/* This file is part of PlibC. (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Nils Durner (and other contributing authors) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * @file include/plibc.h * @brief PlibC header * @attention This file is usually not installed under Unix, * so ship it with your application * @version $Revision: 1.39 $ */ #ifndef _PLIBC_H_ #define _PLIBC_H_ #ifndef SIGALRM #define SIGALRM 14 #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 #define WINDOWS 1 #endif #ifdef WINDOWS #if ENABLE_NLS #include "langinfo.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define __BYTE_ORDER BYTE_ORDER #define __BIG_ENDIAN BIG_ENDIAN /* Conflicts with our definitions */ #define __G_WIN32_H__ /* Convert LARGE_INTEGER to double */ #define Li2Double(x) ((double)((x).HighPart) * 4.294967296E9 + \ (double)((x).LowPart)) #define socklen_t int #define ssize_t int #ifndef HAVE_FTRUNCATE #define ftruncate chsize #endif #define off_t int #define int64_t long long #define int32_t long struct stat64 { _dev_t st_dev; _ino_t st_ino; _mode_t st_mode; short st_nlink; short st_uid; short st_gid; _dev_t st_rdev; __int64 st_size; __time64_t st_atime; __time64_t st_mtime; __time64_t st_ctime; }; #ifndef pid_t #define pid_t int #endif #ifndef WEXITSTATUS #define WEXITSTATUS(status) (((status) & 0xff00) >> 8) #endif /* Thanks to the Cygwin project */ #define ENOCSI 43 /* No CSI structure available */ #define EL2HLT 44 /* Level 2 halted */ #ifndef EDEADLK #define EDEADLK 45 /* Deadlock condition */ #endif #ifndef ENOLCK #define ENOLCK 46 /* No record locks available */ #endif #define EBADE 50 /* Invalid exchange */ #define EBADR 51 /* Invalid request descriptor */ #define EXFULL 52 /* Exchange full */ #define ENOANO 53 /* No anode */ #define EBADRQC 54 /* Invalid request code */ #define EBADSLT 55 /* Invalid slot */ #ifndef EDEADLOCK #define EDEADLOCK EDEADLK /* File locking deadlock error */ #endif #define EBFONT 57 /* Bad font file fmt */ #define ENOSTR 60 /* Device not a stream */ #define ENODATA 61 /* No data (for no delay io) */ #define ETIME 62 /* Timer expired */ #define ENOSR 63 /* Out of streams resources */ #define ENONET 64 /* Machine is not on the network */ #define ENOPKG 65 /* Package not installed */ #define EREMOTE 66 /* The object is remote */ #define ENOLINK 67 /* The link has been severed */ #define EADV 68 /* Advertise error */ #define ESRMNT 69 /* Srmount error */ #define ECOMM 70 /* Communication error on send */ #define EPROTO 71 /* Protocol error */ #define EMULTIHOP 74 /* Multihop attempted */ #define ELBIN 75 /* Inode is remote (not really error) */ #define EDOTDOT 76 /* Cross mount point (not really error) */ #define EBADMSG 77 /* Trying to read unreadable message */ #define ENOTUNIQ 80 /* Given log. name not unique */ #define EBADFD 81 /* f.d. invalid for this operation */ #define EREMCHG 82 /* Remote address changed */ #define ELIBACC 83 /* Can't access a needed shared lib */ #define ELIBBAD 84 /* Accessing a corrupted shared lib */ #define ELIBSCN 85 /* .lib section in a.out corrupted */ #define ELIBMAX 86 /* Attempting to link in too many libs */ #define ELIBEXEC 87 /* Attempting to exec a shared library */ #ifndef ENOSYS #define ENOSYS 88 /* Function not implemented */ #endif #define ENMFILE 89 /* No more files */ #ifndef ENOTEMPTY #define ENOTEMPTY 