#!/bin/bash # Check for required packages if ! [ -x "$(command -v gnunet-namestore)" ]; then echo 'bind/named is not installed' >&2 exit 1 fi # Check if gnunet is running gnunet-arm -I 2&>1 /dev/null ret=$? if [ 0 -ne $ret ]; then echo 'gnunet services are not running' exit 1 fi ## GNUNET part # Check if identity exists and deletes and readds it to get rid of entries in zone gnunet-identity -d | grep randomtestingid 2>&1 /dev/null ret=$? if [ 0 -ne $ret ]; then gnunet-identity -D randomtestingid gnunet-identity -C randomtestingid fi function get_record_type { arr=$1 typ=$(echo -n "${arr[0]}" | cut -d' ' -f1) echo "$typ" } function get_value { arr=$1 val=$(echo -n "${arr[0]}" | cut -d' ' -f4-) echo "$val" } function testing { label=$1 records=$2 recordstring="" typ=$(get_record_type "${records[@]}") for i in "${records[@]}" do recordstring+="$i"$'\n' done echo "$recordstring" gnunet-namestore -a -S <&1 /dev/null if [ 0 -ne $ret ]; then echo "record $label could not be found" fi } # TEST CASES # 1 echo "Testing adding of single A record with -R" declare -a arr=('A 1200 [r]') testing test1 "${arr[@]}" # 2 echo "Testing adding of multiple A records with -R" declare -a arr=('A 1200 [r]' 'A 2400 [r]') testing test2 "${arr[@]}" # 3 echo "Testing adding of multiple different records with -R" declare -a arr=('A 1200 [r]' 'AAAA 2400 [r] 2002::') testing test3 "${arr[@]}" # 4 echo "Testing adding of single GNS2DNS record with -R" declare -a arr=('GNS2DNS 86400 [r] gnu.org@') testing test4 "${arr[@]}" # 5 echo "Testing adding of single GNS2DNS shadow record with -R" declare -a arr=('GNS2DNS 86409 [rs] gnu.org@') testing test5 "${arr[@]}" # 6 echo "Testing adding of multiple GNS2DNS record with -R" declare -a arr=('GNS2DNS 1 [r] gnunet.org@' 'GNS2DNS 3600 [s] gnunet.org@') testing test6 "${arr[@]}" val=$(gnunet-gns -t GNS2DNS -u test6.randomtestingid) if [[ $val == *""* ]]; then echo "shadow!" fi echo "Sleeping to let record expire" sleep 5 val=$(gnunet-gns -t GNS2DNS -u test6.randomtestingid) if [[ $val == *""* ]]; then echo "no shadow!" fi # 7 echo "Testing adding MX record with -R" declare -a arr=('MX 3600 [r] 10,mail') testing test7 "${arr[@]}" # 8 echo "Testing adding TXT record with -R" declare -a arr=('TXT 3600 [r] Pretty_Unicorns') testing test8 "${arr[@]}" # 8 #echo "Testing adding TXT record with -R" #declare -a arr=('SRV 3600 [r] _autodiscover_old._tcp.bfh.ch.') #testing test8 "${arr[@]}" # CLEANUP gnunet-identity -D randomtestingid