#!/bin/bash # compute a simple scalar product # payload for this test: INPUTALICE="-k CCC -e 'AB,10;RO,-1;FL,1;LOL,1;'" INPUTBOB="-k CCC -e 'BC,20;RO,1;FL,1;LOL,0;'" # necessary to make the testing prefix deterministic, so we can access the config files PREFIX=/tmp/test-scalarproduct`date +%H%M%S` # where can we find the peers config files? CFGALICE="-c $PREFIX/0/config" CFGBOB="-c $PREFIX/1/config" # launch two peers in line topology non-interactively # # interactive mode would terminate the test immediately # because the rest of the script is already in stdin, # thus redirecting stdin does not suffice) # GNUNET_LOG='scalarproduct;;;;DEBUG' GNUNET_TESTING_PREFIX=$PREFIX ../testbed/gnunet-testbed-profiler -n -c test_scalarproduct.conf -p 2 & PID=$! # sleep 1 is too short on most systems, 2 works on most, 5 seems to be safe sleep 5 which timeout &> /dev/null && DO_TIMEOUT="timeout 15" # get bob's peer ID, necessary for alice PEERIDBOB=`${DO_TIMEOUT} gnunet-peerinfo -qs $CFGBOB` #GNUNET_LOG=';;;;DEBUG' ${DO_TIMEOUT} gnunet-scalarproduct $CFGBOB $INPUTBOB & #GNUNET_LOG=';;;;DEBUG' RESULT=`${DO_TIMEOUT} gnunet-scalarproduct $CFGALICE $INPUTALICE -p $PEERIDBOB` # terminate the testbed kill $PID EXPECTED="00" if [ "$RESULT" == "$EXPECTED" ] then echo "OK" exit 0 else echo "Result $RESULT NOTOK" exit 1 fi