/* This file is part of GNUnet. Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 GNUnet e.V. GNUnet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. */ /** * @file util/winproc.c * @brief Functions for MS Windows * @author Nils Durner */ #include "platform.h" #include "gnunet_crypto_lib.h" #include "gnunet_common.h" #ifdef MINGW static HINSTANCE hNTDLL, hIphlpapi, hAdvapi, hNetapi; #ifdef W32_VEH static void *GNWinVEH_handle = NULL; #endif TNtQuerySystemInformation GNNtQuerySystemInformation; TGetIfEntry GNGetIfEntry; TGetIpAddrTable GNGetIpAddrTable; TGetIfTable GNGetIfTable; TOpenSCManager GNOpenSCManager; TCreateService GNCreateService; TCloseServiceHandle GNCloseServiceHandle; TDeleteService GNDeleteService; TRegisterServiceCtrlHandler GNRegisterServiceCtrlHandler; TSetServiceStatus GNSetServiceStatus; TStartServiceCtrlDispatcher GNStartServiceCtrlDispatcher; TControlService GNControlService; TOpenService GNOpenService; TGetBestInterfaceEx GNGetBestInterfaceEx; TGetAdaptersInfo GNGetAdaptersInfo; TNetUserAdd GNNetUserAdd; TNetUserSetInfo GNNetUserSetInfo; TLsaOpenPolicy GNLsaOpenPolicy; TLsaAddAccountRights GNLsaAddAccountRights; TLsaRemoveAccountRights GNLsaRemoveAccountRights; TLsaClose GNLsaClose; TLookupAccountName GNLookupAccountName; TGetFileSecurity GNGetFileSecurity; TInitializeSecurityDescriptor GNInitializeSecurityDescriptor; TGetSecurityDescriptorDacl GNGetSecurityDescriptorDacl; TGetAclInformation GNGetAclInformation; TInitializeAcl GNInitializeAcl; TGetAce GNGetAce; TEqualSid GNEqualSid; TAddAce GNAddAce; TAddAccessAllowedAce GNAddAccessAllowedAce; TSetNamedSecurityInfo GNSetNamedSecurityInfo; #define LOG(kind,...) GNUNET_log_from (kind, "util-winproc", __VA_ARGS__) /** * Log (panic) messages from PlibC */ void plibc_panic (int err, char *msg) { LOG (((err == INT_MAX) ? GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG : GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR), "%s", msg); } #ifdef W32_VEH /** * Handles exceptions (useful for debugging). * Issues a DebugBreak() call if the process is being debugged (not really * useful - if the process is being debugged, this handler won't be invoked * anyway). If it is not, runs a debugger from GNUNET_DEBUGGER env var, * substituting first %u in it for PID, and the second one for the event, * that should be set once the debugger attaches itself (otherwise the * only way out of WaitForSingleObject() is to time out after 1 minute). */ LONG __stdcall GNWinVEH (PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionInfo) { char debugger[MAX_PATH + 1]; char *debugger_env = NULL; if (IsDebuggerPresent ()) { DebugBreak (); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION; } debugger_env = getenv ("GNUNET_DEBUGGER"); if (debugger_env != NULL) { STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; HANDLE event; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; memset (&si, 0, sizeof (si)); si.cb = sizeof (si); memset (&pi, 0, sizeof (pi)); memset (&sa, 0, sizeof (sa)); sa.nLength = sizeof (sa); sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; event = CreateEvent (&sa, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); snprintf (debugger, MAX_PATH + 1, debugger_env, GetCurrentProcessId (), (uintptr_t) event); debugger[MAX_PATH] = '\0'; if (0 != CreateProcessA (NULL, debugger, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { CloseHandle (pi.hProcess); CloseHandle (pi.hThread); WaitForSingleObject (event, 60000); CloseHandle (event); if (IsDebuggerPresent ()) { return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION; } } else CloseHandle (event); } return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } #endif /** * @brief Initialize PlibC and set up Windows environment * @param logging context, NULL means stderr * @return Error code from winerror.h, ERROR_SUCCESS on success */ int GNInitWinEnv () { int ret; plibc_initialized (); plibc_set_panic_proc (plibc_panic); ret = plibc_init_utf8 ("GNU", PACKAGE, 1); plibc_set_stat_size_size (sizeof (((struct stat *) 0)->st_size)); plibc_set_stat_time_size (sizeof (((struct stat *) 0)->st_mtime)); /* don't load other DLLs twice */ if (hNTDLL) return ret; #ifdef W32_VEH if (GNWinVEH_handle == NULL) { GNWinVEH_handle = AddVectoredExceptionHandler (1, &GNWinVEH); if (GNWinVEH_handle == NULL) { /* This is bad, but what can we do? */ printf ("Failed to set up an exception handler!