/* This file is part of GNUnet (C) 2012 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors) GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNUnet; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * @file regex/test_regex_eval_api.c * @brief test for regex.c * @author Maximilian Szengel */ #include #include #include "platform.h" #include "gnunet_regex_lib.h" enum Match_Result { match = 0, nomatch = 1 }; struct Regex_String_Pair { char *regex; int string_count; char *strings[20]; enum Match_Result expected_results[20]; }; static const char allowed_literals[] = "0123456789" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int test_random (unsigned int rx_length, unsigned int max_str_len, unsigned int str_count) { int i; int j; int rx_exp; char rand_rx[rx_length + 1]; char matching_str[str_count][max_str_len + 1]; char *rand_rxp; char *matching_strp; int char_op_switch; int last_was_op; char current_char; int eval; int eval_check; struct GNUNET_REGEX_Automaton *dfa; regex_t rx; regmatch_t matchptr[1]; char error[200]; int result; unsigned int str_len; // At least one string is needed for matching GNUNET_assert (str_count > 0); // The string should be at least as long as the regex itself GNUNET_assert (max_str_len >= rx_length); rand_rxp = rand_rx; matching_strp = matching_str[0]; current_char = 0; last_was_op = 1; // Generate random regex and a string that matches the regex for (i = 0; i < rx_length; i++) { char_op_switch = 0 + (int) (1.0 * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); if (0 == char_op_switch && !last_was_op) { last_was_op = 1; rx_exp = rand () % 4; switch (rx_exp) { case 0: current_char = '+'; break; case 1: current_char = '*'; break; case 2: current_char = '?'; break; case 3: if (i < rx_length - 1) // '|' cannot be at the end current_char = '|'; else current_char = allowed_literals[rand () % (sizeof (allowed_literals) - 1)]; break; } } else { current_char = allowed_literals[rand () % (sizeof (allowed_literals) - 1)]; last_was_op = 0; } if (current_char != '+' && current_char != '*' && current_char != '?' && current_char != '|') { *matching_strp = current_char; matching_strp++; } *rand_rxp = current_char; rand_rxp++; } *rand_rxp = '\0'; *matching_strp = '\0'; // Generate some random strings for matching... // Start at 1, because the first string is generated above during regex generation for (i = 1; i < str_count; i++) { str_len = rand () % max_str_len; for (j = 0; j < str_len; j++) matching_str[i][j] = allowed_literals[rand () % (sizeof (allowed_literals) - 1)]; matching_str[i][str_len] = '\0'; } // Now match result = 0; for (i = 0; i < str_count; i++) { // Match string using DFA dfa = GNUNET_REGEX_construct_dfa (rand_rx, strlen (rand_rx)); if (NULL == dfa) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Constructing DFA failed\n"); return -1; } eval = GNUNET_REGEX_eval (dfa, matching_str[i]); GNUNET_REGEX_automaton_destroy (dfa); // Match string using glibc regex if (0 != regcomp (&rx, rand_rx, REG_EXTENDED)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Could not compile regex using regcomp\n"); return -1; } eval_check = regexec (&rx, matching_str[i], 1, matchptr, 0); regfree (&rx); // We only want to match the whole string, because that's what our DFA does, too. if (eval_check == 0 && (matchptr[0].rm_so != 0 || matchptr[0].rm_eo != strlen (matching_str[i]))) eval_check = 1; // compare result if (eval_check != eval) { regerror (eval_check, &rx, error, sizeof error); GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Unexpected