[rps] #PREFIX = valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --log-file=/tmp/rps/valgrind!gnunet-service-rps!%p #PREFIX = valgrind --log-file=/tmp/rps/valgrind!gnunet-service-rps!%p #PREFIX = valgrind UNIXPATH = $GNUNET_TMP/gnunet-service-rps.sock HOME = $SERVICEHOME # PORT = 2106 #@UNIXONLY@ PORT = 2087 IMMEDIATE_START = YES START_ON_DEMAND = NO NOARMBIND = YES #OPTIONS=-l /tmp/rps_profiler_logs/rps-[]-%Y-%m-%d.log # This is the timeinterval between the rounds ROUNDINTERVAL = 2 s FILENAME_VALID_PEERS = $GNUNET_DATA_HOME/rps/valid_peers.txt # This is the 'estimate' in the beginning. # This determines the size of the peers we keep in memory # until we receive the first estimate from NSE. # Keep in mind, that (networksize)^(1/3) should be enough. # So, 50 is enough for a network of size 50^3 = 125000 MINSIZE = 4 DESIRED_PROBABILITY = 0.75 DEFICIENCY_FACTOR = 0.4 [testbed] HOSTNAME = localhost # MAX_PARALLEL_TOPOLOGY_CONFIG_OPERATIONS = 100 #OVERLAY_TOPOLOGY = CLIQUE #OVERLAY_TOPOLOGY = SCALE_FREE #SCALE_FREE_TOPOLOGY_CAP = 100 #SCALE_FREE_TOPOLOGY_M = 2 OVERLAY_TOPOLOGY = RANDOM ## We take half of the links a complete graph would have, so (n * n-1)/4 ## for n = 128, this would be OVERLAY_RANDOM_LINKS = 4064 #OVERLAY_TOPOLOGY = SMALL_WORLD #OVERLAY_RANDOM_LINKS = 25 SETUP_TIMEOUT = 1 h [nse] WORKBITS = 0 [nat] # Use addresses from the local network interfaces (inluding loopback, but also others) USE_LOCALADDR = YES ENABLE_UPNP = NO # Do we use addresses from localhost address ranges? (::1, RETURN_LOCAL_ADDRESSES = YES [transport] PLUGINS = unix [ats] # Network specific inbound/outbound quotas UNSPECIFIED_QUOTA_IN = unlimited UNSPECIFIED_QUOTA_OUT = unlimited # LOOPBACK LOOPBACK_QUOTA_IN = unlimited LOOPBACK_QUOTA_OUT = unlimited # LAN LAN_QUOTA_IN = unlimited LAN_QUOTA_OUT = unlimited #WAN WAN_QUOTA_OUT = unlimited WAN_QUOTA_IN = unlimited # WLAN WLAN_QUOTA_IN = unlimited WLAN_QUOTA_OUT = unlimited # BLUETOOTH BLUETOOTH_QUOTA_IN = unlimited BLUETOOTH_QUOTA_OUT = unlimited [dht] DISABLE_TRY_CONNECT = YES [cadet] OPTIONS=-l /tmp/rps_profiler_logs/cadet-[]-%Y-%m-%d.log #[arm] #GLOBAL_POSTFIX=-l /tmp/rps_profiler_logs/other-[]-%Y-%m-%d.log #[statistics] #IMMEDIATE_START = NO #START_ON_DEMAND = NO [peerinfo] NO_IO = YES [hostlist] IMMEDIATE_START = NO START_ON_DEMAND = NO [zonemaster] IMMEDIATE_START = NO START_ON_DEMAND = NO [namecache] IMMEDIATE_START = NO START_ON_DEMAND = NO [namestore] IMMEDIATE_START = NO START_ON_DEMAND = NO [topology] IMMEDIATE_START = NO START_ON_DEMAND = NO [vpn] IMMEDIATE_START = NO START_ON_DEMAND = NO [revocation] IMMEDIATE_START = NO START_ON_DEMAND = NO [gns] IMMEDIATE_START = NO START_ON_DEMAND = NO [fs] IMMEDIATE_START = NO START_ON_DEMAND = NO [zonemaster-monitor] IMMEDIATE_START = NO START_ON_DEMAND = NO