
> GNUnet is a *new* network protocol stack for building secure, distributed, and privacy-preserving applications. * [Install](#how-to-install-gnunet) * [From Source](#from-source) * [Using Docker](#docker) * [Using GNUnet](#using-gnunet) * [License](#license) How to Install GNUnet --------------------- ### 1. From Source **Dependencies** Install these packages. Some of them may need to be installed from source depending on your OS. ``` - libmicrohttpd >= 0.9.42 (available from - libgcrypt >= 1.6 - libgnurl >= 7.35.0 (recommended, available from - libcurl >= 7.35.0 (alternative to libgnurl) - libunistring >= 0.9.2 - gnutls >= 3.2.12 (highly recommended: a gnutls linked against libunbound) - libidn >= 1.0 - libextractor >= 0.6.1 (highly recommended) - openssl >= 1.0 (binary, used to generate X.509 certificate) - libltdl >= 2.2 (part of GNU libtool) - sqlite >= 3.8 (default database, required) - mysql >= 5.1 (alternative to sqlite) - postgres >= 9.5 (alternative to sqlite) - Texinfo >= 5.2 [*1] - which (for the bootstrap script) - gettext - zlib - pkg-config ``` You can also install the dependencies with the [GNU Guix package manager:](https:// by using the provided environment file: ```shell guix package -l guix-env.scm ``` **Using GNU Make** ```shell ./bootstrap # Run this to generate the configure files. ./configure # See the various flags avalable to you. make make install ``` **Using the [GNU Guix package manager:](https://** ```shell # To build, run tests, and install: guix package -f guix-env.scm # To skip the testing phase: guix package -f guix-env.scm:notest ``` ### 2. Docker ``` cd docker docker build -t gnunet . ``` Using GNUnet ------------- There are many possible ways to use the subsystems of GNUnet, so we will provide a few examples in this section.

GNUnet Modular Architecture

>***GNUnet is composed of over 30 modular subsystems*** ### Start GNUnet Services Before we can begin using most of the components we must start them. ```shell gnunet-arm --start ``` Now we can open up another shell and try using some of the modules. ### Cadet #### Examples Open a Cadet connection: ```shell # Node 1 gnunet-cadet -o ``` Conect to peer: ```shell # Node 2 gnunet-cadet ``` #### Sharing Files With the cli tool, you can also share files: ```shell # Node 1 gnunet-cadet -o > filename ``` On the Node 2 we're going to send the file to Node 1, and to do this we need to make use of [coprocesses]( The syntax for using coprocesses varies per shell. In our example we are assuming Bash. More info for different shells can be found [here]( ```shell # Node 2 coproc gnunet-cadet cat >&"${COPROC[1]}" ``` Now this enables us to do some fun things, such as streaming video by piping to a media player: ```shell # Node 1 gnunet-cadet -o | vlc - ``` ```shell # Node 2 coproc gnunet-cadet cat >&"${COPROC[1]}" ``` ### Filesharing You can use GNUnet as a content-addressed storage, much like IPFS: sharing immutable files in a decentralized fashion with added privacy. For instance, you can get a nice cat picture with ```sh gnunet-download gnunet://fs/loc/CB0ZX5EM1ZNNRT7AX93RVHCN1H49242DWZ4AXBTCJBAG22Z33VHYMR61J71YJXTXHEC22TNE0PRWA6D5X7NFNY2J9BNMG0SFN5DKZ0G.R48JSE2T4Y3W2AMDHZYX2MMDJC4HR0BVTJYNWJT2DGK7EQXR35DT84H9ZRAK3QTCTHDBAE1S6W16P8PCKC4HGEEKNW2T42HXF9RS1J0.1906755.J5Z3BDEG2PW332001GGZ2SSKCCSV8WDM696HNARG49X9TMABC4DG.B6Y7BCJ6B5K40EXCXASX1HQAD8MBJ9WTFWPCE3F15Q3Q4Y2PB8BKVGCS5HA4FG4484858NB74PBEE5V1638MGG7NS40A82K7QKK3G0G.1577833200 --output cat.png ``` You can also give files to the network, like so: ```sh $ echo "I love GNUnet" > ILoveGNUnet.txt $ gnunet-publish ILoveGNUnet.txt Publishing `/tmp/ILoveGNUnet.txt` done. URI is `gnunet://fs/chk/SXA4RGZWDHE4PDWD2F4XG778J4SZY3E3SNDZ9AWFRZYYBV52W1T2WQNZCF1NYAT842800SSBQ8F247TG6MX7H4S1RWZZSC8ZXGQ4YPR.AZ3B5WR1XCWCWR6W30S2365KFY7A3R5AMF5SRN3Z11R72SMVQDX3F6GXQSZMWZGM5BSYVDQEJ93CR024QAAE65CKHM52GH8MZK1BM90.14`. ``` The URI you get is what you can use to retrieve the file with `gnunet-download`. ### GNS *coming soon* ### VPN *coming soon* ### Running a Hostlist Server *coming soon* GNUnet Configuration -------------------------- ### Examples ```yaml [transport] OPTIONS = -L DEBUG PLUGINS = tcp #PLUGINS = udp [transport-tcp] OPTIONS = -L DEBUG BINDTO = ``` TODO: *explain what this does and add more* Philosophy ------------------------- Related Projects ------------------------- Secushare