result:\nregex: %s\nstring: %s\ngnunet regex: %i\nglibc regex: %i\nglibc error: %s\n\n", rand_rx, matching_str, eval, eval_check, error); result += 1; } } return result; } int test_automaton (struct GNUNET_REGEX_Automaton *a, regex_t * rx, struct Regex_String_Pair *rxstr) { int result; int eval; int eval_check; char error[200]; regmatch_t matchptr[1]; int i; if (NULL == a) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Automaton was NULL\n"); return 1; } result = 0; for (i = 0; i < rxstr->string_count; i++) { eval = GNUNET_REGEX_eval (a, rxstr->strings[i]); eval_check = regexec (rx, rxstr->strings[i], 1, matchptr, 0); // We only want to match the whole string, because that's what our DFA does, too. if (eval_check == 0 && (matchptr[0].rm_so != 0 || matchptr[0].rm_eo != strlen (rxstr->strings[i]))) eval_check = 1; if ((rxstr->expected_results[i] == match && (0 != eval || 0 != eval_check)) || (rxstr->expected_results[i] == nomatch && (0 == eval || 0 == eval_check))) { result = 1; regerror (eval_check, rx, error, sizeof error); GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Unexpected result:\nregex: %s\nstring: %s\nexpected result: %i\n" "gnunet regex: %i\nglibc regex: %i\nglibc error: %s\nrm_so: %i\nrm_eo: %i\n\n", rxstr->regex, rxstr->strings[i], rxstr->expected_results[i], eval, eval_check, error, matchptr[0].rm_so, matchptr[0].rm_eo); } } return result; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { GNUNET_log_setup ("test-regex", #if VERBOSE "DEBUG", #else "WARNING", #endif NULL); struct GNUNET_REGEX_Automaton *a; regex_t rx; int i; int check_nfa; int check_dfa; int check_rand; struct Regex_String_Pair rxstr[8] = { {"ab?(abcd)?", 5, {"ababcd", "abab", "aabcd", "a", "abb"}, {match, nomatch, match, match, nomatch}}, {"ab(c|d)+c*(a(b|c)d)+", 5, {"abcdcdcdcdddddabd", "abcd", "abcddddddccccccccccccccccccccccccabdacdabd", "abccccca", "abcdcdcdccdabdabd"}, {match, nomatch, match, nomatch, match}}, {"ab+c*(a(bx|c)d)+", 5, {"abcdcdcdcdddddabd", "abcd", "abcddddddccccccccccccccccccccccccabdacdabd", "abccccca", "abcdcdcdccdabdabd"}, {nomatch, nomatch, nomatch, nomatch, nomatch}}, {"a+X*y+c|p|R|Z*K*y*R+w|Y*6+n+h*k*w+V*F|W*B*e*", 1, {"kaXycQepRZKyRwY6nhkwVFWBegNVtLPj39XhJJ6bEifRSZRYZg"}, {nomatch}}, {"k|a+X*y+c|Q*e|p|R|Z*K*y*R+w|Y*6+n+h*k*w+V*F|W*B*e*g|N+V|t+L|P*j*3*9+X*h*J|J*6|b|E*i*f*R+S|Z|R|Y*Z|g*", 1, {"kaXycQepRZKyRwY6nhkwVFWBegNVtLPj39XhJJ6bEifRSZRYZg"}, {nomatch}}, {"F?W+m+2*6*c*s|P?U?a|B|y*i+t+A|V|6*C*7*e?Z*n*i|J?5+g?W*V?7*j?p?1|r?B?C+E+3+6*i+W*P?K?0|D+7?y*m+3?g?K?", 1, {"osfjsodfonONONOnosndfsdnfsd"}, {nomatch}}, {"V|M*o?x*p*d+h+b|E*m?h?Y*E*O?W*W*P+o?Z+H*M|I*q+C*a+5?5*9|b?z|G*y*k?R|p+u|8*h?B+l*H|e|L*O|1|F?v*0?5|C+", 1, {"VMoxpdhbEmhYEOWWPoZHMIqCa559bzGykRpu8hBlHeLO1Fv05C"}, {nomatch}}, {"ab(c|d)+c*(a(b|c)d)+", 1, {"abacd"}, {nomatch}} }; check_nfa = 0; check_dfa = 0; check_rand = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (0 != regcomp (&rx, rxstr[i].regex, REG_EXTENDED)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Could not compile regex using regcomp()\n"); return 1; } // NFA test a = GNUNET_REGEX_construct_nfa (rxstr[i].regex, strlen (rxstr[i].regex)); check_nfa += test_automaton (a, &rx, &rxstr[i]); GNUNET_REGEX_automaton_destroy (a); // DFA test a = GNUNET_REGEX_construct_dfa (rxstr[i].regex, strlen (rxstr[i].regex)); check_dfa += test_automaton (a, &rx, &rxstr[i]); GNUNET_REGEX_automaton_destroy (a); regfree (&rx); } srand (time (NULL)); for (i = 0; i < 150; i++) check_rand += test_random (150, 200, 25); return check_nfa + check_dfa + check_rand; }