#!/bin/sh LOCATION=$(which gnunet-config) if [ -z $LOCATION ] then LOCATION="gnunet-config" fi $LOCATION --version 1> /dev/null if test $? != 0 then echo "GNUnet command line tools cannot be found, check environmental variables PATH and GNUNET_PREFIX" exit 77 fi rm -rf `gnunet-config -c test_escrow.conf -s PATHS -o GNUNET_HOME -f` which timeout > /dev/null 2>&1 && DO_TIMEOUT="timeout 30" gnunet-arm -s -c test_escrow.conf gnunet-identity -C testego -c test_escrow.conf ANCHOR=$(gnunet-escrow -m gns -P testego -u secret -c test_escrow.conf) if test $? != 0 then echo "GNS escrow failed!" gnunet-arm -e -c test_escrow.conf exit 1 else ANCHOR=$(echo $ANCHOR | awk 'NF>1{print $NF}') echo "using anchor $ANCHOR" fi gnunet-escrow -m gns -V testego -a $ANCHOR -c test_escrow.conf if test $? != 0 then echo "GNS verification failed!" gnunet-arm -e -c test_escrow.conf exit 1 fi gnunet-identity -D testego -c test_escrow.conf gnunet-escrow -m gns -G -a $ANCHOR -c test_escrow.conf if test $? != 0 then echo "GNS restore failed!" gnunet-arm -e -c test_escrow.conf exit 1 fi gnunet-arm -e -c test_escrow.conf exit 0