@setfilename microhttpd.info @macro gnu{} @acronym{GNU} @end macro @macro gpl{} @acronym{LGPL} @end macro @macro http{} @acronym{HTTP} @end macro @macro tcp{} @acronym{TCP} @end macro @macro api{} @acronym{API} @end macro @macro urloc{} @acronym{URL} @end macro @macro uri{} @acronym{URI} @end macro @macro ascii{} @acronym{ASCII} @end macro @c ............................................................ @macro cfunction{NAME} @code{\NAME\()} @end macro @macro null{} @code{NULL} @end macro @c ............................................................ @macro glibcref{NODE, NODE} @pxref{\NODE\, \NODE\, \NODE\, libc} @end macro @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd @appendix Libmicrohttpd documentation @macro mhd{} @acronym{MHD} @end macro @noindent This appendix documents Libmicrohttpd version 0.1.2. It is built upon the documentation in the header file @file{microhttpd.h}. @menu * microhttpd intro:: Introduction. * microhttpd const:: Constants. * microhttpd struct:: Structures type definition. * microhttpd cb:: Callback functions definition. * microhttpd init:: Starting and stopping the server. * microhttpd inspect:: Inspection. * microhttpd requests:: Handling requests. * microhttpd responses:: Building responses to requests. * microhttpd post:: Adding a @code{POST} processor. @end menu @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd intro @appendixsec Introduction @noindent All symbols defined in the public @api{} start with @code{MHD_}. @mhd{} is a small @http{} daemon library. As such, it does not have any @api{} for logging errors (you can only enable or disable logging to stderr). Also, it may not support all of the @http{} features directly, where applicable, portions of @http{} may have to be handled by clients of the library. The library is supposed to handle everything that it must handle (because the @api{} would not allow clients to do this), such as basic connection management; however, detailed interpretations of headers --- such as range requests --- and @http{} methods are left to clients. The library does understand @code{HEAD} and will only send the headers of the response and not the body, even if the client supplied a body. The library also understands headers that control connection management (specifically, @code{Connection: close} and @code{Expect: 100 continue} are understood and handled automatically). @mhd{} understands @code{POST} data and is able to decode certain formats (at the moment only @code{application/x-www-form-urlencoded}) if the entire data fits into the allowed amount of memory for the connection. Unsupported encodings and large @code{POST} submissions are provided as a stream to the main application (and thus can be processed, just not conveniently by @mhd{}). The header file defines various constants used by the @http{} protocol. This does not mean that @mhd{} actually interprets all of these values. The provided constants are exported as a convenience for users of the library. @mhd{} does not verify that transmitted @http{} headers are part of the standard specification; users of the library are free to define their own extensions of the @http{} standard and use those with @mhd{}. All functions are guaranteed to be completely reentrant and thread--safe. @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd const @appendixsec Constants @deftp {Enumeration} MHD_FLAG Options for the @mhd{} daemon. Note that if neither @code{MHD_USER_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION} nor @code{MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY} are used, the client wants control over the process and will call the appropriate microhttpd callbacks. Starting the daemon may also fail if a particular option is not implemented or not supported on the target platform (i.e. no support for @acronym{SSL}, threads or IPv6). @table @code @item MHD_NO_FLAG No options selected. @item MHD_USE_DEBUG Run in debug mode. If this flag is used, the library should print error messages and warnings to stderr. @item MHD_USE_SSL Run in https mode. @item MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION Run using one thread per connection. @item MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY Run using an internal thread doing @code{SELECT}. @item MHD_USE_IPv6 Run using the IPv6 protocol (otherwise, @mhd{} will just support IPv4). @item MHD_USE_PEDANTIC_CHECKS Be pedantic about the protocol (as opposed to as tolerant as possible). Specifically, at the moment, this flag causes @mhd{} to reject @http{} 1.1 connections without a @code{Host} header. This is required by the standard, but of course in violation of the ``be as liberal as possible in what you accept'' norm. It is recommended to turn this @strong{ON} if you are testing clients against @mhd{}, and @strong{OFF} in production. @end table @end deftp @deftp {Enumeration} MHD_OPTION @mhd{} options. Passed in the varargs portion of @cfunction{MHD_start_daemon}. @table @code @item MHD_OPTION_END No more options / last option. This is used to terminate the VARARGs