]> The GNU Name System GNUnet e.V.
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General Independent Stream name systems This document contains the GNU Name System (GNS) technical specification. GNS is a decentralized and censorship-resistant name system that provides a privacy-enhancing alternative to the Domain Name System (DNS). This document defines the normative wire format of resource records, resolution processes, cryptographic routines and security considerations for use by implementers. This specification was developed outside the IETF and does not have IETF consensus. It is published here to guide implementation of GNS and to ensure interoperability among implementations.
Introduction The Domain Name System (DNS) is a unique distributed database and a vital service for most Internet applications. While DNS is distributed, it relies on centralized, trusted registrars to provide globally unique names. As the awareness of the central role DNS plays on the Internet rises, various institutions are using their power (including legal means) to engage in attacks on the DNS, thus threatening the global availability and integrity of information on the Internet. DNS was not designed with security as a goal. This makes it very vulnerable, especially to attackers that have the technical capabilities of an entire nation state at their disposal. This specification describes a censorship-resistant, privacy-preserving and decentralized name system: The GNU Name System (GNS) . It is designed to provide a secure, privacy-enhancing alternative to DNS, especially when censorship or manipulation is encountered. GNS can bind names to any kind of cryptographically secured token, enabling it to double in some respects as even as an alternative to some of today’s Public Key Infrastructures, in particular X.509 for the Web. The design of GNS incorporates the capability to integrate and coexist with DNS. GNS is based on the principle of a petname system and builds on ideas from the Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure (SDSI) , addressing a central issue with the decentralized mapping of secure identifiers to memorable names: namely the impossibility of providing a global, secure and memorable mapping without a trusted authority. GNS uses the transitivity in the SDSI design to replace the trusted root with secure delegation of authority thus making petnames useful to other users while operating under a very strong adversary model. This is an important distinguishing factor from the Domain Name System where root zone governance is centralized at the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). In DNS terminology, GNS roughly follows the idea of a hyper-hyper local root zone deployment, with the difference that it is not expected that all deployments use the same local root zone. This document defines the normative wire format of resource records, resolution processes, cryptographic routines and security considerations for use by implementers. This specification was developed outside the IETF and does not have IETF consensus. It is published here to guide implementation of GNS and to ensure interoperability among implementations.
Requirements Notation The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.
Overview In GNS, any user may create and manage one or more cryptographically secured zones (). A zone can be populated with mappings from labels to resource records by its owner (). Names can be delegated to other zones using delegation records and in order to support (legacy) applications as well as facilitate the use of petnames, GNS defines auxiliary record types in addition to supporting traditional DNS records. Resource records of zones are grouped by label, encrypted and signed before beging published as RRBLOCK in a distributed key-value storage (). In this process, unique zone identification is hidden from the network through the use of key blinding. Starting from a configurable root zone, names are resolved following zone delegations which are iteratively queried from the storage (). In this document, the "implementer" refers to the developer building a GNS implementation including, for example, zone management tools and name resolution components. An "application" refers to a component which uses a GNS implementation to resolve records from the network and (usually) processes its contents.
Zones A zone in GNS is defined by a zone type that identifies a cryptosystem and a public/private key pair where d is the private key and zk the corresponding public key. The contents of a zone are cryptographically signed before being published by its owner for resolution by other parties. Records are grouped by their label, and encrypted using an encryption key derived from the label and the zone public key (see ). Instead of the zone private key d, a GNS zone MUST support the creation of signatures using a blinded public/private key pair. This blinding is commonly realized using a deterministic key derivation scheme. Such a scheme allows the deterministic derivation of keys from the original public and private zone keys using record label values. Specifically, the zone owner can derive private keys for each record set published under a label, and a resolver can derive the corresponding public keys. Without knowledge of the label values and the zone public keys, the different derivations are unlinkable both to the original key and to each other. This prevents zone enumeration and requires knowledge of both the public zone key and the label to confirm affiliation with a specific zone. At the same time, the blinded zone public key provides nodes with the ability to verifiy the integrity of the published information without disclosing the originating zone. Based on the above, the following variables are associated with a zone in GNS and used in the following throughout this specification.
