[PATHS] SERVICEHOME = ~/.gnunet/ # SERVICEHOME = /var/lib/gnunet/ # DEFAULTCONFIG = /etc/gnunet.conf # If 'DEFAULTCONFIG' is not defined, the current # configuration file is assumed to be the default, # which is what we want by default... [gnunetd] HOSTKEY = $SERVICEHOME/.hostkey [TESTING] WEAKRANDOM = NO [client] HOME = $SERVICEHOME [transport-tcp] PORT = 2086 TIMEOUT = 300000 # MAXBUF = # DISABLEV6 = # BINDTO = # ACCEPT_FROM = # ACCEPT_FROM6 = # REJECT_FROM = # REJECT_FROM6 = [transport-udp] PORT = 2086 [arm] PORT = 2087 HOSTNAME = localhost HOME = $SERVICEHOME CONFIG = $DEFAULTCONFIG BINARY = gnunet-service-arm ACCEPT_FROM =; ACCEPT_FROM6 = ::1; DEFAULTSERVICES = topology hostlist UNIXPATH = /tmp/gnunet-service-arm.sock # GLOBAL_POSTFIX = -l $SERVICEHOME/{}-logs # GLOBAL_PREFIX = # USERNAME = # MAXBUF = # TIMEOUT = # DISABLEV6 = # BINDTO = # REJECT_FROM = # REJECT_FROM6 = # PREFIX = [statistics] AUTOSTART = YES PORT = 2088 HOSTNAME = localhost HOME = $SERVICEHOME CONFIG = $DEFAULTCONFIG BINARY = gnunet-service-statistics ACCEPT_FROM =; ACCEPT_FROM6 = ::1; UNIXPATH = /tmp/gnunet-service-statistics.sock # DISABLE_SOCKET_FORWARDING = NO # USERNAME = # MAXBUF = # TIMEOUT = # DISABLEV6 = # BINDTO = # REJECT_FROM = # REJECT_FROM6 = # PREFIX = [resolver] AUTOSTART = YES PORT = 2089 HOSTNAME = localhost HOME = $SERVICEHOME CONFIG = $DEFAULTCONFIG BINARY = gnunet-service-resolver ACCEPT_FROM =; ACCEPT_FROM6 = ::1; UNIXPATH = /tmp/gnunet-service-resolver.sock # DISABLE_SOCKET_FORWARDING = NO # USERNAME = # MAXBUF = # TIMEOUT = # DISABLEV6 = # BINDTO = # REJECT_FROM = # REJECT_FROM6 = # PREFIX = [peerinfo] AUTOSTART = YES PORT = 2090 HOSTNAME = localhost HOME = $SERVICEHOME CONFIG = $DEFAULTCONFIG BINARY = gnunet-service-peerinfo ACCEPT_FROM =; ACCEPT_FROM6 = ::1; UNIXPATH = /tmp/gnunet-service-peerinfo.sock # DISABLE_SOCKET_FORWARDING = NO # USERNAME = # MAXBUF = # TIMEOUT = # DISABLEV6 = # BINDTO = # REJECT_FROM = # REJECT_FROM6 = # PREFIX = HOSTS = $SERVICEHOME/data/hosts/ [transport] AUTOSTART = YES PORT = 2091 HOSTNAME = localhost HOME = $SERVICEHOME CONFIG = $DEFAULTCONFIG BINARY = gnunet-service-transport NEIGHBOUR_LIMIT = 50 ACCEPT_FROM =; ACCEPT_FROM6 = ::1; PLUGINS = tcp UNIXPATH = /tmp/gnunet-service-transport.sock # DISABLE_SOCKET_FORWARDING = NO # USERNAME = # MAXBUF = # TIMEOUT = # DISABLEV6 = # BINDTO = # REJECT_FROM = # REJECT_FROM6 = # PREFIX = [core] AUTOSTART = YES PORT = 2092 HOSTNAME = localhost HOME = $SERVICEHOME