/* This file is part of libmicrohttpd Copyright (C) 2007 Christian Grothoff Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Evgeny Grin (Karlson2k) libmicrohttpd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. libmicrohttpd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with libmicrohttpd; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * @file test_get_chunked.c * @brief Testcase for libmicrohttpd GET operations with chunked content encoding * @author Christian Grothoff * @author Karlson2k (Evgeny Grin) */ #include "MHD_config.h" #include "platform.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef WINDOWS #include #endif #include "mhd_has_in_name.h" #if defined(MHD_CPU_COUNT) && (MHD_CPU_COUNT + 0) < 2 #undef MHD_CPU_COUNT #endif #if ! defined(MHD_CPU_COUNT) #define MHD_CPU_COUNT 2 #endif #define HDR_CHUNKED_ENCODING MHD_HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING ": chunked" #define RESP_FOOTER_NAME "Footer" #define RESP_FOOTER_VALUE "working" #define RESP_FOOTER RESP_FOOTER_NAME ": " RESP_FOOTER_VALUE #define RESP_BLOCK_SIZE 128 #define RESP_BLOCK_QUANTIY 10 #define RESP_SIZE (RESP_BLOCK_SIZE * RESP_BLOCK_QUANTIY) /** * Use "Connection: close" header? */ int conn_close; /** * Use static string response instead of callback-generated? */ int resp_string; /** * Use response with known size? */ int resp_sized; /** * Use empty (zero-sized) response? */ int resp_empty; /** * Force chunked response by response header? */ int chunked_forced; /** * MHD port used for testing */ uint16_t port_global; struct headers_check_result { int found_chunked; int found_footer; }; static size_t lcurl_hdr_callback (char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *userdata) { const size_t data_size = size * nitems; struct headers_check_result *check_res = (struct headers_check_result *) userdata; if ((data_size == strlen (HDR_CHUNKED_ENCODING) + 2) && (0 == memcmp (buffer, HDR_CHUNKED_ENCODING "\r\n", data_size))) check_res->found_chunked = 1; if ((data_size == strlen (RESP_FOOTER) + 2) && (0 == memcmp (buffer, RESP_FOOTER "\r\n", data_size))) check_res->found_footer = 1; return data_size; } struct CBC { char *buf; size_t pos; size_t size; }; static size_t copyBuffer (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *ctx) { struct CBC *cbc = ctx; if (cbc->pos + size * nmemb > cbc->size) return 0; /* overflow */ memcpy (&cbc->buf[cbc->pos], ptr, size * nmemb); cbc->pos += size * nmemb; return size * nmemb; } /** * MHD content reader callback that returns data in chunks. */ static ssize_t crc (void *cls, uint64_t pos, char *buf, size_t max) { struct MHD_Response **responseptr = cls; if (resp_empty || (pos == RESP_SIZE - RESP_BLOCK_SIZE)) { /* Add footer with the last block */ if (MHD_YES != MHD_add_response_footer (*responseptr, RESP_FOOTER_NAME, RESP_FOOTER_VALUE)) abort (); } if (resp_empty || (pos == RESP_SIZE)) return MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_OF_STREAM; if (max < RESP_BLOCK_SIZE) abort (); /* should not happen in this testcase... */ memset (buf, 'A' + (char) (unsigned char) (pos / RESP_BLOCK_SIZE), RESP_BLOCK_SIZE); return RESP_BLOCK_SIZE; } /** * Dummy function that frees the "responseptr". */ static void crcf (void *ptr) { free (ptr); } static enum MHD_Result ahc_echo (void *cls, struct MHD_Connection *connection, const char *url, const char *method, const char *version, const char *upload_data, size_t *upload_data_size, void **req_cls) { static int aptr; struct MHD_Response *response; enum MHD_Result ret; (void) cls; (void) url; (void) version; /* Unused. Silent compiler warning. */ (void) upload_data; (void) upload_data_size; /* Unused. Silent compiler warning. */ if (0 != strcmp (MHD_HTTP_METHOD_GET, method)) return MHD_NO; /* unexpected method */ if (&aptr != *req_cls) { /* do never respond on first call */ *req_cls = &aptr; return MHD_YES; } if (! resp_string) { struct MHD_Response **responseptr; responseptr = malloc (sizeof (struct MHD_Response *)); if (NULL == responseptr) _exit (99); response = MHD_create_response_from_callback (resp_sized ? RESP_SIZE : MHD_SIZE_UNKNOWN, 1024, &crc, responseptr, &crcf); *responseptr = response; } else { if (! resp_empty) { size_t pos; static const size_t resp_size = RESP_SIZE; char *buf = malloc (resp_size); if (NULL == buf) _exit (99); for (pos = 0; pos < resp_size; pos += RESP_BLOCK_SIZE) memset (buf + pos, 'A' + (char) (unsigned char) (pos / RESP_BLOCK_SIZE), RESP_BLOCK_SIZE); response = MHD_create_response_from_buffer_copy (resp_size, buf); free (buf); } else response = MHD_create_response_empty (MHD_RF_NONE); } if (NULL == response) abort (); if (chunked_forced) { if (MHD_NO == MHD_add_response_header (response, MHD_HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked")) abort (); } if (MHD_NO == MHD_add_response_header (response, MHD_HTTP_HEADER_TRAILER, RESP_FOOTER_NAME)) abort (); if (resp_string || (resp_sized && resp_empty)) { /* There is no chance to add footer later */ if (MHD_YES != MHD_add_response_footer (response, RESP_FOOTER_NAME, RESP_FOOTER_VALUE)) abort (); } ret = MHD_queue_response (connection, MHD_HTTP_OK, response); MHD_destroy_response (response); return ret; } static unsigned int validate (struct CBC cbc, unsigned int ebase) { int i; char buf[RESP_BLOCK_SIZE]; if (resp_empty) { if (0 != cbc.pos) { fprintf (stderr, "Got %u bytes instead of zero!\n", (unsigned int) cbc.pos); return 1; } return 0; } if (cbc.pos != RESP_SIZE) { fprintf (stderr, "Got %u bytes instead of 1280!\n", (unsigned int) cbc.pos); return ebase; } for (i = 0; i < RESP_BLOCK_QUANTIY; i++) { memset (buf, 'A' + i, RESP_BLOCK_SIZE); if (0 != memcmp (buf, &cbc.buf[i * RESP_BLOCK_SIZE], RESP_BLOCK_SIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "Got `%.*s'\nWant `%.*s'\n", RESP_BLOCK_SIZE, &cbc.buf[i * RESP_BLOCK_SIZE], RESP_BLOCK_SIZE, buf); return ebase * 2; } } return 0; } static unsigned int testInternalGet (void) { struct MHD_Daemon *d; CURL *c; char buf[2048]; struct CBC cbc; CURLcode errornum; uint16_t port; struct curl_slist *h_list = NULL; struct headers_check_result hdr_check; port = port_global; cbc.buf = buf; cbc.size = 2048; cbc.pos = 0; d = MHD_start_daemon (MHD_USE_INTERNAL_POLLING_THREAD | MHD_USE_ERROR_LOG, port, NULL, NULL, &ahc_echo, NULL, MHD_OPTION_END); if (d == NULL) return 1; if (0 == port) { const union MHD_DaemonInfo *dinfo; dinfo = MHD_get_daemon_info (d, MHD_DAEMON_INFO_BIND_PORT); if ((NULL == dinfo) || (0 == dinfo->port) ) { MHD_stop_daemon (d); return 32; } port = dinfo->port; if (0 == port_global) port_global = port; /* Re-use the same port for all checks */ } hdr_check.found_chunked = 0; hdr_check.found_footer = 0; c = curl_easy_init (); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_PORT, (long) port); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, ©Buffer); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &cbc); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1L); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 150L); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 150L); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, lcurl_hdr_callback); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, &hdr_check); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L); if (conn_close) { h_list = curl_slist_append (h_list, "Connection: close"); if (NULL == h_list) abort (); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, h_list); } if (CURLE_OK != (errornum = curl_easy_perform (c))) { fprintf (stderr, "curl_easy_perform failed: `%s'\n", curl_easy_strerror (errornum)); curl_easy_cleanup (c); curl_slist_free_all (h_list); MHD_stop_daemon (d); return 2; } curl_easy_cleanup (c); curl_slist_free_all (h_list); MHD_stop_daemon (d); if (1 != hdr_check.found_chunked) { fprintf (stderr, "Chunked encoding header was not found in the response\n"); return 8; } if (1 != hdr_check.found_footer) { fprintf (stderr, "The specified footer was not found in the response\n"); return 16; } return validate (cbc, 4); } static unsigned int testMultithreadedGet (void) { struct MHD_Daemon *d; CURL *c; char buf[2048]; struct CBC cbc; CURLcode errornum; uint16_t port; struct curl_slist *h_list = NULL; struct headers_check_result hdr_check; port = port_global; cbc.buf = buf; cbc.size = 2048; cbc.pos = 0; d = MHD_start_daemon (MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION | MHD_USE_INTERNAL_POLLING_THREAD | MHD_USE_ERROR_LOG, port, NULL, NULL, &ahc_echo, NULL, MHD_OPTION_END); if (d == NULL) return 16; if (0 == port) { const union MHD_DaemonInfo *dinfo; dinfo = MHD_get_daemon_info (d, MHD_DAEMON_INFO_BIND_PORT); if ((NULL == dinfo) || (0 == dinfo->port) ) { MHD_stop_daemon (d); return 32; } port = dinfo->port; if (0 == port_global) port_global = port; /* Re-use the same port for all checks */ } c = curl_easy_init (); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_PORT, (long) port); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, ©Buffer); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &cbc); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1L); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 