Zone Type The Zone Type ztype is the unique zone type of the zone as registered in the GNUnet Assigned Numbers Authority . The Zone Type determines which cryptosystem is used for the asymmetric and symmetric key operations of the zone. The zone type is identified by a 32-bit number. It always corresponds to a resource record type number identifying a delegation into a zone of this type. For any zone, d is the private zone key. zk is the public zone key. The specific formats depends on the Zone Type. The default zone delegation record types are specified in . New Zone Types may be specified in the future, for example if the cryptographic mechanisms used in this document are broken. Any Zone Type MUST define the following set of cryptographic functions:
Private-KeyGen() -> d
is a function to generate a fresh private zone key d.
Public-KeyGen(d) -> zk
is a function to derive a public zone key zk from a private key d.
ZKDF-Private(d,label) -> d'
is a zone key derivation function which blinds a private zone key d using label, resulting in another private key which can be used to create cryptographic signatures.
ZKDF-Public(zk,label) -> zk'
is a zone key derivation function which blinds a public zone key zk using a label. zk and zk' must be unlinkable. Furthermore, blinding zk with different values for the label must result in unlinkable different resulting values for zk'.
S-Encrypt(zk,label,nonce,expiration,message) -> ciphertext
is a deterministic symmetric encryption function which encrypts the record data based on key material derived from the public zone key, a label, a nonce and an expiration. In order to leverage performance-enhancing caching features of certain underlying storages, in particular DHTs, a deterministic encryption scheme is recommended.
S-Decrypt(zk,label,nonce,expiration,ciphertext) -> message
is a symmetric encryption function which decrypts the encrypted record data based on key material derived from the public zone key, a label, a nonce an expiration.
Sign(d',message) -> signature
is a function to sign encrypted record data using the (blinded) private key d', yielding an unforgable cryptographic signature.
Verify(zk',message,signature) -> valid
is a function to verify the signature was created by the a private key d' derived from d and a label if zk' was derived from the corresponding zone key zk := Public-Keygen(d) and same label. The function returns a boolean value of "TRUE" if the signature is valid, and otherwise "FALSE".
Zone ID The Zone ID zid is a unique public identifier of a zone. It consists of the ztype and the public zone key zk. The wire format is illustrated in .
Zone Top-Level Domain The zTLD is the Zone Top-Level Domain. It is a string which encodes the zone key into a domain name. The zTLD is used as a globally unique reference to a specific namespace in the process of name resolution. To encode the zone key, a zone key label zkl is derived from the Zone ID using the Crockford Base32 encoding but the letter "U" is decoded to the same Base32 value as the letter "V" in order to further increase tolerance for failures in character recognition. The encoding and decoding symbols for Crockford Base32 including this modification are defined in . The functions for encoding and decoding based on this table are called GNSCrockfordEncode and GNSCrockfordDecode, respectively.
The Base32-Crockford Alphabet Including the Additional U Encode Symbol. For the string representation of a zone identifier we define: If zkl is less than 63 characters, it can directly be used as a zTLD. If zkl is be longer than 63 characters, the zTLD is constructed by dividing zkl into smaller labels separated by the label separator ".". Here, the most significant bytes of the "zid" must be contained in the rightmost label of the resulting string and the least significant bytes in the leftmost label of the resulting string. This allows the resolver to determine the zone type and zkl length from the rightmost label. For example, assuming a zkl of 130 characters, the encoding would be:
Zone Revocation Whenever a recursive resolver encounters a new GNS zone, it MUST check against the local revocation list whether the respective zone key has been revoked. If the zone key was revoked, the resolution MUST fail with an empty result set. In order to revoke a zone key, a signed revocation object MUST be published. This object MUST be signed using the private zone key. The revocation object is broadcast to the network. The specification of the broadcast mechanism is out of scope of this document. A possible broadcast mechanism for efficient flooding in a distributed network is implemented in . Alternatively, revocation objects could also be distributed via a distributed ledger or a trusted central server. To prevent flooding attacks, the revocation message MUST contain a proof of work (PoW). The revocation message including the PoW MAY be calculated ahead of time to support timely revocation. For all occurences below, "Argon2id" is the Password-based Key Derivation Function as defined in . For the PoW calculations the algorithm is instantiated with the following parameters:
The salt. Fixed 16-byte string: "GnsRevocationPow".
