[ats] # Network specific inbound/outbound quotas UNSPECIFIED_QUOTA_IN = 1000000 UNSPECIFIED_QUOTA_OUT = 1000000 # LOOPBACK LOOPBACK_QUOTA_IN = 10000000 LOOPBACK_QUOTA_OUT = 10000000 # LAN LAN_QUOTA_IN = 10000000 LAN_QUOTA_OUT = 10000000 # WAN WAN_QUOTA_IN = 10000000 WAN_QUOTA_OUT = 10000000 # WLAN WLAN_QUOTA_IN = 10000000 WLAN_QUOTA_OUT = 10000000 # BLUETOOTH BLUETOOTH_QUOTA_IN = 10000000 BLUETOOTH_QUOTA_OUT = 10000000 # Proportional specific settings # How proportional to preferences is bandwidth distribution in a network # 1: Fair with respect to addresses without preferences # > 10: The bigger, the more respect is paid to preferences PROP_PROPORTIONALITY_FACTOR = 2.00 # Should we stick to existing connections are prefer to switch? # [10...200], lower value prefers to switch, bigger value is more tolerant PROP_STABILITY_FACTOR = 1.25