About ===== libmicrohttpd is a library written in C that provides a compact API and implementation of an HTTP 1.1 web server. libmicrohttpd only implements the HTTP 1.1 protocol. The main application must still provide the content. Installation ============ If you are using Subversion, run "autoreconf -fi" to create configure. In order to run the testcases, you need a recent version of libcurl. libcurl is not required if you just want to install the library. Configure options ================= Especially for development, use "--enable-messages" to enable error reporting (and use MHD_USE_DEBUG). Error reporting is not enabled by default to reduce the size of the library (error messages take space!). If you are concerned about space, you should set "CFLAGS" to "-Os --fomit-frame-pointer" to have gcc generate tight code. The resulting binary should be less than 25k (on x86). Portability =========== The latest version of libmicrohttpd will try to avoid SIGPIPE on its sockets. This should work on OS X, Linux and recent BSD systems (at least). On other systems that may trigger a SIGPIPE on send/recv, the main application should install a signal handler to handle SIGPIPE. Development Status ================== This is a beta release. Below we list things that should be implemented (in order of importance) before we can claim to be reasonably complete. #XXXX refers to the respective Mantis bug report (or feature request). ARCH indicates that implementing this feature may require non-trivial ARCHitectural changes in the code. API indicates that implementing the feature will require API changes. TRIV indicates that implementing this feature should be TRIVial. TEST indicates that a testcase should be written before implementing the feature. For http/1.1-compliance: ======================== connection.c: - support sending of chunked responses (#1260, TEST) For POST: ========= - add support to decode multipart/form-data with nesting (used for files) -- #1221, TEST For SSL: ======== microhttpd.h: - define appropriate MHD_OPTIONs (#1225, API) - actual implementation (#1225, ARCH) Missing Testcases: ================== - add testcases for http/1.1 pipelining (need to figure out how to ensure curl pipelines) - add testcases for resource limit enforcement Documentation: ============== - manual (texinfo, man) - tutorial