#!/bin/bash ME=`whoami` if [ "$ME" != "root" ] then echo "This test only works if run as root. Skipping." exit 0 fi if [ ! -x `which sudo` ] then echo "This test requires sudo. Skipping." exit 0 fi if [ ! -x `which nslookup` ] then echo "This test requires nslookup. Skipping." exit 0 fi export PATH=".:$PATH" gnunet-service-dns -c dns.conf & gnunet-dns-redirector -c dns.conf -4 & sleep 1 # need to run 'nslookup' as 'nobody', as gnunet-service-dns runs as root # and thus 'root' is excepted from DNS interception! LO=`sudo -u nobody nslookup gnunet.org | grep Address | tail -n1` if [ "$LO" != "Address:" ] then echo "Fail: got address $LO, wanted" ret=1 else ret=0 fi kill `jobs -p` exit $ret