CONFIG = $DEFAULTCONFIG BINARY = gnunet-service-core ACCEPT_FROM =; ACCEPT_FROM6 = ::1; # quotas are in bytes per second now! TOTAL_QUOTA_IN = 65536 TOTAL_QUOTA_OUT = 65536 UNIXPATH = /tmp/gnunet-service-core.sock # DISABLE_SOCKET_FORWARDING = NO # DEBUG = YES # USERNAME = # MAXBUF = # TIMEOUT = # DISABLEV6 = # BINDTO = # REJECT_FROM = # REJECT_FROM6 = # PREFIX = [topology] MINIMUM-FRIENDS = 0 FRIENDS-ONLY = NO AUTOCONNECT = YES TARGET-CONNECTION-COUNT = 16 FRIENDS = $SERVICEHOME/friends CONFIG = $DEFAULTCONFIG BINARY = gnunet-daemon-topology [hostlist] # port for hostlist http server HTTPPORT = 8080 HOME = $SERVICEHOME HOSTLISTFILE = $SERVICEHOME/hostlist/learned.data CONFIG = $DEFAULTCONFIG BINARY = gnunet-daemon-hostlist # consider having "-e" as default as well once implemented OPTIONS = -b SERVERS = http://v9.gnunet.org:58080/ # proxy for downloading hostlists HTTP-PROXY = [datastore] AUTOSTART = YES UNIXPATH = /tmp/gnunet-service-datastore.sock PORT = 2093 HOSTNAME = localhost HOME = $SERVICEHOME CONFIG = $DEFAULTCONFIG BINARY = gnunet-service-datastore ACCEPT_FROM =; ACCEPT_FROM6 = ::1; QUOTA = 100000000 BLOOMFILTER = $SERVICEHOME/fs/bloomfilter DATABASE = sqlite # DISABLE_SOCKET_FORWARDING = NO [datastore-sqlite] FILENAME = $SERVICEHOME/datastore/sqlite.db [datastore-postgres] CONFIG = connect_timeout=10;dbname=gnunet [datastore-mysql] DATABASE = gnunet CONFIG = ~/.my.cnf # USER = gnunet # PASSWORD = # HOST = # PORT = [datacache-mysql] DATABASE = gnunetcheck # CONFIG = ~/.my.cnf # USER = gnunet # PASSWORD = # HOST = # PORT = [fs] AUTOSTART = YES INDEXDB = $SERVICEHOME/idxinfo.lst TRUST = $SERVICEHOME/data/credit/ IDENTITY_DIR = $SERVICEHOME/identities/ STATE_DIR = $SERVICEHOME/persistence/ UPDATE_DIR = $SERVICEHOME/updates/ PORT = 2094 HOSTNAME = localhost HOME = $SERVICEHOME CONFIG = $DEFAULTCONFIG BINARY = gnunet-service-fs ACCEPT_FROM =; ACCEPT_FROM6 = ::1; ACTIVEMIGRATION = YES UNIXPATH = /tmp/gnunet-service-fs.sock # DISABLE_SOCKET_FORWARDING = NO # DEBUG = YES MAX_PENDING_REQUESTS = 65536 MIN_MIGRATION_DELAY = 1000 EXPECTED_NEIGHBOUR_COUNT = 128 [dht] AUTOSTART = YES PORT = 2095 HOSTNAME = localhost HOME = $SERVICEHOME CONFIG = $DEFAULTCONFIG BINARY = gnunet-service-dht ACCEPT_FROM =; ACCEPT_FROM6 = ::1; UNIXPATH = /tmp/gnunet-service-dht.sock # DISABLE_SOCKET_FORWARDING = NO # DEBUG = YES # USERNAME = # MAXBUF = # TIMEOUT = # DISABLEV6 = # BINDTO = # REJECT_FROM = # REJECT_FROM6 = # PREFIX = [block] PLUGINS = fs