0.9.0: * Transport: - When receiving SESSION_CONNECT: actually consider switching session / (test this!) * big code review * Determine RC bugs and fix those (release should have no known real bugs) 0.9.1: * TRANSPORT: [MW] - 'TransmitFunction' requires plugins to have "unbounded" queue (or at least queue of size > 2), might be better to have at MOST one message pending per plugin/target and only send the next one after the continuation was called (or use 'notify_transmit_ready-style API?) - WLAN transport backend (code cleanup) [MW] - need to periodically probe latency/transport cost changes & possibly switch transport (working ATS) * DV: - proper bandwidth allocation - performance tests * PEERINFO: - merge multiple HELLOs of the same peer in the transmission queue (theoretically reduces overhead; bounds message queue size) - merge multiple iteration requests over "all" peers in the queue (theoretically reduces overhead; bounds messgae queue size) * STATISTICS: - should use BIO instead of mmap * FS: [CG] - implement multi-peer FS performance tests + gauger them! + insert + download + search * GNUNET-GTK: [CG] - add tool bar - add progress dialog for 'add_dir_at_iter' scan (can take a while...) - NS list in search dialog should use colors to offset our own namespaces from the others - right-clicking on NS list in search dialog should open menu that allows * viewing full meta data * deletion of namespace info - implement unindex operation (use dialog with all indexed files for selection) - finish publish dialog details: + normalize keywords (edit subdialog) - implement download by URI dialog; figure out where to display those downloads! - add combo box to select desired mime type for search - provide context menus to allow aborts of downloads/uploads - provide way to handle errors (search, download, publish errors) 0.9.2: * PEERINFO: [NN] - expire 'ancient' HELLOs (those without valid addresses AND that we have not 'used' (for their public keys) in a while; need a way to track actual 'use') - make sue we also trigger notifications whenever HELLOs expire * WLAN: - nice signal strength adjustment [MW] - energy cost in ATS [MW] * PEERINFO: [NN] - complete peerinfo GUI (=> start from gnunet-gtk by button!) - extend peer dialog with green-yellow-red connectivity status lights - extend peer dialog with country flags and names 0.9.3: * VPN - "DNS" .gnunet [MW] * MESH: - optimized routes (beyond DHT/DV)