#!@AWKEXE@ -f # # Dedicated to the Public Domain. # SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD # # exception to add: ignore license files. # exception to add: uref's can go above 79 chars. # write functions to avoid more text if possible. BEGIN { printf "Running basic texinfo linters\n" ; } { if(/\t/) { printf "...lines containing tabstops?\n" ; print FILENAME":"NR":"$0 ; } } { if(length>79) { printf "...line length over 79 chars?\n" ; print FILENAME":"NR":"$0 ; } } { if(/@geq\{\}/) { printf "...lines containing macros incompatible with old makeinfo?\n" ; print FILENAME":"NR":"$0 ; } } { if (/@footnote\{/) { printf "...lines containing macros incompatible with texi2mdoc?\n" ; print FILENAME":"NR":"$0 ; } } { if (/TODO/) { printf "...lines telling us what is left TODO?\n" ; print FILENAME":"NR":"$0 ; } if (/XXX/) { printf "...lines telling us what is left to fix?\n" ; print FILENAME":"NR":"$0 ; } } { if (/wether/) { printf "...lines containing a popular typo\n" ; print FILENAME":"NR":"$0 ; } if (/the the/) { printf "...lines containing a popular typo\n" ; print FILENAME":"NR":"$0 ; } }