list. @item MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_MEMORY_LIMIT Maximum memory size per connection (followed by an @code{unsigned int}). @item MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_LIMIT Maximum number of concurrenct connections to accept (followed by an @code{unsigned int}). @item MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT After how many seconds of inactivity should a connection automatically be timed out? (followed by an @code{unsigned int}; use zero for no timeout). @item MHD_OPTION_NOTIFY_COMPLETED Register a function that should be called whenever a request has been completed (this can be used for application--specific clean up). Requests that have never been presented to the application (via @cfunction{MHD_AccessHandlerCallback}) will not result in notifications. This option should be followed by @strong{TWO} pointers. First a pointer to a function of type @cfunction{MHD_RequestCompletedCallback} and second a pointer to a closure to pass to the request completed callback. The second pointer maybe @null{}. @end table @end deftp @deftp {Enumeration} MHD_ValueKind The @code{MHD_ValueKind} specifies the source of the key--value pairs in the @http{} protocol. @table @code @item MHD_RESPONSE_HEADER_KIND Response header. @item MHD_HEADER_KIND @http{} header. @item MHD_COOKIE_KIND Cookies. Note that the original @http{} header containing the cookie(s) will still be available and intact. @item MHD_POSTDATA_KIND @code{POST} data. This is available only if a content encoding supported by @mhd{} is used (currently only @acronym{URL} encoding), and only if the posted content fits within the available memory pool. Note that in that case, the upload data given to the @cfunction{MHD_AccessHandlerCallback} will be empty (since it has already been processed). @item MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND @code{GET} (@uri{}) arguments. @end table @end deftp @deftp {Enumeration} MHD_RequestTerminationCode The @code{MHD_RequestTerminationCode} specifies reasons why a request has been terminated (or completed). @table @code @item MHD_REQUEST_TERMINATED_COMPLETED_OK We finished sending the response. @item MHD_REQUEST_TERMINATED_WITH_ERROR Error handling the connection (resources exhausted, other side closed connection, application error accepting request, etc.) @item MHD_REQUEST_TERMINATED_TIMEOUT_REACHED No activity on the connection for the number of seconds specified using @code{MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT}. @item MHD_REQUEST_TERMINATED_DAEMON_SHUTDOWN We had to close the session since @mhd{} was being shut down. @end table @end deftp @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd struct @appendixsec Structures type definition @deftp {C Struct} MHD_Daemon Handle for the daemon (listening on a socket for @http{} traffic). @end deftp @deftp {C Struct} MHD_Connection Handle for a connection / @http{} request. With @http{}/1.1, multiple requests can be run over the same connection. However, @mhd{} will only show one request per @tcp{} connection to the client at any given time. @end deftp @deftp {C Struct} MHD_Response Handle for a response. @end deftp @deftp {C Struct} MHD_PostProcessor Handle for @code{POST} processing. @end deftp @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd cb @appendixsec Callback functions definition @deftypefn {Function Pointer} int {*MHD_AcceptPolicyCallback} (void *cls, const struct sockaddr * addr, socklen_t addrlen) Invoked in the context of a connection to allow or deny a client to connect. This callback return @code{MHD_YES} if connection is allowed, @code{MHD_NO} if not. @table @var @item cls custom value selected at callback registration time; @item addr address information from the client; @item addrlen length of the address information. @end table @end deftypefn @deftypefn {Function Pointer} int {*MHD_AccessHandlerCallback} (void *cls, struct MHD_Connection * connection, const char *url, const char *method, const char *version, const char *upload_data, unsigned int *upload_data_size, void **con_cls) Invoked in the context of a connection to answer a request from the client. This callback must call @mhd{} functions (example: the @code{MHD_Response} ones) to provide content to give back to the client and return an @http{} status code (i.e. @code{200} for OK, @code{404}, etc.). @ref{microhttpd post}, for details on how to code this callback. Must return @code{MHD_YES} if the connection was handled successfully, @code{MHD_NO} if the socket must be closed due to a serious error while handling the request @table @var @item cls custom value selected at callback registration time; @item url the @urloc{} requested by the client; @item method the @http{} method used by the client (@code{GET}, @code{PUT}, @code{DELETE}, @code{POST}, etc.); @item version the @http{} version string (i.e. @code{HTTP/1.1}); @item upload_data the data being uploaded (excluding headers): @itemize @item for a @code{POST} that fits into memory and that is encoded with a supported encoding, the @code{POST} data will @strong{NOT} be given in @var{upload_data} and is instead available as part of @cfunction{MHD_get_connection_values}; @item very large @code{POST} data @strong{will} be made available incrementally in @var{upload_data}; @end itemize @item upload_data_size set initially to the size of the @var{upload_data} provided; this callback must update this value to the number of bytes @strong{NOT} processed; @item con_cls reference to a pointer, initially set to @null{}, that this callback can set to some address and that will be preserved by @mhd{} for future calls for this request; since the access handler may be called many times (i.e., for a @code{PUT}/@code{POST} operation with plenty of upload data) this allows the application to easily associate some request--specific state; if necessary, this state can be cleaned up in the global @code{MHD_RequestCompletedCallback} (which can be set with the @code{MHD_OPTION_NOTIFY_COMPLETED}). @end table @end deftypefn @deftypefn {Function Pointer} void {*MHD_RequestCompletedCallback} (void *cls, struct MHD_Connectionconnection, void **con_cls, enum MHD_RequestTerminationCode toe) Signature of the callback used by @mhd{} to notify the application about completed requests. @table @var @item cls custom value selected at callback registration time; @item connection connection handle; @item con_cls value as set by the last call to the @code{MHD_AccessHandlerCallback}; @item toe reason for request termination see @code{MHD_OPTION_NOTIFY_COMPLETED}. @end table @end deftypefn @deftypefn {Function Pointer} int {*MHD_KeyValueIterator} (void *cls, enum MHD_ValueKind kind, const char *key, const char *value) Iterator over key--value pairs. This iterator can be used to iterate over all of the cookies, headers, or @code{POST}--data fields of a request, and also to iterate over the headers that have been added to a response. Return @code{MHD_YES} to continue iterating, @code{MHD_NO} to abort the iteration. @end deftypefn @deftypefn {Function Pointer} int {*MHD_ContentReaderCallback} (void *cls, size_t pos, char *buf, int max) Callback used by @mhd{} in order to obtain content. The callback has to copy at most @var{max} bytes of content into @var{buf}. The total number of bytes that has been placed into @var{buf} should be returned. Note that returning zero will cause @mhd{} to try again, either ``immediately'' if in multi--threaded mode (in which case the callback may want to do blocking operations) or in the next round if MHD_run is used. Returning zero for a daemon that runs in internal @cfunction{select} mode is an error (since it would result in busy waiting) and will cause the program to be aborted (@cfunction{abort}). @table @var @item cls custom value selected at callback registration time; @item pos position in the datastream to access; note that if an @code{MHD_Response} object is re--used, it is possible for the same content reader to be queried multiple times for the same data; however, if an @code{MHD_Response} is not re--used, @mhd{} guarantees that @var{pos} will be the sum of all non--negative return values obtained from the content reader so far. @end table Return @code{-1} on error (@mhd{} will no longer try to read content and instead close the connection with the client). @end deftypefn @deftypefn {Function Pointer} void {*MHD_ContentReaderFreeCallback} (void *cls) This method is called by @mhd{} if we are done with a content reader. It should be used to free resources associated with the content reader. @end deftypefn @deftypefn {Function Pointer} int {*MHD_PostDataIterator} (void *cls, enum MHD_ValueKind kind, const char *key, const char *filename, const char *content_type, const char *transfer_encoding, const char *data, size_t off, size_t size) Iterator over key--value pairs where the value maybe made available in increments and/or may not be zero--terminated. Used for processing @code{POST} data. @table @var @item cls custom value selected at callback registration time; @item kind type of the value; @item key zero--terminated key for the value; @item filename name of the uploaded file, @null{} if not known; @item content_type mime--type of the data, @null{} if not known; @item transfer_encoding encoding of the data, @null{} if not known; @item data pointer to size bytes of data at the specified offset; @item off offset of data in the overall value; @item size number of bytes in data available. @end table Return @code{MHD_YES} to continue iterating, @code{MHD_NO} to abort the iteration. @end deftypefn @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd init @appendixsec Starting and stopping the server @deftypefun {struct MHD_Daemon *} MHD_start_daemon (unsigned int flags, unsigned short port, MHD_AcceptPolicyCallback apc, void *apc_cls, MHD_AccessHandlerCallback dh, void *dh_cls, ...) Start a webserver on the given port. @table @var @item flags OR--ed combination of @code{MHD_FLAG} values; @item port port to bind to; @item apc callback to call to check which clients will be allowed to connect; you can pass @null{} in which case connections from any @acronym{IP} will be accepted; @item apc_cls extra argument to @var{apc}; @item dh default handler for all @uri{}s; @item dh_cls extra argument to @var{dh}. @end table Additional arguments are a list of options (type--value pairs, terminated with @code{MHD_OPTION_END}). It is mandatory to use @code{MHD_OPTION_END} as last argument, even when there are no additional arguments. Return @null{} on error, handle to daemon on success. @end deftypefun @deftypefun void MHD_stop_daemon (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon) Shutdown an @http{} daemon. @end deftypefun @deftypefun int MHD_run (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon) Run webserver operations (without blocking unless in client callbacks). This method should be called by clients in combination with @cfunction{MHD_get_fdset} if the client--controlled @cfunction{select} method is used. Return @code{MHD_YES} on success, @code{MHD_NO} if this daemon was not started with the right options for this call. @end deftypefun @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd inspect @appendixsec Inspection @deftypefun int MHD_get_fdset (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon, fd_set * read_fd_set, fd_set * write_fd_set, fd_set * except_fd_set, int *max_fd) Obtain the @cfunction{select} sets for this daemon. The daemon's socket is added to @var{read_fd_set}. The list of currently existent connections is scanned and their file descriptors added to the correct set. @glibcref{Waiting for I/O}, for details on file descriptor sets. After the call completed successfully: the variable referenced by @var{max_fd} references the file descriptor with highest integer identifier. The variable must be set to zero before invoking this function. Return @code{MHD_YES} on success, @code{MHD_NO} if: the arguments are invalid (example: @null{} pointers); this daemon was not started with the right options for this call. @end deftypefun @deftypefun int MHD_get_timeout (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon, unsigned long long *timeout) Obtain timeout value for select for this daemon (only needed if connection timeout is used). The returned value is how long @cfunction{select} should at most block, not the timeout value set for connections. @table @var @item timeout set to the timeout (in milliseconds). @end table Return @code{MHD_YES} on success, @code{MHD_NO} if timeouts are not used (or no connections exist that would necessiate the use of a timeout right now). @end deftypefun @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd requests @appendixsec Handling requests @menu * microhttpd handlers:: @uri{} specific handlers. * microhttpd values:: Connection headers and small @code{POST} data. @end menu @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd handlers @appendixsubsec @uri{} specific handlers @noindent A set of callbacks can be registered in the state of a daemon (@code{MHD_Daemon}) to handle request for specific sets of resources. The set is selected by specifying the prefix string of the @uri{}, example: @example /bookcase @end example @noindent matches all of the following: @example /bookcase/book.html /bookcase/pencil.html /bookcase/strawberry.html @end example Handlers are stored in a linked list (managed with @cfunction{malloc} and @cfunction{free}). Prefixes are compared with @cfunction{strcmp}. @deftypefun int MHD_register_handler (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon, const char *uri_prefix, MHD_AccessHandlerCallback dh, void *dh_cls) Register an access handler for all @uri{}s beginning with @var{uri_prefix}, a zero--terminated @ascii{}--coded string. Return @code{MRI_NO} if: the arguments are invalid (example: @null{} pointers); a handler for this exact prefix already exists; an error allocating memory happens. @end deftypefun @deftypefun int MHD_unregister_handler (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon, const char *uri_prefix, MHD_AccessHandlerCallback dh, void *dh_cls) Unregister an access handler for the @uri{}s beginning with @var{uri_prefix}. Return @code{MHD_NO} if: the arguments are invalid (example: @null{} pointers); a handler for this exact prefix is not known for this daemon. @end deftypefun @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd values @appendixsubsec Connection headers and small @code{POST} data @deftypefun int MHD_get_connection_values (struct MHD_Connection *connection, enum MHD_ValueKind kind, MHD_KeyValueIterator iterator, void *iterator_cls) Get all the headers matching @var{kind} from the request. The @var{iterator} callback is invoked once for each header, with @var{iterator_cls} as first argument. Return the number of entries iterated over; this can be less than the number of headers if, while iterating, @var{iterator} returns @code{MHD_NO}. @var{iterator} can be @null{}: in this case this function just counts and returns the number of headers. @end deftypefun @deftypefun {const char *} MHD_lookup_connection_value (struct MHD_Connection *connection, enum