Run "autoreconf -fi" to create configure. This is still alpha software. Below we list things that should be implemented (in order of importance) before we can claim to be reasonably complete. #XXXX refers to the respective Mantis bug report (or feature request). ARCH indicates that implementing this feature may require non-trivial ARCHitectural changes in the code. API indicates that implementing the feature will require API changes. TRIV indicates that implementing this feature should be TRIVial. TEST indicates that a testcase should be written before implementing the feature. For http/1.1-compliance: ======================== connection.c: - support chunked requests from clients (#1260, ARCH, TEST) - send proper error code back if client forgot the "Host" header (#1264, TRIV) For POST: ========= - find better way to handle POST data that does not fit into memory (#1221, API, TEST) - add support to decode multipart/form-data (#1221, TEST) For SSL: ======== microhttpd.h: - define appropriate MHD_OPTIONs (#1225, API) - actual implementation (#1225, ARCH) Missing Testcases: ================== - add testcases for http/1.1 pipelining (need to figure out how to ensure curl pipelines) - add testcases for resource limit enforcement Documentation: ============== - manual (texinfo, man) - tutorial