#!/bin/sh # check python style (and 2 to 3 migration) # # behold, the worst lowest effort shell script # ...given that we have more generic checking # for executables in other scripts already existence() { command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 } LOGFILE="lint/python-lint.log" # invoke from root of source! if [ $(basename $(pwd)) = "scripts" ] then return 1 else if [ -e "${LOGFILE}" ] then rm ${LOGFILE} fi if existence python; then python --version >> ${LOGFILE} fi if existence python2; then python2 --version >> ${LOGFILE} fi if existence python3; then python3 --version >> ${LOGFILE} fi if existence python3.7; then python3.7 --version >> ${LOGFILE} fi if existence flake8; then echo >> ${LOGFILE} echo "flake8:" >> ${LOGFILE} echo >> ${LOGFILE} flake8 >> ${LOGFILE} fi if existence flake8-3.7; then echo >> ${LOGFILE} echo "flake8:" >> ${LOGFILE} echo >> ${LOGFILE} flake8-3.7 >> ${LOGFILE} fi if existence 2to3; then echo >> ${LOGFILE} echo "2to3" >> ${LOGFILE} echo >> ${LOGFILE} 2to3 -v -d . >> ${LOGFILE} 2to3 -v -p . >> ${LOGFILE} fi if existence 2to3-3.7; then echo >> ${LOGFILE} echo "2to3" >> ${LOGFILE} echo >> ${LOGFILE} 2to3-3.7 -v -d . >> ${LOGFILE} 2to3-3.7 -v -p . >> ${LOGFILE} fi fi