90 /* Directory not empty */ #endif #ifndef ENAMETOOLONG #define ENAMETOOLONG 91 /* File or path name too long */ #endif #define ELOOP 92 /* Too many symbolic links */ #define EOPNOTSUPP 95 /* Operation not supported on transport endpoint */ #define EPFNOSUPPORT 96 /* Protocol family not supported */ #define ECONNRESET 104 /* Connection reset by peer */ #define ENOBUFS 105 /* No buffer space available */ #define EAFNOSUPPORT 106 /* Address family not supported by protocol family */ #define EPROTOTYPE 107 /* Protocol wrong type for socket */ #define ENOTSOCK 108 /* Socket operation on non-socket */ #define ENOPROTOOPT 109 /* Protocol not available */ #define ESHUTDOWN 110 /* Can't send after socket shutdown */ #define ECONNREFUSED 111 /* Connection refused */ #define EADDRINUSE 112 /* Address already in use */ #define ECONNABORTED 113 /* Connection aborted */ #define ENETUNREACH 114 /* Network is unreachable */ #define ENETDOWN 115 /* Network interface is not configured */ #ifndef ETIMEDOUT #define ETIMEDOUT 116 /* Connection timed out */ #endif #define EHOSTDOWN 117 /* Host is down */ #define EHOSTUNREACH 118 /* Host is unreachable */ #define EINPROGRESS 119 /* Connection already in progress */ #define EALREADY 120 /* Socket already connected */ #define EDESTADDRREQ 121 /* Destination address required */ #define EMSGSIZE 122 /* Message too long */ #define EPROTONOSUPPORT 123 /* Unknown protocol */ #define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 124 /* Socket type not supported */ #define EADDRNOTAVAIL 125 /* Address not available */ #define ENETRESET 126 /* Connection aborted by network */ #define EISCONN 127 /* Socket is already connected */ #define ENOTCONN 128 /* Socket is not connected */ #define ETOOMANYREFS 129 /* Too many references: cannot splice */ #define EPROCLIM 130 /* Too many processes */ #define EUSERS 131 /* Too many users */ #define EDQUOT 132 /* Disk quota exceeded */ #define ESTALE 133 /* Unknown error */ #ifndef ENOTSUP #define ENOTSUP 134 /* Not supported */ #endif #define ENOMEDIUM 135 /* No medium (in tape drive) */ #define ENOSHARE 136 /* No such host or network path */ #define ECASECLASH 137 /* Filename exists with different case */ #define EWOULDBLOCK EAGAIN /* Operation would block */ #define EOVERFLOW 139 /* Value too large for defined data type */ #undef HOST_NOT_FOUND #define HOST_NOT_FOUND 1 #undef TRY_AGAIN #define TRY_AGAIN 2 #undef NO_RECOVERY #define NO_RECOVERY 3 #undef NO_ADDRESS #define NO_ADDRESS 4 #define PROT_READ 0x1 #define PROT_WRITE 0x2 #define MAP_SHARED 0x1 #define MAP_PRIVATE 0x2 /* unsupported */ #define MAP_FIXED 0x10 #define MAP_FAILED ((void *)-1) struct statfs { long f_type; /* type of filesystem (see below) */ long f_bsize; /* optimal transfer block size */ long f_blocks; /* total data blocks in file system */ long f_bfree; /* free blocks in fs */ long f_bavail; /* free blocks avail to non-superuser */ long f_files; /* total file nodes in file system */ long f_ffree; /* free file nodes in fs */ long f_fsid; /* file system id */ long f_namelen; /* maximum length of filenames */ long f_spare[6]; /* spare for later */ }; /* Taken from the Wine project /wine/include/winternl.h */ enum SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS { SystemBasicInformation = 0, Unknown1, SystemPerformanceInformation = 2, SystemTimeOfDayInformation = 3, /* was SystemTimeInformation */ Unknown4, SystemProcessInformation = 5, Unknown6, Unknown7, SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation = 8, Unknown9, Unknown10, SystemDriverInformation, Unknown12, Unknown13, Unknown14, Unknown15, SystemHandleList, Unknown17, Unknown18, Unknown19, Unknown20, SystemCacheInformation, Unknown22, SystemInterruptInformation = 23, SystemExceptionInformation = 33, SystemRegistryQuotaInformation = 37, SystemLookasideInformation = 45 }; typedef struct { LARGE_INTEGER IdleTime; LARGE_INTEGER KernelTime; LARGE_INTEGER UserTime; LARGE_INTEGER Reserved1[2]; ULONG Reserved2; } SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION; #define sleep(secs) (Sleep(secs * 1000)) /*********************** statfs *****************************/ /* fake block size */ #define FAKED_BLOCK_SIZE 512 /* linux-compatible values for fs type */ #define MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC 0x4d44 #define NTFS_SUPER_MAGIC 0x5346544E /*********************** End of statfs ***********************/ #define SHUT_RDWR SD_BOTH /* Operations for flock() */ #define LOCK_SH 1 /* shared lock */ #define LOCK_EX 2 /* exclusive lock */ #define LOCK_NB 4 /* or'd with one of the above to prevent blocking */ #define LOCK_UN 8 /* remove lock */ /* Not supported under MinGW */ #define S_IRGRP 0 #define S_IWGRP 0 #define S_IROTH 0 #define S_IXGRP 0 #define S_IWOTH 0 #define S_IXOTH 0 #define S_ISUID 0 #define S_ISGID 0 #define S_ISVTX 0 #define S_IRWXG 0 #define S_IRWXO 0 #define SHUT_WR SD_SEND #define SHUT_RD SD_RECEIVE #define SHUT_RDWR SD_BOTH #define SetErrnoFromWinError(e) _SetErrnoFromWinError(e, __FILE__, __LINE__) /** * @brief index() - same as strchr() */ #define index(s, c) strchr(s, c) BOOL _plibc_CreateShortcut (const char *pszSrc, const char *pszDest); BOOL _plibc_DereferenceShortcut (char *pszShortcut); char *plibc_ChooseDir (char *pszTitle, unsigned long ulFlags); char *plibc_ChooseFile (char *pszTitle, unsigned long ulFlags); long QueryRegistry (HKEY hMainKey, char *pszKey, char *pszSubKey, char *pszBuffer, long *pdLength); BOOL __win_IsHandleMarkedAsBlocking (SOCKET hHandle); void __win_SetHandleBlockingMode (SOCKET s, BOOL bBlocking); void __win_DiscardHandleBlockingMode (SOCKET s); int _win_isSocketValid (int s); int plibc_conv_to_win_path (const char *pszUnix, char *pszWindows); typedef void (*TPanicProc) (int, char *); void plibc_set_panic_proc (TPanicProc proc); int flock (int fd, int operation); int fsync (int fildes); int inet_pton (int af, const char *src, void *dst); int inet_pton4 (const char *src, u_char * dst, int pton); #if USE_IPV6 int inet_pton6 (const char *src, u_char * dst); #endif int truncate (const char *fname, int distance); int statfs (const char *path, struct statfs *buf); const char *hstrerror (int err); void gettimeofday (struct timeval *tp, void *tzp); int mkstemp (char *tmplate); char *strptime (const char *buf, const char *format, struct tm *tm); char *ctime (const time_t * clock); char *ctime_r (const time_t * clock, char *buf); const char *inet_ntop (int af, const void *src, char *dst, size_t size); int plibc_init (char *pszOrg, char *pszApp); void plibc_shutdown (); int plibc_initialized (); int plibc_conv_to_win_path_ex (const char *pszUnix, char *pszWindows, int derefLinks); void _SetErrnoFromWinError (long lWinError, char *pszCaller, int iLine); void SetErrnoFromWinsockError (long lWinError); void SetHErrnoFromWinError (long lWinError); void SetErrnoFromHRESULT (HRESULT hRes); FILE *_win_fopen (const char *filename, const char *mode); DIR *_win_opendir (const char *dirname); int _win_open (const char *filename, int oflag, ...); #ifdef ENABLE_NLS char *_win_bindtextdomain (const char *domainname, const char *dirname); #endif int _win_chdir (const char *path); int _win_close (int fd); int _win_creat (const char *path, mode_t mode); int _win_fstat (int handle, struct stat *buffer); int _win_pipe (int *phandles); int _win_rmdir (const char *path); int _win_access (const char *path, int mode); int _win_chmod (const char *filename, int pmode); char *realpath (const char *file_name, char *resolved_name); long _win_random (void); int _win_remove (const char *path); int _win_rename (const char *oldname, const char *newname); int _win_stat (const char *path, struct stat *buffer); int _win_stat64 (const char *path, struct stat64 *buffer); int _win_unlink (const char *filename); int _win_write (int fildes, const void *buf, size_t nbyte); int _win_read (int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte); size_t _win_fwrite (const void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count, FILE * stream); size_t _win_fread (void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count, FILE * stream); int _win_symlink (const char *path1, const char *path2); void *_win_mmap (void *start, size_t len, int access, int flags, int fd, unsigned long long offset); int _win_munmap (void *start, size_t length); int _win_lstat (const char *path, struct stat *buf); int _win_lstat64 (const char *path, struct stat64 *buf); int _win_readlink (const char *path, char *buf, size_t bufsize); int _win_accept (SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *addr, int *addrlen); int _win_printf (const char *format, ...); int _win_fprintf (FILE * f, const char *format, ...); int _win_vprintf (const char *format, va_list ap); int _win_vfprintf (FILE * stream, const char *format, va_list arg_ptr); int _win_vsprintf (char *dest, const char *format, va_list arg_ptr); int _win_vsnprintf (char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list arg_ptr); int _win_snprintf (char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...); int _win_sprintf (char *dest, const char *format, ...); int _win_vsscanf (const char *str, const char *format, va_list arg_ptr); int _win_sscanf (const char *str, const char *format, ...); int _win_vfscanf (FILE * stream, const char *format, va_list arg_ptr); int _win_vscanf (const char *format, va_list arg_ptr); int _win_scanf (const char *format, ...); int _win_fscanf (FILE * stream, const char *format, ...); pid_t _win_waitpid (pid_t pid, int *stat_loc, int options); int _win_bind (SOCKET s, const struct sockaddr *name, int namelen); int _win_connect (SOCKET s, const struct sockaddr *name, int namelen); int _win_getpeername (SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *name, int *namelen); int _win_getsockname (SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *name, int *namelen); int _win_getsockopt (SOCKET s, int level, int optname, char *optval, int *optlen); int _win_listen (SOCKET s, int backlog); int _win_recv (SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int