/* This file is part of libmicrohttpd Copyright (C) 2007 Christian Grothoff Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Evgeny Grin (Karlson2k) libmicrohttpd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. libmicrohttpd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with libmicrohttpd; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * @file test_tls_authentication.c * @brief Testcase for libmicrohttpd HTTPS GET operations with CA-signed TLS server certificate * @author Sagie Amir * @author Karlson2k (Evgeny Grin) */ #include "platform.h" #include "microhttpd.h" #include #include #include #ifdef MHD_HTTPS_REQUIRE_GCRYPT #include #endif /* MHD_HTTPS_REQUIRE_GCRYPT */ #include "tls_test_common.h" #include "tls_test_keys.h" /* perform a HTTP GET request via SSL/TLS */ static unsigned int test_secure_get (void *cls, const char *cipher_suite, int proto_version) { enum test_get_result ret; struct MHD_Daemon *d; uint16_t port; (void) cls; /* Unused. Silent compiler warning. */ if (MHD_NO != MHD_is_feature_supported (MHD_FEATURE_AUTODETECT_BIND_PORT)) port = 0; else port = 3075; d = MHD_start_daemon (MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION | MHD_USE_INTERNAL_POLLING_THREAD | MHD_USE_TLS | MHD_USE_ERROR_LOG, port, NULL, NULL, &http_ahc, NULL, MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_KEY, srv_signed_key_pem, MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_CERT, srv_signed_cert_pem, MHD_OPTION_END); if (d == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, MHD_E_SERVER_INIT); return 1; } if (0 == port) { const union MHD_DaemonInfo *dinfo; dinfo = MHD_get_daemon_info (d, MHD_DAEMON_INFO_BIND_PORT); if ((NULL == dinfo) || (0 == dinfo->port) ) { MHD_stop_daemon (d); return 1; } port = dinfo->port; } ret = test_daemon_get (NULL, cipher_suite, proto_version, port, 1); MHD_stop_daemon (d); if (TEST_GET_HARD_ERROR == ret) return 99; if (TEST_GET_CURL_GEN_ERROR == ret) { fprintf (stderr, "libcurl error.\nTest aborted.\n"); return 99; } if ((TEST_GET_CURL_CA_ERROR == ret) || (TEST_GET_CURL_NOT_IMPLT == ret)) { fprintf (stderr, "libcurl TLS backend does not support custom CA.\n" "Test skipped.\n"); return 77; } return TEST_GET_OK == ret ? 0 : 1; } int main (int argc, char *const *argv) { unsigned int errorCount; (void) argc; (void) argv; /* Unused. Silent compiler warning. */ #ifdef MHD_HTTPS_REQUIRE_GCRYPT gcry_control (GCRYCTL_ENABLE_QUICK_RANDOM, 0); #ifdef GCRYCTL_INITIALIZATION_FINISHED gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INITIALIZATION_FINISHED, 0); #endif #endif /* MHD_HTTPS_REQUIRE_GCRYPT */ if (! testsuite_curl_global_init ()) return 99; if (NULL == curl_version_info (CURLVERSION_NOW)->ssl_version) { fprintf (stderr, "Curl does not support SSL. Cannot run the test.\n"); curl_global_cleanup (); return 77; } #if ! CURL_AT_LEAST_VERSION (7,60,0) if (curl_tls_is_schannel ()) { fprintf (stderr, "libcurl before version 7.60.0 does not support " "custom CA with Schannel backend.\nTest skipped.\n"); curl_global_cleanup (); return 77; } #endif /* ! CURL_AT_LEAST_VERSION(7,60,0) */ errorCount = test_secure_get (NULL, NULL, CURL_SSLVERSION_DEFAULT); print_test_result (errorCount, argv[0]); curl_global_cleanup (); if (77 == errorCount) return 77; if (99 == errorCount) return 77; return errorCount != 0 ? 1 : 0; }