150L); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 150L); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L); hdr_check.found_chunked = 0; hdr_check.found_footer = 0; curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, lcurl_hdr_callback); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, &hdr_check); if (conn_close) { h_list = curl_slist_append (h_list, "Connection: close"); if (NULL == h_list) abort (); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, h_list); } if (CURLE_OK != (errornum = curl_easy_perform (c))) { fprintf (stderr, "curl_easy_perform failed: `%s'\n", curl_easy_strerror (errornum)); curl_easy_cleanup (c); curl_slist_free_all (h_list); MHD_stop_daemon (d); return 32; } curl_easy_cleanup (c); curl_slist_free_all (h_list); MHD_stop_daemon (d); if (1 != hdr_check.found_chunked) { fprintf (stderr, "Chunked encoding header was not found in the response\n"); return 8; } if (1 != hdr_check.found_footer) { fprintf (stderr, "The specified footer was not found in the response\n"); return 16; } return validate (cbc, 64); } static unsigned int testMultithreadedPoolGet (void) { struct MHD_Daemon *d; CURL *c; char buf[2048]; struct CBC cbc; CURLcode errornum; uint16_t port; struct curl_slist *h_list = NULL; struct headers_check_result hdr_check; port = port_global; cbc.buf = buf; cbc.size = 2048; cbc.pos = 0; d = MHD_start_daemon (MHD_USE_INTERNAL_POLLING_THREAD | MHD_USE_ERROR_LOG, port, NULL, NULL, &ahc_echo, NULL, MHD_OPTION_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, MHD_CPU_COUNT, MHD_OPTION_END); if (d == NULL) return 16; if (0 == port) { const union MHD_DaemonInfo *dinfo; dinfo = MHD_get_daemon_info (d, MHD_DAEMON_INFO_BIND_PORT); if ((NULL == dinfo) || (0 == dinfo->port) ) { MHD_stop_daemon (d); return 32; } port = dinfo->port; if (0 == port_global) port_global = port; /* Re-use the same port for all checks */ } c = curl_easy_init (); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_PORT, (long) port); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, ©Buffer); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &cbc); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1L); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 150L); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 150L); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L); hdr_check.found_chunked = 0; hdr_check.found_footer = 0; curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, lcurl_hdr_callback); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, &hdr_check); if (conn_close) { h_list = curl_slist_append (h_list, "Connection: close"); if (NULL == h_list) abort (); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, h_list); } if (CURLE_OK != (errornum = curl_easy_perform (c))) { fprintf (stderr, "curl_easy_perform failed: `%s'\n", curl_easy_strerror (errornum)); curl_easy_cleanup (c); curl_slist_free_all (h_list); MHD_stop_daemon (d); return 32; } curl_easy_cleanup (c); curl_slist_free_all (h_list); MHD_stop_daemon (d); if (1 != hdr_check.found_chunked) { fprintf (stderr, "Chunked encoding header was not found in the response\n"); return 8; } if (1 != hdr_check.found_footer) { fprintf (stderr, "The specified footer was not found in the response\n"); return 16; } return validate (cbc, 64); } static unsigned int testExternalGet (void) { struct MHD_Daemon *d; CURL *c; char buf[2048]; struct CBC cbc; CURLM *multi; CURLMcode mret; fd_set rs; fd_set ws; fd_set es; MHD_socket maxsock; #ifdef MHD_WINSOCK_SOCKETS int maxposixs; /* Max socket number unused on W32 */ #else /* MHD_POSIX_SOCKETS */ #define maxposixs maxsock #endif /* MHD_POSIX_SOCKETS */ int running; struct CURLMsg *msg; time_t start; struct timeval tv; uint16_t port; struct curl_slist *h_list = NULL; struct headers_check_result hdr_check; port = port_global; multi = NULL; cbc.buf = buf; cbc.size = 2048; cbc.pos = 0; d = MHD_start_daemon (MHD_USE_ERROR_LOG, port, NULL, NULL, &ahc_echo, NULL, MHD_OPTION_END); if (d == NULL) return 256; if (0 == port) { const union MHD_DaemonInfo *dinfo; dinfo = MHD_get_daemon_info (d, MHD_DAEMON_INFO_BIND_PORT); if ((NULL == dinfo) || (0 == dinfo->port) ) { MHD_stop_daemon (d); return 32; } port = dinfo->port; if (0 == port_global) port_global = port; /* Re-use the same port for all checks */ } c = curl_easy_init (); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_PORT, (long) port); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, ©Buffer); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &cbc); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1L); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 