/* This file is part of GNUnet Copyright (C) 2002-2013 GNUnet e.V. GNUnet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL3.0-or-later */ /** * @file transport/plugin_transport_http_common.c * @brief functionality shared between http(s)client plugins * @author Matthias Wachs */ #include "platform.h" #include "gnunet_util_lib.h" #include "gnunet_transport_plugin.h" #include "plugin_transport_http_common.h" #include "gnunet_resolver_service.h" static void http_clean_splitted (struct SplittedHTTPAddress *spa) { if (NULL != spa) { GNUNET_free (spa->protocol); GNUNET_free (spa->host); GNUNET_free (spa->path); GNUNET_free (spa); } } struct SplittedHTTPAddress * http_split_address (const char *addr) { struct SplittedHTTPAddress *sp; char *src = GNUNET_strdup (addr); char *protocol_start = NULL; char *host_start = NULL; char *v6_end = NULL; char *port_start = NULL; char *path_start = NULL; protocol_start = src; sp = GNUNET_new (struct SplittedHTTPAddress); /* Address string consists of protocol://host[:port]path*/ host_start = strstr (src, "://"); if (NULL == host_start) { GNUNET_free (src); GNUNET_free (sp); return NULL; } host_start[0] = '\0'; sp->protocol = GNUNET_strdup (protocol_start); host_start += strlen ("://"); if (strlen (host_start) == 0) { GNUNET_free (src); GNUNET_free (sp->protocol); GNUNET_free (sp); return NULL; } /* Find path start */ path_start = strchr (host_start, '/'); if (NULL != path_start) { sp->path = GNUNET_strdup (path_start); path_start[0] = '\0'; } else sp->path = GNUNET_strdup (""); if (strlen (host_start) < 1) { GNUNET_free (src); GNUNET_free (sp->protocol); GNUNET_free (sp->path); GNUNET_free (sp); return NULL; } if (NULL != (port_start = strrchr (host_start, ':'))) { /* *We COULD have a port, but also an IPv6 address! */ if (NULL != (v6_end = strchr (host_start, ']'))) { if (v6_end < port_start) { /* IPv6 address + port */ port_start[0] = '\0'; port_start++; sp->port = atoi (port_start); if ((0 == sp->port) || (65535 < sp->port)) { GNUNET_free (src); GNUNET_free (sp->protocol); GNUNET_free (sp->path); GNUNET_free (sp); return NULL; } } else { /* IPv6 address + no port */ if (0 == strcmp (sp->protocol, "https")) sp->port = HTTPS_DEFAULT_PORT; else if (0 == strcmp (sp->protocol, "http")) sp->port = HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT; } } else { /* No IPv6 address */ port_start[0] = '\0'; port_start++; sp->port = atoi (port_start); if ((0 == sp->port) || (65535 < sp->port)) { GNUNET_free (src); GNUNET_free (sp->protocol); GNUNET_free (sp->path); GNUNET_free (sp); return NULL; } } } else { /* No ':' as port separator, default port for protocol */ if (0 == strcmp (sp->protocol, "https")) sp->port = HTTPS_DEFAULT_PORT; else if (0 == strcmp (sp->protocol, "http")) sp->port = HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT; else { GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_free (src); GNUNET_free (sp->protocol); GNUNET_free (sp->path); GNUNET_free (sp); return NULL; } } if (strlen (host_start) > 0) sp->host = GNUNET_strdup (host_start); else { GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_free (src); GNUNET_free (sp->protocol); GNUNET_free (sp->path); GNUNET_free (sp); return NULL; } GNUNET_free (src); return sp; } /** * Closure for #append_port(). */ struct PrettyPrinterContext { /** * DLL */ struct PrettyPrinterContext *next; /** * DLL */ struct PrettyPrinterContext *prev; /** * Resolver handle */ struct GNUNET_RESOLVER_RequestHandle *resolver_handle; /** * Function to call with the result. */ GNUNET_TRANSPORT_AddressStringCallback asc; /** * Clsoure