Number of iterations: 3
Memory size in KiB: 1024
Output length of hash in bytes: 64
Parallelization parameter: 1
Algorithm version: 0x13
Algorithm type (Argon2id): 2
illustrates the wire format of the message string "P" on which the PoW is calculated.
The Wire Format of the PoW Message String.
A 64-bit solution to the PoW. In network byte order.
denotes the absolute 64-bit date when the revocation was computed. In microseconds since midnight (0 hour), January 1, 1970 in network byte order.
is the 256-bit public key zk of the zone which is being revoked and the key to be used to verify SIGNATURE. The wire format of this value is defined in , Section 5.1.5.
Traditionally, PoW schemes require to find a POW such that at least D leading zeroes are found in the hash result. D is then referred to as the difficulty of the PoW. In order to reduce the variance in time it takes to calculate the PoW, we require that a number Z different PoWs must be found that on average have D leading zeroes. The resulting proofs may then published and disseminated. The concrete dissemination and publication methods are out of scope of this document. Given an average difficulty of D, the proofs have an expiration time of EPOCH. With each additional bit difficulty, the lifetime of the proof is prolonged for another EPOCH. Consequently, by calculating a more difficult PoW, the lifetime of the proof can be increased on demand by the zone owner. The parameters are defined as follows:
The number of PoWs required is fixed at 32.
The difficulty is fixed at 22.
A single epoch is fixed at 365 days.
The revocation message wire format is illustrated in .
The Revocation Message Wire Format.
denotes the absolute 64-bit date when the revocation was computed. In microseconds since midnight (0 hour), January 1, 1970 in network byte order. This is the same value as the timestamp used in the individual PoW calculations.
denotes the relative 64-bit time to live of of the record in microseconds also in network byte order. This field is informational for a verifier. The verifier may discard revocation if the TTL indicates that it is already expired. However, the actual TTL of the revocation must be determined by examining the leading zeros in the proof of work calculation.
The values calculated as part of the PoW, in network byte order. Each POW_i MUST be unique in the set of POW values. To facilitate fast verification of uniqueness, the POW values must be given in strictly monotonically increasing order in the message.
The 32-bit zone type corresponding to the zone public key.
is the public key zk of the zone which is being revoked and the key to be used to verify SIGNATURE.
A signature over a timestamp and the public zone zk of the zone which is revoked and corresponds to the key used in the PoW. The signature is created using the Sign() function of the cryptosystem of the zone and the private zone key (see ).
The signature over the public key covers a 32-bit pseudo header conceptually prefixed to the public key. The pseudo header includes the key length and signature purpose. The wire format is illustrated in .
The Wire Format of the Revocation Data for Signing.
A 32-bit value containing the length of the signed data in bytes in network byte order.
A 32-bit signature purpose flag. This field MUST be 3 (in network byte order).
The 32-bit zone type corresponding to the zone public key.
Both values as defined in the revocation data object above.
In order to verify a revocation the following steps must be taken, in order:
  1. The current time MUST be between TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP+TTL.
  2. The signature MUST match the public key.
  3. The set of POW values MUST NOT contain duplicates.
  4. The average number of leading zeroes resulting from the provided POW values D' MUST be greater than D.
  5. The validation period (TTL) of the revocation is calculated as (D'-D) * EPOCH * 1.1. The EPOCH is extended by 10% in order to deal with unsynchronized clocks. The TTL added on top of the TIMESTAMP yields the expiration date.
Resource Records A GNS implementer MUST provide a mechanism to create and manage resource records for local zones. A local zone is established by selecting a zone type and creating a zone key pair. The creation of zone keys for the default zone types are specificed in . As records may be added to each created zone, a (local) persistency mechanism such as a database for resource records and zones must be provided. This local zone database is used by the name resolution logic and serves as a basis for publishing zones into the GNS storage (see ). A GNS resource record holds the data of a specific record in a zone. The resource record format is defined in .
