#!@PYTHON@ # This file is part of GNUnet. # (C) 2010 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors) # # GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your # option) any later version. # # GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNUnet; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Testcase for gnunet-peerinfo #import pexpect from __future__ import print_function import os #import signal import re import subprocess import sys import shutil import time class pexpect (object): def __init__ (self): super (pexpect, self).__init__ () def spawn (self, stdin, arglist, *pargs, **kwargs): self.proc = subprocess.Popen (arglist, *pargs, **kwargs) if self.proc is None: print ("Failed to spawn a process {0}".format (arglist)) sys.exit (1) if stdin is not None: self.stdo, self.stde = self.proc.communicate (stdin) else: self.stdo, self.stde = self.proc.communicate () return self.proc def expect (self, s, r, flags=0): stream = self.stdo if s == 'stdout' else self.stde if isinstance (r, str): if r == "EOF": if len (stream) == 0: return True else: print ("Failed to match {0} with `{1}'. {0} is `{2}'".format (s, r, stream)) sys.exit (2) raise ValueError ("Argument `r' should be an instance of re.RegexObject or a special string, but is `{0}'".format (r)) m = r.match (stream, flags) if not m: print ("Failed to match {0} with `{1}'. {0} is `{2}'".format (s, r.pattern, stream)) sys.exit (2) stream = stream[m.end ():] if s == 'stdout': self.stdo = stream else: self.stde = stream return m def read (self, s, size=-1): stream = self.stdo if s == 'stdout' else self.stde result = "" if size < 0: result = stream new_stream = "" else: result = stream[0:size] new_stream = stream[size:] if s == 'stdout': self.stdo = new_stream else: self.stde = new_stream return result if os.name == 'posix': peerinfo = 'gnunet-peerinfo' gnunetarm = 'gnunet-arm' elif os.name == 'nt': peerinfo = 'gnunet-peerinfo.exe' gnunetarm = 'gnunet-arm.exe' pinfo = pexpect () pinfo.spawn (None, [peerinfo, '-c', 'test_gnunet_peerinfo_data.conf', '-L', 'ERROR'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) pinfo.expect ("stdout", re.compile (r'Error in communication with PEERINFO service\r?\n')) pinfo.expect ("stdout", "EOF") if os.name == "nt": shutil.rmtree (os.path.join (os.getenv ("TEMP"), "tmp", "gnunet-test-peerinfo"), True) else: shutil.rmtree ("/tmp/gnunet-test-peerinfo", True) arm = subprocess.Popen ([gnunetarm, '-sq', '-c', 'test_gnunet_peerinfo_data.conf']) arm.communicate () try: pinfo.spawn (None, [peerinfo, '-c', 'test_gnunet_peerinfo_data.conf', '-s'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) pinfo.expect ("stdout", re.compile (r'I am peer `.*\'.\r?\n')) pinfo.expect ("stdout", "EOF") pinfo.spawn (None, [peerinfo, '-c', 'test_gnunet_peerinfo_data.conf', '-qs'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) pinfo.expect ("stdout", re.compile (r'.......................................................................................................\r?\n')) pinfo.expect ("stdout", "EOF") pinfo.spawn (None, [peerinfo, '-c', 'test_gnunet_peerinfo_data.conf', 'invalid'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) pinfo.expect ("stdout", re.compile (r'Invalid command line argument `invalid\'\r?\n')) pinfo.expect ("stdout", "EOF") arm = subprocess.Popen ([gnunetarm, '-q', '-i', 'transport', '-c', 'test_gnunet_peerinfo_data.conf']) arm.communicate () time.sleep (1) pinfo.spawn (None, [peerinfo, '-c', 'test_gnunet_peerinfo_data.conf'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) pinfo.expect ("stdout", re.compile ("Peer `.*'\r?\n")) m = pinfo.expect ("stdout", re.compile ("\s.*:24357\r?\n")) while len (m.group (0)) > 0: m = pinfo.expect ("stdout", re.compile ("(\s.*:24357\r?\n|\r?\n|)")) pinfo.expect ("stdout", "EOF") pinfo.spawn (None, [peerinfo, '-c', 'test_gnunet_peerinfo_data.conf', '-n'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) pinfo.expect ("stdout", re.compile ("Peer `.*'\r?\n")) m = pinfo.expect ("stdout", re.compile ("\s.*:24357\r?\n")) while len (m.group (0)) > 0: m = pinfo.expect ("stdout", re.compile ("(\s.*:24357\r?\n|\r?\n|)")) pinfo.expect ("stdout", "EOF") pinfo.spawn (None, [peerinfo, '-c', 'test_gnunet_peerinfo_data.conf', '-qs'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) pid = pinfo.read ("stdout") pid.strip () finally: arm = subprocess.Popen ([gnunetarm, '-eq', '-c', 'test_gnunet_peerinfo_data.conf']) arm.communicate () if os.name == "nt": shutil.rmtree (os.path.join (os.getenv ("TEMP"), "tmp", "gnunet-test-peerinfo"), True) else: shutil.rmtree ("/tmp/gnunet-test-peerinfo", True)