/* This file is part of GNUnet. Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors) GNUnet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL3.0-or-later */ /** * @file abe/abe.c * @brief functions for Attribute-Based Encryption * @author Martin Schanzenbach */ #include "platform.h" #include #include #include "gnunet_crypto_lib.h" #include "gnunet_abe_lib.h" struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeMasterKey { gabe_pub_t* pub; gabe_msk_t* msk; }; struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeKey { gabe_pub_t* pub; gabe_prv_t* prv; }; static int init_aes(element_t k, int enc, gcry_cipher_hd_t* handle, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *key, unsigned char* iv) { int rc; int key_len; unsigned char* key_buf; key_len = element_length_in_bytes(k) < 33 ? 3 : element_length_in_bytes(k); key_buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(key_len); element_to_bytes(key_buf, k); GNUNET_memcpy(key->aes_key, key_buf, GNUNET_CRYPTO_AES_KEY_LENGTH); GNUNET_assert(0 == gcry_cipher_open(handle, GCRY_CIPHER_AES256, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CFB, 0)); rc = gcry_cipher_setkey(*handle, key->aes_key, sizeof(key->aes_key)); GNUNET_assert((0 == rc) || ((char)rc == GPG_ERR_WEAK_KEY)); memset(iv, 0, 16); //TODO make reasonable rc = gcry_cipher_setiv(*handle, iv, 16); GNUNET_assert((0 == rc) || ((char)rc == GPG_ERR_WEAK_KEY)); free(key_buf); return rc; } static int aes_128_cbc_encrypt(char* pt, int size, element_t k, char **ct) { gcry_cipher_hd_t handle; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey skey; unsigned char iv[16]; char* buf; int padding; int buf_size; uint8_t len[4]; init_aes(k, 1, &handle, &skey, iv); /* TODO make less crufty */ /* stuff in real length (big endian) before padding */ len[0] = (size & 0xff000000) >> 24; len[1] = (size & 0xff0000) >> 16; len[2] = (size & 0xff00) >> 8; len[3] = (size & 0xff) >> 0; padding = 16 - ((4 + size) % 16); buf_size = 4 + size + padding; buf = GNUNET_malloc(buf_size); GNUNET_memcpy(buf, len, 4); GNUNET_memcpy(buf + 4, pt, size); *ct = GNUNET_malloc(buf_size); GNUNET_assert(0 == gcry_cipher_encrypt(handle, *ct, buf_size, buf, buf_size)); gcry_cipher_close(handle); //AES_cbc_encrypt(pt->data, ct->data, pt->len, &key, iv, AES_ENCRYPT); GNUNET_free(buf); return buf_size; } static int aes_128_cbc_decrypt(char* ct, int size, element_t k, char **pt) { struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey skey; gcry_cipher_hd_t handle; unsigned char iv[16]; char* tmp; uint32_t len; init_aes(k, 1, &handle, &skey, iv); tmp = GNUNET_malloc(size); //AES_cbc_encrypt(ct->data, pt->data, ct->len, &key, iv, AES_DECRYPT); GNUNET_assert(0 == gcry_cipher_decrypt(handle, tmp, size, ct, size)); gcry_cipher_close(handle); /* TODO make less crufty */ /* get real length */ len = 0; len = len | ((tmp[0]) << 24) | ((tmp[1]) << 16) | ((tmp[2]) << 8) | ((tmp[3]) << 0); /* truncate any garbage from the padding */ *pt = GNUNET_malloc(len); GNUNET_memcpy(*pt, tmp + 4, len); GNUNET_free(tmp); return len; } /** * @ingroup abe * Create a new CP-ABE master key. Caller must free return value. * * @return fresh private key; free using #GNUNET_ABE_cpabe_delete_master_key */ struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeMasterKey* GNUNET_ABE_cpabe_create_master_key(void) { struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeMasterKey* key; key = GNUNET_new(struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeMasterKey); gabe_setup(&key->pub, &key->msk); GNUNET_assert(NULL != key->pub); GNUNET_assert(NULL != key->msk); return key; } /** * @ingroup abe * Delete a CP-ABE master key. * * @param key the master key * @return fresh private key; free using #GNUNET_free */ void GNUNET_ABE_cpabe_delete_master_key(struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeMasterKey *key) { gabe_msk_free(key->msk); gabe_pub_free(key->pub); //GNUNET_free (key->msk); //gabe_msk_free (key->msk); //For some reason free of pub implicit? GNUNET_free(key); } /** * @ingroup abe * Create a new CP-ABE key. Caller must free return value. * * @param key the master key * @param attrs the attributes to append to the key * @return fresh private key; free using #GNUNET_ABE_cpabe_delete_key */ struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeKey* GNUNET_ABE_cpabe_create_key(struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeMasterKey *key, char **attrs) { struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeKey *prv_key; int size; char *tmp; prv_key = GNUNET_new(struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeKey); prv_key->prv = gabe_keygen(key->pub, key->msk, attrs); size = gabe_pub_serialize(key->pub, &tmp); prv_key->pub = gabe_pub_unserialize(tmp, size); GNUNET_free(tmp); GNUNET_assert(NULL != prv_key->prv); return prv_key; } /** * @ingroup abe * Delete a CP-ABE key. * * @param key the key to delete * @param delete_pub GNUNE_YES if the public key should also be freed (bug in gabe) * @return fresh private key; free using #GNUNET_free */ void GNUNET_ABE_cpabe_delete_key(struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeKey *key, int delete_pub) { //Memory management in gabe is buggy gabe_prv_free(key->prv); if (GNUNET_YES == delete_pub) gabe_pub_free(key->pub); GNUNET_free(key); } static ssize_t write_cpabe(void **result, uint32_t file_len, char* cph_buf, int cph_buf_len, char* aes_buf, int aes_buf_len) { char *ptr; uint32_t *len; *result = GNUNET_malloc(12 + cph_buf_len + aes_buf_len); ptr = *result; len = (uint32_t*)ptr; *len = htonl(file_len); ptr += 4; len = (uint32_t*)ptr; *len = htonl(aes_buf_len); ptr += 4; GNUNET_memcpy(ptr, aes_buf, aes_buf_len); ptr += aes_buf_len; len = (uint32_t*)ptr; *len = htonl(cph_buf_len); ptr += 4; GNUNET_memcpy(ptr, cph_buf, cph_buf_len); return 12 + cph_buf_len + aes_buf_len; } static ssize_t read_cpabe(const void *data, char** cph_buf, int *cph_buf_len, char** aes_buf, int *aes_buf_len) { int buf_len; char *ptr; uint32_t *len; ptr = (char*)data; len = (uint32_t*)ptr; buf_len = ntohl(*len); ptr += 4; len = (uint32_t*)ptr; *aes_buf_len = ntohl(*len); ptr += 4; *aes_buf = GNUNET_malloc(*aes_buf_len); GNUNET_memcpy(*aes_buf, ptr, *aes_buf_len); ptr += *aes_buf_len; len = (uint32_t*)ptr; *cph_buf_len = ntohl(*len); ptr += 4; *cph_buf = GNUNET_malloc(*cph_buf_len); GNUNET_memcpy(*cph_buf, ptr, *cph_buf_len); return buf_len; } /** * @ingroup abe * Encrypt a block using sessionkey. * * @param block the block to encrypt * @param size the size of the @a block * @param policy the ABE policy * @param key the key used to encrypt * @param result the result buffer. Will be allocated. Free using #GNUNET_free * @return the size of the encrypted block, -1 for errors */ ssize_t GNUNET_ABE_cpabe_encrypt(const void *block, size_t size, const char *policy, const struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeMasterKey *key, void **result) { gabe_cph_t* cph; char* plt; char* cph_buf; char* aes_buf; element_t m; int cph_buf_len; int aes_buf_len; ssize_t result_len; if (!