The Resource Record Wire Format.
denotes the absolute 64-bit expiration date of the record. In microseconds since midnight (0 hour), January 1, 1970 in network byte order.
denotes the 32-bit size of the DATA field in bytes and in network byte order.
is the 32-bit resource record type. This type can be one of the GNS resource records as defined in or a DNS record type as defined in or any of the complementary standardized DNS resource record types. This value must be stored in network byte order. Note that values below 2^16 are reserved for allocation via IANA (), while values above 2^16 are allocated by the GNUnet Assigned Numbers Authority .
is a 32-bit resource record flags field (see below).
the variable-length resource record data payload. The contents are defined by the respective type of the resource record.
Flags indicate metadata surrounding the resource record. A flag value of 0 indicates that all flags are unset. Applications creating resource records MUST set all bits which are not defined as a flag to 0. Additional flags may be defined in future protocol versions. If an application or implementation encounters a flag which it does not recognize, it MUST be ignored. illustrates the flag distribution in the 32-bit flag value of a resource record:
The Resource Record Flag Wire Format.
If this flag is set, this record should be ignored by resolvers unless all (other) records of the same record type have expired. Used to allow zone publishers to facilitate good performance when records change by allowing them to put future values of records into the storage. This way, future values can propagate and may be cached before the transition becomes active.
The expiration time value of the record is a relative time (still in microseconds) and not an absolute time. This flag should never be encountered by a resolver for records obtained from the storage, but might be present when a resolver looks up private records of a zone hosted locally.
This is a supplemental record. It is provided in addition to the other records. This flag indicates that this record is not explicitly managed alongside the other records under the respective name but may be useful for the application. This flag should only be encountered by a resolver for records obtained from the storage.
This is a private record of this peer and it should thus not be published. Thus, this flag should never be encountered by a resolver for records obtained from the storage. Private records should still be considered just like regular records when resolving labels in local zones.
Zone Delegation Records This section defines the initial set of zone delegation record types. Any implementation MUST support at least one of the zone types and MAY support any number of additional delegation records defined in the GNU Name System Record Types registry . Zone delegation records MUST NOT be stored and published under the empty label.
PKEY In GNS, a delegation of a label to a zone of type "PKEY" is represented through a PKEY record. The PKEY number is a zone type and thus also implies the cryptosystem for the zone that is being delegated to. A PKEY resource record contains the public key of the zone to delegate to. A PKEY record MUST be the only record under a label. No other records are allowed. The PKEY DATA entry wire format can be found found in .
The PKEY Wire Format.
A 256-bit ECDSA zone key.
For PKEY zones the zone key material is derived using the curve parameters of the twisted edwards representation of Curve25519 (a.k.a. edwards25519) with the ECDSA scheme (). Consequently, we use the following naming convention for our cryptographic primitives for PKEY zones:
is a 256-bit ECDSA private zone key. The generation of the private scalar as defined in Section 2.2. of represents the Private-KeyGen() function.
is the ECDSA public zone key corresponding to d. Its generation is defined in Section 2.2. of as the curve point d*G where G is the group generator of the elliptic curve. This generation represents the Public-KeyGen(d) function.
is the prime of edwards25519 as defined in , i.e. 2^255 - 19.
is the group generator (X(P),Y(P)) of edwards25519 as defined in .
is the prime-order subgroup of edwards25519 in .
The zone identifier of a PKEY is 32 + 4 bytes in length. This means that a zTLD will always fit into a single label and does not need any further conversion. Given a label, the output d' of the ZKDF-Private(d,label) function for zone key blinding is calculated as follows for PKEY zones: Equally, given a label, the output zk' of the ZKDF-Public(zk,label) function is calculated as follows for PKEY zones: The PKEY cryptosystem uses a hash-based key derivation function (HKDF) as defined in , using HMAC-SHA512 for the extraction phase and HMAC-SHA256 for the expansion phase. PRK_h is key material retrieved using an HKDF using the string "key-derivation" as salt and the public zone key as initial keying material. h is the 512-bit HKDF expansion result and must be interpreted in network byte order. The expansion information input is a concatenation of the label and the string "gns". The label is a UTF-8 string under which the resource records are published. The multiplication of zk with h is a point multiplication, while the multiplication of d with h is a scalar multiplication. The Sign() and Verify() functions for PKEY zones are implemented using 512-bit ECDSA deterministic signatures as specified in . The S-Encrypt() and S-Decrypt() functions use AES in counter mode as defined in (CTR-AES-256): The key K and counter IV are derived from the record label and the zone key zk as follows: HKDF is a hash-based key derivation function as defined in . Specifically, HMAC-SHA512 is used for the extraction phase and HMAC-SHA256 for the expansion phase. The output keying material is 32 bytes (256 bits) for the symmetric key and 4 bytes (32 bits) for the nonce. The symmetric key K is a 256-bit AES key. The nonce is combined with a 64-bit initialization vector and a 32-bit block counter as defined in . The block counter begins with the value of 1, and it is incremented to generate subsequent portions of the key stream. The block counter is a 32-bit integer value in network byte order. The initialization vector is the expiration time of the resource record block in network byte order. The resulting counter (IV) wire format can be found in .