MHD_ValueKind kind, const char *key) Get a particular header value. If multiple values match the @var{kind}, return one of them (the ``first'', whatever that means). @var{key} must reference a zero--terminated @ascii{}--coded string representing the header to look for: it is compared against the headers using @cfunction{strcasecmp}, so case is ignored. Return @null{} if no such item was found. @end deftypefun @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd responses @appendixsec Building answers to responses @menu * microhttpd response enqueue:: Enqueuing a response. * microhttpd response create:: Creating a response object. * microhttpd response headers:: Adding headers to a response. * microhttpd response inspect:: Inspecting a response object. @end menu @noindent Response objects handling by @mhd{} is asynchronous with respect to the application execution flow. Instances of the @code{MHD_Response} structure are not associated to a daemon and neither to a client connection: they are managed with reference counting. In the simplest case: we allocate a new @code{MHD_Response} structure for each response, we use it once and finally we destroy it. @mhd{} allows more efficient resources usages. Example: we allocate a new @code{MHD_Response} structure for each response @strong{kind}, we use it every time we have to give that responce and we finally destroy it only when the daemon shuts down. @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd response enqueue @appendixsubsec Enqueuing a response @deftypefun int MHD_queue_response (struct MHD_Connection *connection, unsigned int status_code, struct MHD_Response *response) Queue a response to be transmitted to the client as soon as possible (increment the reference counter). @table @var @item connection the connection identifying the client; @item status_code @http{} status code (i.e. @code{200} for OK); @item response response to transmit. @end table Return @code{MHD_YES} on success or if message has been queued. Return @code{MHD_NO}: if arguments are invalid (example: @null{} pointer); on error (i.e. reply already sent). @end deftypefun @deftypefun void MHD_destroy_response (struct MHD_Response *response) Destroy a response object and associated resources (decrement the reference counter). Note that @mhd{} may keep some of the resources around if the response is still in the queue for some clients, so the memory may not necessarily be freed immediatley. @end deftypefun An explanation of reference counting@footnote{Note to readers acquainted to the Tcl @api{}: reference counting on @code{MHD_Connection} structures is handled in the same way as Tcl handles @code{Tcl_Obj} structures through @cfunction{Tcl_IncrRefCount} and @cfunction{Tcl_DecrRefCount}.}: @enumerate @item a @code{MHD_Response} object is allocated: @example struct MHD_Response * response = MHD_create_response_from_data(...); /* here: reference counter = 1 */ @end example @item the @code{MHD_Response} object is enqueued in a @code{MHD_Connection}: @example MHD_queue_response(connection, , response); /* here: reference counter = 2 */ @end example @item the creator of the response object discharges responsibility for it: @example MHD_destroy_response(response); /* here: reference counter = 1 */ @end example @item the daemon handles the connection sending the response's data to the client then decrements the reference counter by calling @cfunction{MHD_destroy_response}: the counter's value drops to zero and the @code{MHD_Response} object is released. @end enumerate @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd response create @appendixsubsec Creating response objects @deftypefun {struct MHD_Response *} MHD_create_response_from_callback (size_t size, unsigned int block_size, MHD_ContentReaderCallback crc, void *crc_cls, MHD_ContentReaderFreeCallback crfc) Create a response object. The response object can be extended with header information and then it can be used any number of times. @table @var @item size size of the data portion of the response, @code{-1} for unknown; @item block_size preferred block size for querying @var{crc} (advisory only, @mhd{} may still call @var{crc} using smaller chunks); this is essentially the buffer size used for @acronym{IO}, clients should pick a value that is appropriate for @acronym{IO} and memory performance requirements; @item crc callback to use to obtain response data; @item crc_cls extra argument to @var{crc}; @item crfc callback to call to free @var{crc_cls} resources. @end table Return @null{} on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory). @end deftypefun @deftypefun {struct MHD_Response *} MHD_create_response_from_data (size_t size, void *data, int must_free, int must_copy) Create a response object. The response object can be extended with header information and then it can be used any number of times. @table @var @item size size of the data portion of the response; @item data the data itself; @item must_free if true: @mhd{} should free data when done; @item must_copy if true: @mhd{} allocates a block of memory and use it to make a copy of @var{data} embedded in the returned @code{MHD_Response} structure; handling of the embedded memory is responsibility of @mhd{}; @var{data} can be released anytime after this call returns. @end table Return @null{} on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory). @end deftypefun Example: create a response from a statically allocated string: @example const char * data = "