flags); int _win_recvfrom (SOCKET s, void *buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr *from, int *fromlen); int _win_select (int max_fd, fd_set * rfds, fd_set * wfds, fd_set * efds, const struct timeval *tv); int _win_send (SOCKET s, const char *buf, int len, int flags); int _win_sendto (SOCKET s, const char *buf, int len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *to, int tolen); int _win_setsockopt (SOCKET s, int level, int optname, const void *optval, int optlen); int _win_shutdown (SOCKET s, int how); SOCKET _win_socket (int af, int type, int protocol); struct hostent *_win_gethostbyaddr (const char *addr, int len, int type); struct hostent *_win_gethostbyname (const char *name); char *_win_strerror (int errnum); int IsWinNT (); #if !HAVE_STRNDUP char *strndup (const char *s, size_t n); #endif #if !HAVE_STRNLEN size_t strnlen (const char *str, size_t maxlen); #endif #define strcasecmp(a, b) stricmp(a, b) #define strncasecmp(a, b, c) strnicmp(a, b, c) #endif /* WINDOWS */ #ifndef WINDOWS #define DIR_SEPARATOR '/' #define DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "/" #define PATH_SEPARATOR ';' #define PATH_SEPARATOR_STR ";" #define NEWLINE "\n" #ifdef ENABLE_NLS #define BINDTEXTDOMAIN(d, n) bindtextdomain(d, n) #endif #define CREAT(p, m) creat(p, m) #undef FOPEN #define FOPEN(f, m) fopen(f, m) #define OPENDIR(d) opendir(d) #define OPEN(f) open(f) #define CHDIR(d) chdir(d) #define CLOSE(f) close(f) #define RMDIR(f) rmdir(f) #define ACCESS(p, m) access(p, m) #define CHMOD(f, p) chmod(f, p) #define FSTAT(h, b) fstat(h, b) #define PIPE(h) pipe(h) #define REMOVE(p) remove(p) #define RENAME(o, n) rename(o, n) #define STAT(p, b) stat(p, b) #define STAT64(p, b) stat64(p, b) #define UNLINK(f) unlink(f) #define WRITE(f, b, n) write(f, b, n) #define READ(f, b, n) read(f, b, n) #define GN_FREAD(b, s, c, f) fread(b, s, c, f) #define GN_FWRITE(b, s, c, f) fwrite(b, s, c, f) #define SYMLINK(a, b) symlink(a, b) #define MMAP(s, l, p, f, d, o) mmap(s, l, p, f, d, o) #define MUNMAP(s, l) munmap(s, l) #define STRERROR(i) strerror(i) #define RANDOM() random() #define READLINK(p, b, s) readlink(p, b, s) #define LSTAT(p, b) lstat(p, b) #define LSTAT64(p, b) lstat64(p, b) #define PRINTF printf #define FPRINTF fprintf #define VPRINTF(f, a) vprintf(f, a) #define VFPRINTF(s, f, a) vfprintf(s, f, a) #define VSPRINTF(d, f, a) vsprintf(d, f, a) #define VSNPRINTF(str, size, fmt, a) vsnprintf(str, size, fmt, a) #define _REAL_SNPRINTF snprintf #define SPRINTF sprintf #define VSSCANF(s, f, a) vsscanf(s, f, a) #define SSCANF sscanf #define VFSCANF(s, f, a) vfscanf(s, f, a) #define VSCANF(f, a) vscanf(f, a) #define SCANF scanf #define FSCANF fscanf #define WAITPID(p, s, o) waitpid(p, s, o) #define ACCEPT(s, a, l) accept(s, a, l) #define BIND(s, n, l) bind(s, n, l) #define CONNECT(s, n, l) connect(s, n, l) #define GETPEERNAME(s, n, l) getpeername(s, n, l) #define GETSOCKNAME(s, n, l) getsockname(s, n, l) #define GETSOCKOPT(s, l, o, v, p) getsockopt(s, l, o, v, p) #define LISTEN(s, b) listen(s, b) #define RECV(s, b, l, f) recv(s, b, l, f) #define RECVFROM(s, b, l, f, r, o) recvfrom(s, b, l, f, r, o) #define SELECT(n, r, w, e, t) select(n, r, w, e, t) #define SEND(s, b, l, f) send(s, b, l, f) #define SENDTO(s, b, l, f, o, n) sendto(s, b, l, f, o, n) #define