150L); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5L); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L); hdr_check.found_chunked = 0; hdr_check.found_footer = 0; curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, lcurl_hdr_callback); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, &hdr_check); if (conn_close) { h_list = curl_slist_append (h_list, "Connection: close"); if (NULL == h_list) abort (); curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, h_list); } multi = curl_multi_init (); if (multi == NULL) { curl_easy_cleanup (c); curl_slist_free_all (h_list); MHD_stop_daemon (d); return 512; } mret = curl_multi_add_handle (multi, c); if (mret != CURLM_OK) { curl_multi_cleanup (multi); curl_easy_cleanup (c); curl_slist_free_all (h_list); MHD_stop_daemon (d); return 1024; } start = time (NULL); while ((time (NULL) - start < 5) && (multi != NULL)) { maxsock = MHD_INVALID_SOCKET; maxposixs = -1; FD_ZERO (&rs); FD_ZERO (&ws); FD_ZERO (&es); curl_multi_perform (multi, &running); mret = curl_multi_fdset (multi, &rs, &ws, &es, &maxposixs); if (mret != CURLM_OK) { curl_multi_remove_handle (multi, c); curl_multi_cleanup (multi); curl_easy_cleanup (c); curl_slist_free_all (h_list); MHD_stop_daemon (d); return 2048; } if (MHD_YES != MHD_get_fdset (d, &rs, &ws, &es, &maxsock)) { curl_multi_remove_handle (multi, c); curl_multi_cleanup (multi); curl_easy_cleanup (c); curl_slist_free_all (h_list); MHD_stop_daemon (d); return 4096; } tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 1000; if (-1 == select (maxposixs + 1, &rs, &ws, &es, &tv)) { #ifdef MHD_POSIX_SOCKETS if (EINTR != errno) { fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected select() error: %d. Line: %d\n", (int) errno, __LINE__); fflush (stderr); exit (99); } #else if ((WSAEINVAL != WSAGetLastError ()) || (0 != rs.fd_count) || (0 != ws.fd_count) || (0 != es.fd_count) ) { fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected select() error: %d. Line: %d\n", (int) WSAGetLastError (), __LINE__); fflush (stderr); exit (99); } Sleep (1); #endif } curl_multi_perform (multi, &running); if (0 == running) { int pending; int curl_fine = 0; while (NULL != (msg = curl_multi_info_read (multi, &pending))) { if (msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE) { if (msg->data.result == CURLE_OK) curl_fine = 1; else { fprintf (stderr, "%s failed at %s:%d: `%s'\n", "curl_multi_perform", __FILE__, __LINE__, curl_easy_strerror (msg->data.result)); abort (); } } } if (! curl_fine) { fprintf (stderr, "libcurl haven't returned OK code\n"); abort (); } curl_multi_remove_handle (multi, c); curl_multi_cleanup (multi); curl_easy_cleanup (c); curl_slist_free_all (h_list); h_list = NULL; c = NULL; multi = NULL; } MHD_run (d); } MHD_stop_daemon (d); if (multi != NULL) { curl_multi_remove_handle (multi, c); curl_easy_cleanup (c); curl_multi_cleanup (multi); } curl_slist_free_all (h_list); if (1 != hdr_check.found_chunked) { fprintf (stderr, "Chunked encoding header was not found in the response\n"); return 8; } if (1 != hdr_check.found_footer) { fprintf (stderr, "The specified footer was not found in the response\n"); return 16; } return validate (cbc, 8192); } int main (int argc, char *const *argv) { unsigned int errorCount = 0; (void) argc; (void) argv; /* Unused. Silent compiler warning. */ if (0 != curl_global_init (CURL_GLOBAL_WIN32)) return 2; conn_close = has_in_name (argv[0], "_close"); resp_string = has_in_name (argv[0], "_string"); resp_sized = has_in_name (argv[0], "_sized"); resp_empty = has_in_name (argv[0], "_empty"); chunked_forced = has_in_name (argv[0], "_forced"); if (resp_string) resp_sized = ! 0; if (resp_sized) chunked_forced = ! 0; if (MHD_NO != MHD_is_feature_supported (MHD_FEATURE_AUTODETECT_BIND_PORT)) port_global = 0; else { port_global = 4100; if (conn_close) port_global += 1 << 0; if (resp_string) port_global += 1 << 1; if (resp_sized) port_global += 1 << 2; if (resp_empty) port_global += 1 << 3; if (chunked_forced) port_global += 1 << 4; } if (MHD_YES == MHD_is_feature_supported (MHD_FEATURE_THREADS)) { errorCount += testInternalGet (); errorCount += testMultithreadedGet (); errorCount += testMultithreadedPoolGet (); } errorCount += testExternalGet (); if (errorCount != 0) fprintf (stderr, "Error (code: %u)\n", errorCount); curl_global_cleanup (); return (0 == errorCount) ? 0 : 1; /* 0 == pass */ }