"; struct MHD_Connection * connection = ...; struct MHD_Response * response; response = MHD_create_response_from_data(strlen(data), data, MHD_NO, MHD_NO); MHD_queue_response(connection, 404, response); MHD_destroy_response(response); @end example @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd response headers @appendixsubsec Adding headers to a response @deftypefun int MHD_add_response_header (struct MHD_Response *response, const char *header, const char *content) Add a header line to the response. The strings referenced by @var{header} and @var{content} must be zero--terminated and they are duplicated into memory blocks embedded in @var{response}. Notice that the strings must not hold newlines, carriage returns or tab chars. Return @code{MHD_NO} on error (i.e. invalid header or content format or memory allocation error). @end deftypefun @deftypefun int MHD_del_response_header (struct MHD_Response *response, const char *header, const char *content) Delete a header line from the response. Return @code{MHD_NO} on error (arguments are invalid or no such header known). @end deftypefun @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd response inspect @appendixsubsec Inspecting a response object @deftypefun int MHD_get_response_headers (struct MHD_Response *response, MHD_KeyValueIterator iterator, void *iterator_cls) Get all of the headers added to a response. Invoke the @var{iterator} callback for each header in the response, using @var{iterator_cls} as first argument. Return number of entries iterated over. @var{iterator} can be @null{}: in this case the function just counts headers. @var{iterator} should not modify the its key and value arguments, unless we know what we are doing. @end deftypefun @deftypefun {const char *} MHD_get_response_header (struct MHD_Response *response, const char *key) Find and return a pointer to the value of a particular header from the response. @var{key} must reference a zero--terminated string representing the header to look for. The search is case sensitive. Return @null{} if header does not exist or @var{key} is @null{}. We should not modify the value, unless we know what we are doing. @end deftypefun @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd post @appendixsec Adding a @code{POST} processor @menu * microhttpd post api:: Programming interface for the @code{POST} processor. @end menu @noindent When a small amount of data comes from a client's @code{POST} request: the data is available through the values interface. @ref{microhttpd values}, for details. In this case @mhd{} invokes @code{MHD_AccessHandlerCallback} only once and the callback must process all the data during that invocation. When a big amount of data comes from a client's @code{POST} request: the @code{MHD_AccessHandlerCallback} will be invoked multiple times to process data as it arrives; at each invocation a new chunk of data must be processed. The arguments @var{upload_data} and @var{upload_data_size} are used to reference the chunk of data. When @code{MHD_AccessHandlerCallback} is invoked for a new connection: its @code{*@var{con_cls}} argument is set to @null{}. When @code{POST} data comes in the upload buffer it is @strong{mandatory} to use the @var{con_cls} to hold data or to mark an ongoing process. To detect that a new connection has come with the @code{POST} method: @example int access_handler (void *cls, struct MHD_Connection * connection, const char *url, const char *method, const char *version, const char *upload_data, unsigned int *upload_data_size, void **con_cls) @{ static int old_connection_marker; int new_connection = (NULL == *con_cls); int method_is_post = strcmp("POST",method); if (new_connection && method_is_post) @{ /* new connection with POST */ *con_cls = &old_connection_marker; @} ... @} @end example @noindent in this example the value of @code{*con_cls} is just an unused pointer to an unused integer: its purpose is to make @code{*con_cls} different from @null{}. When serious processing of @code{POST} data is needed: it can be a pointer to a dynamically allocated data structure. To detect that @code{POST} data is in the upload buffer: @example int access_handler (void *cls, struct MHD_Connection * connection, const char *url, const char *method, const char *version, const char *upload_data, unsigned int *upload_data_size, void **con_cls) @{ static int old_connection_marker; int new_connection = (NULL == *con_cls); int method_is_post = strcmp("POST",method); if (new_connection && method_is_post) @{ int data_in_upload_buffer = (0 != *upload_data_size); if (data_in_upload_buffer) @{ *con_cls = &old_connection_marker; /* POST