SETSOCKOPT(s, l, o, v, n) setsockopt(s, l, o, v, n) #define SHUTDOWN(s, h) shutdown(s, h) #define SOCKET(a, t, p) socket(a, t, p) #define GETHOSTBYADDR(a, l, t) gethostbyname(a, l, t) #define GETHOSTBYNAME(n) gethostbyname(n) #else #define DIR_SEPARATOR '\\' #define DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "\\" #define PATH_SEPARATOR ':' #define PATH_SEPARATOR_STR ":" #define NEWLINE "\r\n" #ifdef ENABLE_NLS #define BINDTEXTDOMAIN(d, n) _win_bindtextdomain(d, n) #endif #define CREAT(p, m) _win_creat(p, m) #define FOPEN(f, m) _win_fopen(f, m) #define OPENDIR(d) _win_opendir(d) #define OPEN(f) _win_open(f) #define CHDIR(d) _win_chdir(d) #define CLOSE(f) _win_close(f) #define FSTAT(h, b) _win_fstat(h, b) #define RMDIR(f) _win_rmdir(f) #define ACCESS(p, m) _win_access(p, m) #define CHMOD(f, p) _win_chmod(f, p) #define PIPE(h) _win_pipe(h) #define RANDOM() _win_random() #define REMOVE(p) _win_remove(p) #define RENAME(o, n) _win_rename(o, n) #define STAT(p, b) _win_stat(p, b) #define STAT64(p, b) _win_stat64(p, b) #define UNLINK(f) _win_unlink(f) #define WRITE(f, b, n) _win_write(f, b, n) #define READ(f, b, n) _win_read(f, b, n) #define GN_FREAD(b, s, c, f) _win_fread(b, s, c, f) #define GN_FWRITE(b, s, c, f) _win_fwrite(b, s, c, f) #define SYMLINK(a, b) _win_symlink(a, b) #define MMAP(s, l, p, f, d, o) _win_mmap(s, l, p, f, d, o) #define MUNMAP(s, l) _win_munmap(s, l) #define STRERROR(i) _win_strerror(i) #define READLINK(p, b, s) _win_readlink(p, b, s) #define LSTAT(p, b) _win_lstat(p, b) #define LSTAT64(p, b) _win_lstat64(p, b) #define PRINTF(f, ...) _win_printf(f , __VA_ARGS__) #define FPRINTF(fil, fmt, ...) _win_fprintf(fil, fmt, __VA_ARGS__) #define VPRINTF(f, a) _win_vprintf(f, a) #define VFPRINTF(s, f, a) _win_vfprintf(s, f, a) #define VSPRINTF(d, f, a) _win_vsprintf(d, f, a) #define VSNPRINTF(str, size, fmt, a) _win_vsnprintf(str, size, fmt, a) #define _REAL_SNPRINTF(str, size, fmt, ...) _win_snprintf(str, size, fmt, __VA_ARGS__) #define SPRINTF(d, f, ...) _win_sprintf(d, f, __VA_ARGS__) #define VSSCANF(s, f, a) _win_vsscanf(s, f, a) #define SSCANF(s, f, ...) _win_sscanf(s, f, __VA_ARGS__) #define VFSCANF(s, f, a) _win_vfscanf(s, f, a) #define VSCANF(f, a) _win_vscanf(f, a) #define SCANF(f, ...) _win_scanf(f, __VA_ARGS__) #define FSCANF(s, f, ...) _win_fscanf(s, f, __VA_ARGS__) #define WAITPID(p, s, o) _win_waitpid(p, s, o) #define ACCEPT(s, a, l) _win_accept(s, a, l) #define BIND(s, n, l) _win_bind(s, n, l) #define CONNECT(s, n, l) _win_connect(s, n, l) #define GETPEERNAME(s, n, l) _win_getpeername(s, n, l) #define GETSOCKNAME(s, n, l) _win_getsockname(s, n, l) #define GETSOCKOPT(s, l, o, v, p) _win_getsockopt(s, l, o, v, p) #define LISTEN(s, b) _win_listen(s, b) #define RECV(s, b, l, f) _win_recv(s, b, l, f) #define RECVFROM(s, b, l, f, r, o) _win_recvfrom(s, b, l, f, r, o) #define SELECT(n, r, w, e, t) _win_select(n, r, w, e, t) #define SEND(s, b, l, f) _win_send(s, b, l, f) #define SENDTO(s, b, l, f, o, n) _win_sendto(s, b, l, f, o, n) #define SETSOCKOPT(s, l, o, v, n) _win_setsockopt(s, l, o, v, n) #define SHUTDOWN(s, h) _win_shutdown(s, h) #define SOCKET(a, t, p) _win_socket(a, t, p) #define GETHOSTBYADDR(a, l, t) _win_gethostbyname(a, l, t) #define GETHOSTBYNAME(n) _win_gethostbyname(n) #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif //_PLIBC_H_ /* end of plibc.h */