for @e asc. */ void *asc_cls; /** * Timeout task */ struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *timeout_task; /** * Split Address */ struct SplittedHTTPAddress *saddr; /** * Plugin String */ char *plugin; /** * Was conversion successful */ int success; /** * Address options */ uint32_t options; }; /** * Head of PPC list */ static struct PrettyPrinterContext *dll_ppc_head; /** * Tail of PPC list */ static struct PrettyPrinterContext *dll_ppc_tail; /** * Function called for a quick conversion of the binary address to * a numeric address. Note that the caller must not free the * address and that the next call to this function is allowed * to override the address again. * * @param plugin the name of the plugin * @param saddr the split http address * @param options address options * @param dnsresult dns name to include in address * @return string representing the same address or NULL on error */ static const char * http_common_plugin_dnsresult_to_address (const char *plugin, const struct SplittedHTTPAddress *saddr, uint32_t options, const char *dnsresult) { static char rbuf[1024]; char *res; GNUNET_asprintf (&res, "%s.%u.%s://%s:%u%s", plugin, options, saddr->protocol, dnsresult, saddr->port, saddr->path); if (strlen (res) + 1 < 500) { GNUNET_memcpy (rbuf, res, strlen (res) + 1); GNUNET_free (res); return rbuf; } GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_free (res); return NULL; } static void http_common_dns_reverse_lookup_cb (void *cls, const char *hostname) { struct PrettyPrinterContext *ppc = cls; if (NULL != hostname) { ppc->asc (ppc->asc_cls, http_common_plugin_dnsresult_to_address (ppc->plugin, ppc->saddr, ppc->options, hostname), GNUNET_OK); ppc->success = GNUNET_YES; } else { ppc->asc (ppc->asc_cls, NULL, (GNUNET_NO == ppc->success) ? GNUNET_SYSERR : GNUNET_OK); GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (dll_ppc_head, dll_ppc_tail, ppc); http_clean_splitted (ppc->saddr); GNUNET_free (ppc->plugin); GNUNET_free (ppc); } } static int http_common_dns_reverse_lookup (const struct sockaddr *sockaddr, socklen_t sockaddr_len, const char *type, struct SplittedHTTPAddress *saddr, uint32_t options, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout, GNUNET_TRANSPORT_AddressStringCallback asc, void *asc_cls) { struct PrettyPrinterContext *ppc; ppc = GNUNET_new (struct PrettyPrinterContext); ppc->saddr = saddr; ppc->asc = asc; ppc->asc_cls = asc_cls; ppc->plugin = GNUNET_strdup (type); ppc->options = options; ppc->resolver_handle = GNUNET_RESOLVER_hostname_get (sockaddr, sockaddr_len, GNUNET_YES, timeout, & http_common_dns_reverse_lookup_cb, ppc); if (NULL == ppc->resolver_handle) { GNUNET_free (ppc->plugin); GNUNET_free (ppc); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (dll_ppc_head, dll_ppc_tail, ppc); return GNUNET_OK; } static void http_common_dns_ip_lookup_cb (void *cls, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen) { struct PrettyPrinterContext *ppc = cls; if (NULL != addr) { ppc->asc (ppc->asc_cls, http_common_plugin_dnsresult_to_address (ppc->plugin, ppc->saddr, ppc->options, GNUNET_a2s (addr, addrlen)), GNUNET_OK); ppc->success = GNUNET_YES; ppc->asc (ppc->asc_cls, GNUNET_a2s (addr, addrlen), GNUNET_OK); } else { ppc->asc (ppc->asc_cls, NULL, (GNUNET_NO == ppc->success) ? GNUNET_SYSERR : GNUNET_OK); GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (dll_ppc_head, dll_ppc_tail, ppc); GNUNET_free (ppc->plugin); http_clean_splitted (ppc->saddr); GNUNET_free (ppc); } } static int http_common_dns_ip_lookup (const char *name, const char *type, struct SplittedHTTPAddress *saddr, uint32_t options, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout, GNUNET_TRANSPORT_AddressStringCallback asc, void *asc_cls) { struct PrettyPrinterContext *ppc; ppc = GNUNET_new (struct PrettyPrinterContext); ppc->success = GNUNET_NO; ppc->saddr = saddr; ppc->asc = asc; ppc->asc_cls = asc_cls; ppc->plugin = GNUNET_strdup (type); ppc->options = options; ppc->resolver_handle = GNUNET_RESOLVER_ip_get (name, AF_UNSPEC, timeout, &http_common_dns_ip_lookup_cb, ppc); if (NULL == ppc->resolver_handle) { GNUNET_free (ppc->plugin); GNUNET_free (ppc); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (dll_ppc_head, dll_ppc_tail, ppc); return GNUNET_OK; } void http_common_plugin_address_pretty_printer (void *cls, const char *type, const void *addr, size_t addrlen, int numeric, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout, GNUNET_TRANSPORT_AddressStringCallback asc, void *asc_cls) { const struct HttpAddress *address = addr; struct SplittedHTTPAddress *saddr; struct sockaddr *sock_addr; const char *ret; char *addr_str; int res; int have_ip; saddr = NULL; sock_addr = NULL; if ((addrlen < sizeof(struct HttpAddress)) || (addrlen != http_common_address_get_size (address))) { GNUNET_break (0); goto handle_error; } addr_str = (char *) &address[1]; if (addr_str[ntohl (address->urlen) - 1] != '\0') { GNUNET_break (0); goto handle_error; } saddr = http_split_address (addr_str); if (NULL == saddr) { GNUNET_break (0); goto handle_error; } sock_addr = http_common_socket_from_address (addr, addrlen, &res); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) { /* Malformed address */ GNUNET_break (0); goto handle_error; } else if (GNUNET_NO == res) { /* Could not convert to IP */ have_ip = GNUNET_NO; } else if (GNUNET_YES == res) { /* Converted to IP */ have_ip = GNUNET_YES; } else { /* Must not happen */ GNUNET_break (0); goto handle_error; } if ((GNUNET_YES == numeric) && (GNUNET_YES == have_ip)) { /* No lookup required */ ret = http_common_plugin_address_to_string (type, address, addrlen); asc (asc_cls, ret, (NULL == ret) ? GNUNET_SYSERR : GNUNET_OK); asc (asc_cls, NULL, GNUNET_OK); http_clean_splitted (saddr); GNUNET_free (sock_addr); return; } if ((GNUNET_YES == numeric) && (GNUNET_NO == have_ip)) { /* Forward lookup */ if (GNUNET_SYSERR == http_common_dns_ip_lookup (saddr->host, type, saddr, address->options, timeout, asc, asc_cls)) { GNUNET_break (0); goto handle_error; } /* Wait for resolver callback */ GNUNET_free (sock_addr); return; } if ((GNUNET_NO == numeric) && (GNUNET_YES == have_ip)) { /* Reverse lookup */ if (GNUNET_SYSERR == http_common_dns_reverse_lookup (sock_addr, (AF_INET == sock_addr->sa_family) ? sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) : sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6), type, saddr, address->options, timeout, asc, asc_cls)) { GNUNET_break (0); goto handle_error; } /* Wait for resolver callback */ GNUNET_free (sock_addr); return; } if ((GNUNET_NO == numeric) && (GNUNET_NO == have_ip)) { /* No lookup required */ ret = http_common_plugin_address_to_string (type, address, addrlen); asc (asc_cls, ret, (NULL == ret) ? GNUNET_SYSERR : GNUNET_OK); asc (asc_cls, NULL, GNUNET_OK); GNUNET_free (sock_addr); http_clean_splitted (saddr); return; } /* Error (argument supplied not GNUNET_YES or GNUNET_NO) */ GNUNET_break (0); goto handle_error; handle_error: /* Report error */ asc (asc_cls, NULL, GNUNET_SYSERR); asc (asc_cls, NULL, GNUNET_OK); GNUNET_free (sock_addr); if (NULL != saddr) http_clean_splitted (saddr); } /** * FIXME. */ const char * http_common_plugin_address_to_url (void *cls, const void *addr, size_t addrlen) { static char rbuf[1024]; const struct HttpAddress *address = addr; const char *addr_str; if (NULL == addr) { GNUNET_break (0); return NULL; } if (0 == addrlen) { GNUNET_break (0); return NULL; } if (addrlen != http_common_address_get_size (address)) { GNUNET_break (0); return NULL; } addr_str = (char *) &address[1]; if (addr_str[ntohl (address->urlen) - 1] != '\0') return NULL; GNUNET_memcpy (rbuf, &address[1], ntohl (address->urlen)); return rbuf; } const char * http_common_plugin_address_to_string (const char *plugin, const void *addr, size_t addrlen) { static char rbuf[1024]; const struct HttpAddress *address = addr; const char *addr_str; char *res; GNUNET_assert (NULL != plugin); if (NULL == addr) return NULL; if (0 == addrlen) return NULL; if (addrlen != http_common_address_get_size (address)) return NULL; addr_str = (char *) &address[1]; if (addr_str[ntohl (address->urlen) - 1] != '\0') return NULL; GNUNET_asprintf (&res, "%s.%u.%s", plugin, ntohl (address->options), (char*)&address[1]); if (strlen (res) + 1 < 500) { GNUNET_memcpy (rbuf, res, strlen (res) + 1); GNUNET_free (res); return rbuf; } GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_free (res); return NULL; } int http_common_plugin_string_to_address (void *cls, const char *addr, uint16_t addrlen, void **buf, size_t *added) { struct HttpAddress *a; char *address; char *plugin; char *optionstr; size_t urlen; uint32_t options; /* Format protocol.options.address:port */ address = NULL; plugin = NULL; optionstr = NULL; if ((NULL == addr) || (addrlen == 0)) { GNUNET_break (0); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } if ('\0' != addr[addrlen - 1]) { GNUNET_break (0); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } if (strlen (addr) != addrlen - 1) { GNUNET_break (0); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } plugin = GNUNET_strdup (addr); optionstr = strchr (plugin, '.'); if (NULL == optionstr) { GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_free (plugin); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } optionstr[0] = '\0'; optionstr++; options = atol (optionstr); /* 0 on conversion error, that's ok */ address = strchr (optionstr, '.'); if (NULL == address) { GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_free (plugin); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } address[0] = '\0'; address++; urlen = strlen (address) + 1; a = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof(struct HttpAddress) + urlen); a->options = htonl (options); a->urlen = htonl (urlen); GNUNET_memcpy (&a[1], address, urlen); (*buf) = a; (*added) = sizeof(struct HttpAddress) + urlen; GNUNET_free (plugin); return GNUNET_OK; } struct HttpAddress * http_common_address_from_socket (const char *protocol, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen) { struct HttpAddress *address = NULL; char *res; size_t len; GNUNET_asprintf (&res, "%s://%s", protocol, GNUNET_a2s (addr, addrlen)); len = strlen (res) + 1; address = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof(struct HttpAddress) + len); address->options = htonl (HTTP_OPTIONS_NONE); address->urlen = htonl (len); GNUNET_memcpy (&address[1], res, len); GNUNET_free (res); return address; } /** * Create a socketaddr from a HTTP address * * @param addr a `sockaddr *` address * @param addrlen length of the @a addr * @param res the result: * #GNUNET_SYSERR, invalid input, * #GNUNET_YES: could convert to ip, * #GNUNET_NO: valid input but could not convert to ip (hostname?) * @return the string */ struct