\n"); } } #endif hNTDLL = LoadLibrary ("ntdll.dll"); /* Function to get CPU usage under Win NT */ if (hNTDLL) { GNNtQuerySystemInformation = (TNtQuerySystemInformation) GetProcAddress (hNTDLL, "NtQuerySystemInformation"); } else { GNNtQuerySystemInformation = NULL; } /* Functions to get information about a network adapter */ hIphlpapi = LoadLibrary ("iphlpapi.dll"); if (hIphlpapi) { GNGetIfEntry = (TGetIfEntry) GetProcAddress (hIphlpapi, "GetIfEntry"); GNGetIpAddrTable = (TGetIpAddrTable) GetProcAddress (hIphlpapi, "GetIpAddrTable"); GNGetIfTable = (TGetIfTable) GetProcAddress (hIphlpapi, "GetIfTable"); GNGetBestInterfaceEx = (TGetBestInterfaceEx) GetProcAddress (hIphlpapi, "GetBestInterfaceEx"); GNGetAdaptersInfo = (TGetAdaptersInfo) GetProcAddress (hIphlpapi, "GetAdaptersInfo"); } else { GNGetIfEntry = NULL; GNGetIpAddrTable = NULL; GNGetIfTable = NULL; GNGetBestInterfaceEx = NULL; GNGetAdaptersInfo = NULL; } /* Service & Account functions */ hAdvapi = LoadLibrary ("advapi32.dll"); if (hAdvapi) { GNOpenSCManager = (TOpenSCManager) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "OpenSCManagerA"); GNCreateService = (TCreateService) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "CreateServiceA"); GNCloseServiceHandle = (TCloseServiceHandle) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "CloseServiceHandle"); GNDeleteService = (TDeleteService) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "DeleteService"); GNRegisterServiceCtrlHandler = (TRegisterServiceCtrlHandler) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA"); GNSetServiceStatus = (TSetServiceStatus) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "SetServiceStatus"); GNStartServiceCtrlDispatcher = (TStartServiceCtrlDispatcher) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA"); GNControlService = (TControlService) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "ControlService"); GNOpenService = (TOpenService) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "OpenServiceA"); GNLsaOpenPolicy = (TLsaOpenPolicy) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "LsaOpenPolicy"); GNLsaAddAccountRights = (TLsaAddAccountRights) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "LsaAddAccountRights"); GNLsaRemoveAccountRights = (TLsaRemoveAccountRights) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "LsaRemoveAccountRights"); GNLsaClose = (TLsaClose) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "LsaClose"); GNLookupAccountName = (TLookupAccountName) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "LookupAccountNameA"); GNGetFileSecurity = (TGetFileSecurity) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "GetFileSecurityA"); GNInitializeSecurityDescriptor = (TInitializeSecurityDescriptor) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "InitializeSecurityDescriptor"); GNGetSecurityDescriptorDacl = (TGetSecurityDescriptorDacl) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "GetSecurityDescriptorDacl"); GNGetAclInformation = (TGetAclInformation) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "GetAclInformation"); GNInitializeAcl = (TInitializeAcl) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "InitializeAcl"); GNGetAce = (TGetAce) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "GetAce"); GNEqualSid = (TEqualSid) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "EqualSid"); GNAddAce = (TAddAce) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "AddAce"); GNAddAccessAllowedAce = (TAddAccessAllowedAce) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "AddAccessAllowedAce"); GNSetNamedSecurityInfo = (TSetNamedSecurityInfo) GetProcAddress (hAdvapi, "SetNamedSecurityInfoA"); } else { GNOpenSCManager = NULL; GNCreateService = NULL; GNCloseServiceHandle = NULL; GNDeleteService = NULL; GNRegisterServiceCtrlHandler = NULL; GNSetServiceStatus = NULL; GNStartServiceCtrlDispatcher = NULL; GNControlService = NULL; GNOpenService = NULL; GNLsaOpenPolicy = NULL; GNLsaAddAccountRights = NULL; GNLsaRemoveAccountRights = NULL; GNLsaClose = NULL; GNLookupAccountName = NULL; GNGetFileSecurity = NULL; GNInitializeSecurityDescriptor = NULL; GNGetSecurityDescriptorDacl = NULL; GNGetAclInformation = NULL; GNInitializeAcl = NULL; GNGetAce = NULL; GNEqualSid = NULL; GNAddAce = NULL; GNAddAccessAllowedAce = NULL; GNSetNamedSecurityInfo = NULL; } /* Account function */ hNetapi = LoadLibrary ("netapi32.dll"); if (hNetapi) { GNNetUserAdd = (TNetUserAdd) GetProcAddress (hNetapi, "NetUserAdd"); GNNetUserSetInfo = (TNetUserSetInfo) GetProcAddress (hNetapi, "NetUserSetInfo"); } else { GNNetUserAdd = NULL; GNNetUserSetInfo = NULL; } return ret; } /** * Clean up Windows environment */ void GNShutdownWinEnv () { plibc_shutdown (); #ifdef W32_VEH if (GNWinVEH_handle != NULL) { RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler (GNWinVEH_handle); GNWinVEH_handle = NULL; } #endif FreeLibrary (hNTDLL); FreeLibrary (hIphlpapi); FreeLibrary (hAdvapi); FreeLibrary (hNetapi); CoUninitialize (); } #endif /* MINGW */ #if !HAVE_ATOLL long long atoll (const char *nptr) { return atol (nptr); } #endif