The Block Counter Wire Format.
EDKEY In GNS, a delegation of a label to a zone of type "EDKEY" is represented through a EDKEY record. The EDKEY number is a zone type and thus also implies the cryptosystem for the zone that is being delegated to. An EDKEY resource record contains the public key of the zone to delegate to. A EDKEY record MUST be the only record under a label. No other records are allowed. The EDKEY DATA entry wire format is illustrated in .
The EDKEY DATA Wire Format.
A 256-bit EdDSA zone key.
For EDKEY zones the zone key material is derived using the curve parameters of the twisted edwards representation of Curve25519 (a.k.a. edwards25519) with the Ed25519-SHA-512 scheme . Consequently, we use the following naming convention for our cryptographic primitives for EDKEY zones:
is a 256-bit EdDSA private zone key. The generation as defined in Section 3.2. of and represents the Private-KeyGen() function.
is is an integer derived from d using the SHA512 hash function as defined in .
is the EdDSA public zone key corresponding to d. It is defined in Section 3.2 of as the curve point a*G where G is the group generator of the elliptic curve and a is an integer derived from d using the SHA512 hash function. This generation including the derivation of a represents the Public-KeyGen(d) function.
is the prime of edwards25519 as defined in , i.e. 2^255 - 19.
is the group generator (X(P),Y(P)) of edwards25519 as defined in .
is the prime-order subgroup of edwards25519 in .
The zone identifier of an EDKEY is 32 + 4 bytes in length. This means that a zTLD will always fit into a single label and does not need any further conversion. The "EDKEY" ZKDF instantiation is based on . Given a label, the output of the ZKDF-Private function for zone key blinding is calculated as follows for EDKEY zones: Equally, given a label, the output of the ZKDF-Public function is calculated as follows for PKEY zones: We note that implementers must employ a constant time scalar multiplication for the constructions above. Also, implementers must ensure that the private key a is an ed25519 private key and specifically that "a[0] & 7 == 0" holds. The EDKEY cryptosystem uses a hash-based key derivation function (HKDF) as defined in , using HMAC-SHA512 for the extraction phase and HMAC-SHA256 for the expansion phase. PRK_h is key material retrieved using an HKDF using the string "key-derivation" as salt and the public zone key as initial keying material. The blinding factor h is the 512-bit HKDF expansion result. The expansion information input is a concatenation of the label and the string "gns". The result of the HKDF must be clamped and interpreted in network byte order. a is the 256-bit integer corresponding to the 256-bit private zone key d. The label is a UTF-8 string under which the resource records are published. The multiplication of zk with h is a point multiplication, while the division and multiplication of a and a1 with the cofactor are integer operations. Signatures for EDKEY zones using the derived private key a' are not compliant with . As the corresponding private key to the derived private scalar a' is not known, it is not possible to deterministically derive the signature part R according to . Instead, signatures MUST be generated as follows for any given message M: A nonce is calculated from the highest 32 bytes of the expansion of the private key d and the blinding factor h. The nonce is then hashed with the message M to r. This way, we include the full derivation path in the calculation of the R value of the signature, ensuring that it is never reused for two different derivation paths or messages. A signature (R,S) is valid if the following holds: The S-Encrypt() and S-Decrypt() functions use XSalsa20 as defined in (XSalsa20-Poly1305): The result of the XSalsa20 encryption function is the encrypted ciphertext concatenated with the 128-bit authentication tag TAG. Accordingly, the length of encrypted data equals the length of the data plus the 16 bytes of the authentication tag. The key K and counter IV are derived from the record label and the zone key zk as follows: HKDF is a hash-based key derivation function as defined in . Specifically, HMAC-SHA512 is used for the extraction phase and HMAC-SHA256 for the expansion phase. The output keying material is 32 bytes (256 bits) for the symmetric key and 16 bytes (128 bits) for the NONCE. The symmetric key K is a 256-bit XSalsa20 key. No additional authenticated data (AAD) is used. The nonce is combined with an 8 byte initialization vector. The initialization vector is the expiration time of the resource record block in network byte order. The resulting counter (IV) wire format is illustrated in .