data in the buffer */ @} else /* POST data accessible with the values API */ @} ... @} @end example At each invocation there are two options: @enumerate @item the callback can process the whole chunk by itself; every time @mhd{} invokes it a new chunk is fully processed; with this mode the callback has to @code{*upload_data_size = 0} before returning @code{MHD_YES}; @item the callback can process a section of the chunk by itself; every time @mhd{} invokes it the buffer holds the old data as well as new data coming from the client; with this mode the callback has to set @code{*upload_data_size} to the numbe of bytes still to process before returning @code{MHD_YES}; example: @mhd{} invokes the callback with @code{100 == *upload_data_size}; the callback processes the first 80 bytes and before returning the callback sets @code{*upload_data_size = 20}; the last unprocessed 20 bytes will be the first 20 at the next invocation; @item when a new connection with @code{POST} data in the buffer comes: the callback allocates a PostProcessor and hand to it the responsibility of processing data; a pointer to the PostProcessor structure is saved in @code{*con_cls}, so that it is available at each subsequent invocation; the post processor data can be freed by a later invocation to an appropriate callback. @end enumerate Let's see how to implement strategy 1: @example int access_handler (void *cls, struct MHD_Connection * connection, const char *url, const char *method, const char *version, const char *upload_data, unsigned int *upload_data_size, void **con_cls) @{ static int old_connection_marker; int new_connection = (NULL == *con_cls); int method_is_post = strcmp("POST",method); if (new_connection && method_is_post) @{ int data_in_upload_buffer = (0 != *upload_data_size); if (data_in_upload_buffer) @{ *con_cls = &old_connection_marker; @} else @{ /* POST data accessible with the values API */ return MHD_YES; @} @} if (&old_connection_marker == *con_cls) @{ consume_data(upload_data, *upload_data_size); *upload_data_size = 0; return MHD_YES; @} /* process other methods */ return MHD_YES; @} @end example Let's see how to implement strategy 2: @example int access_handler (void *cls, struct MHD_Connection * connection, const char *url, const char *method, const char *version, const char *upload_data, unsigned int *upload_data_size, void **con_cls) @{ static int old_connection_marker; int new_connection = (NULL == *con_cls); int method_is_post = strcmp("POST",method); if (new_connection && method_is_post) @{ int data_in_upload_buffer = (0 != *upload_data_size); if (data_in_upload_buffer) @{ *con_cls = &old_connection_marker; @} else @{ /* POST data accessible with the values API */ return MHD_YES; @} @} if (&old_connection_marker == *con_cls) @{ int number_of_bytes_to_consume = 100; if (number_of_bytes_to_consume > *upload_data_size) number_of_bytes_to_consume = *upload_data_size; consume_some_data(upload_data, number_of_bytes_to_consume); *upload_data_size -= number_of_bytes_to_consume; return MHD_YES; @} /* process other methods */ return MHD_YES; @} @end example @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @node microhttpd post api @appendixsubsec Programming interface for the @code{POST} processor @deftypefun {struct MHD_PostProcessor *} MHD_create_post_processor (struct MHD_Connection *connection, unsigned int buffer_size, MHD_PostDataIterator iterator, void *iterator_cls) Create a PostProcessor. A PostProcessor can be used to (incrementally) parse the data portion of a @code{POST} request. @table @var @item connection the connection on which the @code{POST} is happening (used to determine the @code{POST} format); @item buffer_size maximum number of bytes to use for internal buffering (used only for the parsing, specifically the parsing of the keys). A tiny value (256-1024) should be sufficient; do @strong{NOT} use a value smaller than 256; @item iterator iterator to be called with the parsed data; must @strong{NOT} be @null{}; @item iterator_cls custom value to be used as first argument to @var{iterator}. @end table Return @null{} on error (out of memory, unsupported encoding), otherwise a PP handle. @end deftypefun @deftypefun int MHD_post_process (struct MHD_PostProcessor *pp, const char *post_data, unsigned int post_data_len) Parse and process @code{POST} data. Call this function when @code{POST} data is available (usually during an @code{MHD_AccessHandlerCallback}) with the @var{upload_data} and @var{upload_data_size}. Whenever possible, this will then cause calls to the @code{MHD_IncrementalKeyValueIterator}. @table @var @item pp the post processor; @item post_data @var{post_data_len} bytes of @code{POST} data; @item post_data_len length of @var{post_data}. @end table Return @code{MHD_YES} on success, @code{MHD_NO} on error (out--of--memory, iterator aborted, parse error). @end deftypefun @deftypefun void MHD_destroy_post_processor (struct MHD_PostProcessor *pp) Release PostProcessor resources. @end deftypefun @c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++