/**[txh]******************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2004 by Salvador E. Tropea. Covered by the GPL license. Module: Breakpoint table commands. Comments: GDB/MI commands for the "Breakpoint Table Commands" section.@p @
gdb command:          Implemented?

-break-after          Yes
-break-condition      Yes
-break-delete         Yes
-break-disable        Yes
-break-enable         Yes
-break-info           N.A. (info break NUMBER) (*)
-break-insert         Yes
-break-list           No (*)
-break-watch          Yes
(*) I think the program should keep track of the breakpoints, so it will be implemented when I have more time.@p ***************************************************************************/ #include "gdbmi.h" /* Low level versions. */ void mi_break_insert_fl(mi_h *h, const char *file, int line) { mi_send(h,"-break-insert %s:%d\n",file,line); } void mi_break_insert(mi_h *h, int temporary, int hard_assist, const char *cond, int count, int thread, const char *where) { char s_count[32]; char s_thread[32]; if (count>=0) snprintf(s_count,32,"%d",count); if (thread>=0) snprintf(s_thread,32,"%d",thread); if (cond) // Conditions may contain spaces, in fact, if they don't gdb will add // them after parsing. Enclosing the expression with "" solves the // problem. mi_send(h,"-break-insert %s %s -c \"%s\" %s %s %s %s %s\n", temporary ? "-t" : "", hard_assist ? "-h" : "", cond, count>=0 ? "-i" : "", count>=0 ? s_count : "", thread>=0 ? "-p" : "", thread>=0 ? s_thread : "", where); else mi_send(h,"-break-insert %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", temporary ? "-t" : "", hard_assist ? "-h" : "", count>=0 ? "-i" : "", count>=0 ? s_count : "", thread>=0 ? "-p" : "", thread>=0 ? s_thread : "", where); } void mi_break_insert_flf(mi_h *h, const char *file, int line, int temporary, int hard_assist, const char *cond, int count, int thread) { char s_count[32]; char s_thread[32]; if (count>=0) snprintf(s_count,32,"%d",count); if (thread>=0) snprintf(s_thread,32,"%d",thread); mi_send(h,"-break-insert %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s:%d\n", temporary ? "-t" : "", hard_assist ? "-h" : "", cond ? "-c" : "", cond ? cond : "", count>=0 ? "-i" : "", count>=0 ? s_count : "", thread>=0 ? "-p" : "", thread>=0 ? s_thread : "", file,line); } void mi_break_delete(mi_h *h, int number) { mi_send(h,"-break-delete %d\n",number); } void mi_break_after(mi_h *h, int number, int count) { mi_send(h,"-break-after %d %d\n",number,count); } void mi_break_condition(mi_h *h, int number, const char *condition) { mi_send(h,"-break-condition %d %s\n",number,condition); } void mi_break_enable(mi_h *h, int number) { mi_send(h,"-break-enable %d\n",number); } void mi_break_disable(mi_h *h, int number) { mi_send(h,"-break-disable %d\n",number); } void mi_break_watch(mi_h *h, enum mi_wp_mode mode, const char *exp) { if (mode==wm_write) mi_send(h,"-break-watch \"%s\"\n",exp); else mi_send(h,"-break-watch -%c \"%s\"\n",mode==wm_rw ? 'a' : 'r',exp); } /* High level versions. */ /**[txh]******************************************************************** Description: Insert a breakpoint at file:line. Command: -break-insert file:line Return: A new mi_bkpt structure with info about the breakpoint. NULL on error. ***************************************************************************/ mi_bkpt *gmi_break_insert(mi_h *h, const char *file, int line) { mi_break_insert_fl(h,file,line); return mi_res_bkpt(h); } /**[txh]******************************************************************** Description: Insert a breakpoint, all available options. Command: -break-insert Return: A new mi_bkpt structure with info about the breakpoint. NULL on error. ***************************************************************************/ mi_bkpt *gmi_break_insert_full(mi_h *h, int temporary, int hard_assist, const char *cond, int count, int thread, const char *where) { mi_break_insert(h,temporary,hard_assist,cond,count,thread,where); return mi_res_bkpt(h); } /**[txh]******************************************************************** Description: Insert a breakpoint, all available options. Command: -break-insert [ops] file:line Return: A new mi_bkpt structure with info about the breakpoint. NULL on error. ***************************************************************************/ mi_bkpt *gmi_break_insert_full_fl(mi_h *h, const char *file, int line, int temporary, int hard_assist, const char *cond, int count, int thread) { mi_break_insert_flf(h,file,line,temporary,hard_assist,cond,count,thread); return mi_res_bkpt(h); } /**[txh]******************************************************************** Description: Remove a breakpoint. Command: -break-delete Return: !=0 OK. Note that gdb always says OK, but errors can be sent to the console. ***************************************************************************/ int gmi_break_delete(mi_h *h, int number) { mi_break_delete(h,number); return mi_res_simple_done(h); } /**[txh]******************************************************************** Description: Modify the "ignore" count for a breakpoint. Command: -break-after Return: !=0 OK. Note that gdb always says OK, but errors can be sent to the console. ***************************************************************************/ int gmi_break_set_times(mi_h *h, int number, int count) { mi_break_after(h,number,count); return mi_res_simple_done(h); } /**[txh]******************************************************************** Description: Associate a condition with the breakpoint. Command: -break-condition Return: !=0 OK ***************************************************************************/ int gmi_break_set_condition(mi_h *h, int number, const char *condition) { mi_break_condition(h,number,condition); return mi_res_simple_done(h); } /**[txh]******************************************************************** Description: Enable or disable a breakpoint. Command: -break-enable + -break-disable Return: !=0 OK. Note that gdb always says OK, but errors can be sent to the console. ***************************************************************************/ int gmi_break_state(mi_h *h, int number, int enable) { if (enable) mi_break_enable(h,number); else mi_break_disable(h,number); return mi_res_simple_done(h); } /**[txh]******************************************************************** Description: Set a watchpoint. It doesn't work for remote targets! Command: -break-watch Return: A new mi_wp structure with info about the watchpoint. NULL on error. ***************************************************************************/ mi_wp *gmi_break_watch(mi_h *h, enum mi_wp_mode mode, const char *exp) { mi_break_watch(h,mode,exp); return mi_res_wp(h); }