#!@PYTHON@ # This file is part of GNUnet. # (C) 2010 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors) # # GNUnet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, # or (at your option) any later version. # # GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Affero General Public License for more details. # # Testcase for file-sharing command-line tools (recursive publishing & download) import sys import os import subprocess import re import shutil import tarfile import filecmp srcdir = "../.." gnunet_pyexpect_dir = os.path.join(srcdir, "contrib/scripts") if gnunet_pyexpect_dir not in sys.path: sys.path.append(gnunet_pyexpect_dir) from gnunet_pyexpect import pexpect from pydiffer import dcdiff if os.name == 'posix': download = './gnunet-download' gnunetarm = 'gnunet-arm' publish = './gnunet-publish' unindex = './gnunet-unindex' search = './gnunet-search' directory = './gnunet-directory' elif os.name == 'nt': download = './gnunet-download.exe' gnunetarm = 'gnunet-arm.exe' publish = './gnunet-publish.exe' unindex = './gnunet-unindex.exe' search = './gnunet-search.exe' directory = './gnunet-directory.exe' if os.name == "nt": shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(os.getenv("TEMP"), "gnunet-test-fs-py-rec"), True) else: shutil.rmtree("/tmp/gnunet-test-fs-py-rec", True) arm = subprocess.Popen([gnunetarm, '-sq', '-c', 'test_gnunet_fs_rec_data.conf']) arm.communicate() # pray that `tar' is in PATH. # FIXME: Actually we should check for that and output # a message if it isn't found. tar = tarfile.open('test_gnunet_fs_rec_data.tgz') tar.extractall() # first, basic publish-search-download run try: pub = pexpect() pub.spawn(None, [publish, '-c', 'test_gnunet_fs_rec_data.conf', '-d', '-k', 'testdir', 'dir/'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # Can't say much for publishing, except that the last one is the toplevel directory pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"Publishing `.+' done\.\r?\n")) pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"URI is `gnunet://fs/chk/[A-Z0-9]{103}\.[A-Z0-9]{103}\.\d+'\.\r?\n")) pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"Publishing `.+' done\.\r?\n")) pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"URI is `gnunet://fs/chk/[A-Z0-9]{103}\.[A-Z0-9]{103}\.\d+'\.\r?\n")) pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"Publishing `.+' done\.\r?\n")) pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"URI is `gnunet://fs/chk/[A-Z0-9]{103}\.[A-Z0-9]{103}\.\d+'\.\r?\n")) pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"Publishing `.+' done\.\r?\n")) pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"URI is `gnunet://fs/chk/[A-Z0-9]{103}\.[A-Z0-9]{103}\.\d+'\.\r?\n")) pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"Publishing `.+' done\.\r?\n")) pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"URI is `gnunet://fs/chk/[A-Z0-9]{103}\.[A-Z0-9]{103}\.\d+'\.\r?\n")) pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"Publishing `.+' done\.\r?\n")) pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"URI is `gnunet://fs/chk/[A-Z0-9]{103}\.[A-Z0-9]{103}\.\d+'\.\r?\n")) pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"Publishing `.+[\\/]dir[\\/]' done\.\r?\n")) m = pub.expect("stdout", re.compile(r".+\r?\n")) if not m: sys.exit(3) output = m.string url = output[output.find("`")+1:output.find("'")] down = pexpect() down.spawn(None, [download, '-c', 'test_gnunet_fs_rec_data.conf', '-R', '-o', 'rdir.gnd', url], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) down.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"Downloading `rdir.gnd' done (.*).\r?\n")) d = pexpect() d.spawn(None, [directory, '-c', 'test_gnunet_fs_rec_data.conf', 'rdir/a.gnd'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) d.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"Directory `a/' meta data:\r?\n")) d.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"Directory `a/' contents:\r?\n")) d.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"COPYING (.*)\r?\n")) d.expect("stdout", re.compile(r"INSTALL (.*)\r?\n")) os.remove("rdir/b.gnd") os.remove("rdir/a.gnd") diff = dcdiff('dir', 'rdir') if len(diff) != 0: raise Exception("Unexpected difference between source directory and downloaded result:\n{}".format(diff)) finally: arm = subprocess.Popen([gnunetarm, '-eq', '-c', 'test_gnunet_fs_rec_data.conf']) arm.communicate() if os.name == "nt": shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(os.getenv("TEMP"), "gnunet-test-fs-py-rec"), True) else: shutil.rmtree("/tmp/gnunet-test-fs-py-rec", True) shutil.rmtree("dir", True) shutil.rmtree("rdir", True) shutil.rmtree("rdir.gnd", True)