Run "autoreconf -f -i" to create configure. This is still pre-alpha software. The following things need to be implemented (in list of importance) before certain features can be used at all: For GET args: ============= session.c: - MHD_parse_session_headers: take URL apart For PUT/POST: ============= session.c: - MHD_parse_session_headers (determine upload size) - MHD_session_handle_read (proper handling of upload end) For COOKIES: ============ session.c: - MHD_parse_session_headers: take cookie header apart For http-compliance: ==================== session.c: - send proper error code back if headers are too long (investigate what we should do with those headers, read? give user control?) For IPv6: ========= daemon.c: - fix start daemon and accept handlers (tricky bit will be supporting both on the same socket / port!) For SSL: ======== microhttpd.h: - define appropriate APIs - everything else