0 True True 3 True False <b>Expiration Time</b> True True True 4 True True 1 edit_dialog_cancel_button edit_dialog_delete_button edit_dialog_save_button