The Counter Block Initialization Vector
GNS2DNS It is possible to delegate a label back into DNS through a GNS2DNS record. The resource record contains a DNS name for the resolver to continue with in DNS followed by a DNS server. Both names are in the format defined in for DNS names. A GNS2DNS DATA entry is illustrated in .
The GNS2DNS DATA Wire Format
The name to continue with in DNS. The value is UTF-8 encoded and 0-terminated.
The DNS server to use. May be an IPv4/IPv6 address in dotted decimal form or a DNS name. It may also be a relative GNS name ending with a "+" top-level domain. The value is UTF-8 encoded and 0-terminated.
Auxiliary Records This section defines the initial set of auxiliary GNS record types. Any implementation MUST be able to process the specified record types according to .
LEHO Applications can use the GNS to lookup IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of internet services. However, sometimes connecting to such services does not only require the knowledge of an address and port, but also requires the canonical DNS name of the service to be transmitted over the transport protocol. In GNS, legacy hostname records provide applications the DNS name that is required to establish a connection to such a service. The most common use case is HTTP virtual hosting, where a DNS name must be supplied in the HTTP "Host"-header. Using a GNS name for the "Host"-header may not work as it may not be globally unique. A LEHO resource record is expected to be found together in a single resource record with an IPv4 or IPv6 address. A LEHO DATA entry is illustrated in .
The LEHO DATA Wire Format.
A UTF-8 string (which is not 0-terminated) representing the legacy hostname.
NOTE: If an application uses a LEHO value in an HTTP request header (e.g. "Host:" header) it must be converted to a punycode representation .
NICK Nickname records can be used by zone administrators to publish an the label that a zone prefers to have used when it is referred to. This is a suggestion to other zones what label to use when creating a delegation record () containing this zone's public zone key. This record SHOULD only be stored under the empty label "@" but MAY be returned with record sets under any label as a supplemental record. details how a resolver must process supplemental and non-supplemental NICK records. A NICK DATA entry is illustrated in .
The NICK DATA Wire Format.
A UTF-8 string (which is not 0-terminated) representing the preferred label of the zone. This string MUST NOT include a "." character.
BOX In GNS, with the notable exception of zTLDs, every "." in a name delegates to another zone, and GNS lookups are expected to return all of the required useful information in one record set. This is incompatible with the special labels used by DNS for SRV and TLSA records. Thus, GNS defines the BOX record format to box up SRV and TLSA records and include them in the record set of the label they are associated with. For example, a TLSA record for "_https._tcp.example.org" will be stored in the record set of "example.org" as a BOX record with service (SVC) 443 (https) and protocol (PROTO) 6 (tcp) and record TYPE "TLSA". For reference, see also . A BOX DATA entry is illustrated in .
The BOX DATA Wire Format.
the 16-bit protocol number, e.g. 6 for tcp. In network byte order.
the 16-bit service value of the boxed record, i.e. the port number. In network byte order.
is the 32-bit record type of the boxed record. In network byte order.
is a variable length field containing the "DATA" format of TYPE as defined for the respective TYPE in DNS.
GTS The GNUnet Tunnel Service record is used by applications to establish a tunnel between two peers in the peer-to-peer network (see ). In order to facilitate the use of such tunnels, the The GTS record serves as an example to how resolvers may automatically initiate tunnel establishment and provide IP address information in the resolution process as specified in . A GTS DATA entry wire format is illustrated in .