(cph = gabe_enc(key->pub, m, (char*)policy))) return GNUNET_SYSERR; cph_buf_len = gabe_cph_serialize(cph, &cph_buf); gabe_cph_free(cph); GNUNET_free(cph); plt = GNUNET_memdup(block, size); aes_buf_len = aes_128_cbc_encrypt(plt, size, m, &aes_buf); GNUNET_free(plt); element_clear(m); result_len = write_cpabe(result, size, cph_buf, cph_buf_len, aes_buf, aes_buf_len); GNUNET_free(cph_buf); GNUNET_free(aes_buf); return result_len; } /** * @ingroup abe * Decrypt a block using the ABE key. * * @param block the block to encrypt * @param size the size of the @a block * @param key the key used to decrypt * @param result the result buffer. Will be allocated. Free using #GNUNET_free * @return the size of the encrypted block, -1 for errors */ ssize_t GNUNET_ABE_cpabe_decrypt(const void *block, size_t size, const struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeKey *key, void **result) { char* aes_buf; char* cph_buf; gabe_cph_t* cph; element_t m; int cph_buf_size; int aes_buf_size; int plt_len; read_cpabe(block, &cph_buf, &cph_buf_size, &aes_buf, &aes_buf_size); cph = gabe_cph_unserialize(key->pub, cph_buf, cph_buf_size); if (!gabe_dec(key->pub, key->prv, cph, m)) { GNUNET_log(GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "%s\n", gabe_error()); GNUNET_free(aes_buf); GNUNET_free(cph_buf); gabe_cph_free(cph); GNUNET_free(cph); element_clear(m); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } gabe_cph_free(cph); GNUNET_free(cph); plt_len = aes_128_cbc_decrypt(aes_buf, aes_buf_size, m, (char**)result); GNUNET_free(cph_buf); GNUNET_free(aes_buf); element_clear(m); //freeing is buggy in gabe //gabe_prv_free (prv); //gabe_pub_free (pub); return plt_len; } /** * @ingroup abe * Serialize an ABE key. * * @param key the key to serialize * @param result the result buffer. Will be allocated. Free using #GNUNET_free * @return the size of the encrypted block, -1 for errors */ ssize_t GNUNET_ABE_cpabe_serialize_key(const struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeKey *key, void **result) { ssize_t len; char *pub; char *prv; int pub_len; int prv_len; pub_len = gabe_pub_serialize(key->pub, &pub); prv_len = gabe_prv_serialize(key->prv, &prv); len = pub_len + prv_len + 12; write_cpabe(result, len, pub, pub_len, prv, prv_len); GNUNET_free(pub); GNUNET_free(prv); return len; } /** * @ingroup abe * Deserialize a serialized ABE key. * * @param data the data to deserialize * @param len the length of the data. * @return the ABE key. NULL of unsuccessful */ struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeKey* GNUNET_ABE_cpabe_deserialize_key(const void *data, size_t len) { struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeKey *key; char *pub; char *prv; int prv_len; int pub_len; key = GNUNET_new(struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeKey); read_cpabe(data, &pub, &pub_len, &prv, &prv_len); key->pub = gabe_pub_unserialize(pub, pub_len); key->prv = gabe_prv_unserialize(key->pub, prv, prv_len); GNUNET_free(pub); GNUNET_free(prv); return key; } /** * @ingroup abe * Serialize an ABE master key. * * @param key the key to serialize * @param result the result buffer. Will be allocated. Free using #GNUNET_free * @return the size of the encrypted block, -1 for errors */ ssize_t GNUNET_ABE_cpabe_serialize_master_key(const struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeMasterKey *key, void **result) { ssize_t len; char *pub; char *msk; int pub_len; int msk_len; pub_len = gabe_pub_serialize(key->pub, &pub); msk_len = gabe_msk_serialize(key->msk, &msk); len = pub_len + msk_len + 12; write_cpabe(result, len, pub, pub_len, msk, msk_len); GNUNET_free(pub); GNUNET_free(msk); return len; } /** * @ingroup abe * Deserialize an ABE master key. * * @param data the data to deserialize * @param len the length of the data. * @return the ABE key. NULL of unsuccessful */ struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeMasterKey* GNUNET_ABE_cpabe_deserialize_master_key(const void *data, size_t len) { struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeMasterKey *key; char *msk; char *pub; int msk_len; int pub_len; key = GNUNET_new(struct GNUNET_ABE_AbeMasterKey); read_cpabe(data, &pub, &pub_len, &msk, &msk_len); key->pub = gabe_pub_unserialize(pub, pub_len); key->msk = gabe_msk_unserialize(key->pub, msk, msk_len); GNUNET_free(pub); GNUNET_free(msk); return key; }