sockaddr * http_common_socket_from_address (const void *addr, size_t addrlen, int *res) { const struct HttpAddress *ha; struct SplittedHTTPAddress *spa; struct sockaddr_storage *s; char *to_conv; size_t urlen; (*res) = GNUNET_SYSERR; ha = (const struct HttpAddress *) addr; if (NULL == addr) { GNUNET_break (0); return NULL; } if (0 == addrlen) { GNUNET_break (0); return NULL; } if (addrlen < sizeof(struct HttpAddress)) { GNUNET_break (0); return NULL; } urlen = ntohl (ha->urlen); if (sizeof(struct HttpAddress) + urlen != addrlen) { /* This is a legacy addresses */ return NULL; } if (addrlen < sizeof(struct HttpAddress) + urlen) { /* This is a legacy addresses */ return NULL; } if (((char *) addr)[addrlen - 1] != '\0') { GNUNET_break (0); return NULL; } spa = http_split_address ((const char *) &ha[1]); if (NULL == spa) { (*res) = GNUNET_SYSERR; return NULL; } s = GNUNET_new (struct sockaddr_storage); GNUNET_asprintf (&to_conv, "%s:%u", spa->host, spa->port); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == GNUNET_STRINGS_to_address_ip (to_conv, strlen (to_conv), s)) { /* could be a hostname */ GNUNET_free (s); (*res) = GNUNET_NO; s = NULL; } else if ((AF_INET != s->ss_family) && (AF_INET6 != s->ss_family)) { GNUNET_free (s); (*res) = GNUNET_SYSERR; s = NULL; } else { (*res) = GNUNET_YES; } http_clean_splitted (spa); GNUNET_free (to_conv); return (struct sockaddr *) s; } /** * Get the length of an address * * @param addr address * @return the size */ size_t http_common_address_get_size (const struct HttpAddress *addr) { return sizeof(struct HttpAddress) + ntohl (addr->urlen); } /** * Compare addr1 to addr2 * * @param addr1 address1 * @param addrlen1 address 1 length * @param addr2 address2 * @param addrlen2 address 2 length * @return #GNUNET_YES if equal, #GNUNET_NO if not, #GNUNET_SYSERR on error */ size_t http_common_cmp_addresses (const void *addr1, size_t addrlen1, const void *addr2, size_t addrlen2) { const char *a1 = addr1; const char *a2 = addr2; const struct HttpAddress *ha1; const struct HttpAddress *ha2; ha1 = (const struct HttpAddress *) a1; ha2 = (const struct HttpAddress *) a2; if (NULL == a1) return GNUNET_SYSERR; if (0 == addrlen1) return GNUNET_SYSERR; if (a1[addrlen1 - 1] != '\0') return GNUNET_SYSERR; if (NULL == a2) return GNUNET_SYSERR; if (0 == addrlen2) return GNUNET_SYSERR; if (a2[addrlen2 - 1] != '\0') return GNUNET_SYSERR; if (addrlen1 != addrlen2) return GNUNET_NO; if (ha1->urlen != ha2->urlen) return GNUNET_NO; if (0 == strcmp ((const char *) &ha1[1], (const char *) &ha2[1])) return GNUNET_YES; return GNUNET_NO; } /** * Function obtain the network type for an address. * * @param env the environment * @param address the address * @return the network type */ enum GNUNET_NetworkType http_common_get_network_for_address (struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_PluginEnvironment *env, const struct GNUNET_HELLO_Address *address) { struct sockaddr *sa; enum GNUNET_NetworkType net_type; size_t salen = 0; int res; net_type = GNUNET_NT_UNSPECIFIED; sa = http_common_socket_from_address (address->address, address->address_length, &res); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) return net_type; if (GNUNET_YES == res) { GNUNET_assert (NULL != sa); if (AF_INET == sa->sa_family) { salen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); } else if (AF_INET6 == sa->sa_family) { salen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); } net_type = env->get_address_type (env->cls, sa, salen); GNUNET_free (sa); } return net_type; } /* end of plugin_transport_http_common.c */