#if WANT_FRAMEWORK # INTLEMU_SUBDIRS = intlemu #endif if HAVE_TESTING TESTING = testing TESTBED = testbed CONSENSUS = consensus EXPERIMENTATION = experimentation endif if HAVE_EXPERIMENTAL EXP_DIR = dv $(CONSENSUS) $(EXPERIMENTATION) endif if HAVE_MYSQL MYSQL_DIR = mysql endif if HAVE_POSTGRES POSTGRES_DIR = postgres endif SUBDIRS = \ include $(INTLEMU_SUBDIRS) \ util \ hello \ tun \ block \ statistics \ arm \ $(TESTING) \ peerinfo \ $(MYSQL_DIR) \ $(POSTGRES_DIR) \ datacache \ datastore \ template \ ats \ nat \ fragmentation \ transport \ ats-tool \ peerinfo-tool \ core \ $(TESTBED) \ nse \ dht \ hostlist \ topology \ regex \ mesh \ lockmanager \ dns \ identity \ set \ namestore \ vpn \ gns \ fs \ exit \ pt \ integration-tests \ $(EXP_DIR) # note: namestore, gns are not listed right now as they are being reworked to use the new crypto