[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=GNUnet Secured P2P (Graphical front-end tools) Name[es]= Name[fr]=P2P sécurisé GNUnet GenericName=GNUnet Client (Graphical front-end tools) GenericName[fr]=Client GNUnet Comment=Graphical front-end tools for GNUnet, the anonymous and censorship resistant network. Comment[de]=Grafische front-end tools für GNUnet, das anonyme und zensurresistente Netzwerk. Comment[es]=Herramientas gráficas de usuario para GNUnet, la red anónima y resistente a la censura. Comment[fr]= Type=Application Exec=gnunet-gtk Icon=gnunet-gtk Terminal=false Categories=GTK;Network;P2P; StartupNotify=true StartupWMClass=gnunet-gtk