The GTS DATA Wire Format.
is a 256-bit EdDSA public key identifying the peer hosting the service.
the 16-bit tunnel protocol number. In network byte order. The possible values are defined by the GNUnet Tunnel Service.
a shared secret used to identify the service at the hosting peer, used to derive the port number requird to connect to the service. The service name MUST be a 0-terminated UTF-8 string.
Record Storage Any API which allows storing a value under a key and retrieving a value from the key can be used by an implementation for record storage. It is expected that GNS implementations use distributed or decentralized storages such as distributed hash tables (DHT) in order to facilitate availability within a network without the need of servers. Specification of such a distributed or decentralized storage is out of scope of this document but possible existing implementations include , , or . We assume that an implementation realizes two procedures on top of a storage: In GNS, resource records are grouped by their respective labels, encrypted and published together in a single resource records block (RRBLOCK) in the storage under a key q: PUT(q, RRBLOCK). The key q is derived from the zone key and the respective label of the contained records. The storage key derivation and records block creation is specified in the following sections. A client implementation must enable the user the manage zones and use the PUT storage procedure in order to update the zone contents.
The Storage Key Given a label, the storage key q is derived as follows:
is a UTF-8 string under which the resource records are published.
is the public zone key.
Is the 512-bit storage key under which the resource records block is published. It is the SHA512 hash over the derived public zone key.
The Records Block (RRBLOCK) GNS records are grouped by their labels and published as a single block in the storage. The grouped record sets MAY be paired with any number of supplemental records. Supplemental records must have the supplemental flag set (See ). The contained resource records are encrypted using a symmetric encryption scheme. A GNS implementation must publish RRBLOCKs in accordance to the properties and recommendations of the underlying storage. This may include a periodic refresh publication. The GNS RRBLOCK wire format is illustrated in .
The RRBLOCK Wire Format.
is the 32-bit zone type.
is the blinded public zone key "ZKDF-Public(zk, label)" to be used to verify SIGNATURE.
The signature is computed over the data following the PUBLIC KEY field. The signature is created using the Sign() function of the cryptosystem of the zone and the derived private key "ZKDF-Private(d, label)" (see ).
A 32-bit value containing the length of the signed data following the PUBLIC KEY field in network byte order. This value always includes the length of the fields SIZE (4), PURPOSE (4) and EXPIRATION (8) in addition to the length of the BDATA. While a 32-bit value is used, implementations MAY refuse to publish blocks beyond a certain size significantly below 4 GB. However, a minimum block size of 62 kilobytes MUST be supported.
A 32-bit signature purpose flag. For a RRBLOCK the value of this field MUST be 15. The value is encoded in network byte order. The value of this field corresponds to an entry in the GANA "GNUnet Signature Purpose" registry.
Specifies when the RRBLOCK expires and the encrypted block SHOULD be removed from the storage and caches as it is likely stale. However, applications MAY continue to use non-expired individual records until they expire. The value MUST be set to the expiration time of the resource record contained within this block with the smallest expiration time. If a records block includes shadow records, then the maximum expiration time of all shadow records with matching type and the expiration times of the non-shadow records is considered. This is a 64-bit absolute date in microseconds since midnight (0 hour), January 1, 1970 in network byte order.
The encrypted RDATA with a total size of SIZE - 16.
A symmetric encryption scheme is used to encrypt the resource records set RDATA into the BDATA field of a GNS RRBLOCK. The wire format of the RDATA is illustrated in .
The RDATA Wire Format.
A 32-bit value containing the number of variable-length resource records which are following after this field in network byte order.
These fields were defined in the resource record format in . There MUST be a total of RR COUNT of these resource records present.
When publishing an RDATA block, the implementation MUST ensure that the size of the RDATA WITHOUT the RR COUNT field is a power of two using the padding field. The field MUST be set to zero and MUST be ignored on receipt. As a special exception, record sets with (only) a zone delegation record type are never padded. Note that a record set with a delegation record MUST NOT contain other records. If other records are encountered, the whole record block MUST be discarded.
Name Resolution Names in GNS are resolved by recursively querying the record storage. In the following, we define how resolution is initiated and each iteration in the resolution is processed. GNS resolution of a name must start in a given starting zone indicated using a zone public key. Details on how the starting zone may be determined is discussed in . When GNS name resolution is requested, a desired record type MAY be provided by the client. The GNS resolver will use the desired record type to guide processing, for example by providing conversion of GTS records to A or AAAA records. However, filtering of record sets according to the required record types MUST still be done by the client after the resource record set is retrieved.
Root Zone The resolution of a GNS name must start in a given start zone indicated to the resolver using any public zone key. The local resolver may have a local start zone configured/hard-coded which points to a local or remote start zone key. A resolver client may also determine the start zone from the suffix of the name given for resolution or using information retrieved out of band. The governance model of any zone is at the sole discretion of the zone owner. However, the choice of start zone(s) is at the sole discretion of the local system administrator or user. In the following, we give examples how a local client resolver SHOULD discover the start zone. The process given is not exhaustive and clients MAY supplement it with other mechanisms or ignore it if the particular application requires a different process. GNS clients MUST first try to interpret the top-level domain of a GNS name as a zone key representation (i.e. a zTLD). If the top-level domain is indicated to be a label representation of a public zone key with a supported zone type value, the root zone of the resolution process is implicitly given by the suffix of the name: => Root zone: zk of type ztype => Name to resolve from root zone: www.example ]]> In GNS, users MAY own and manage their own zones. Each local zone SHOULD be associated with a single GNS label, but users MAY choose to use longer names consisting of multiple labels. If the name of a locally managed zone matches the suffix of the name to be resolved, resolution MUST start from the respective local zone: Root zone: zk1 => Name to resolve from root zone: www.example ]]> Finally, additional "suffix-to-zone" mappings MAY be configured. Suffix to zone key mappings MUST be configurable through a local configuration file or database by the user or system administrator. The suffix MAY consist of multiple GNS labels concatenated with a ".". If multiple suffixes match the name to resolve, the longest matching suffix MUST be used. The suffix length of two results MUST NOT be equal. This indicates a misconfiguration and the implementation MUST return an error. If both a locally managed zone and a configuration entry exist for the same suffix, the locally managed zone MUST have priority. Root zone: zk1 => Name to resolve from root zone: www ]]>
Recursion In each step of the recursive name resolution, there is an authoritative zone zk and a name to resolve. The name may be empty. Initially, the authoritative zone is the start zone. If the name is empty, it is interpreted as the apex label "@". From here, the following steps are recursively executed, in order:
  1. Extract the right-most label from the name to look up.
  2. Calculate q using the label and zk as defined in .
  3. Perform a storage query GET(q) to retrieve the RRBLOCK.
  4. Verify and process the RRBLOCK and decrypt the BDATA contained in it as defined by its Zone Type (see also ).
Upon receiving the RRBLOCK from the storage, apart from verifying the provided signature, the resolver MUST check that the authoritative zone key was used to sign the record: The derived zone key zk' MUST match the public key provided in the RRBLOCK, otherwise the RRBLOCK MUST be ignored and the storage lookup GET(q) MUST continue.
Record Processing Record processing occurs at the end of a single recursion. We assume that the RRBLOCK has been cryptographically verified and decrypted. At this point, we must first determine if we have received a valid record set in the context of the name we are trying to resolve:
  • Case 1: If the remainder of the name to resolve is empty and the record set does not consist of a delegation, CNAME or DNS2GNS record, the record set is the result and the recursion is concluded.
  • Case 2: If the name to be resolved is of the format "_SERVICE._PROTO" and the record set contains one or more matching BOX records, the records in the BOX records are the result and the recusion is concluded ().
  • Case 3: If the remainder of the name to resolve is not empty and does not match the "_SERVICE._PROTO" syntax, then the current record set MUST consist of a single delegation record (), a single CNAME record (), or one or more GNS2DNS records (), which are processed as described in the respective sections below. The record set may include any number of supplemental records. Otherwise, resolution fails and the resolver MUST return an empty record set. Finally, after the recursion terminates, the client preferences for the record type MUST be considered and possible conversions such as defined in MUST be performed.
Zone Delegation Records When the resolver encounters a record of a supported zone delegation record type (such as PKEY or EDKEY) and the remainder of the name is not empty, resolution continues recursively with the remainder of the name in the GNS zone specified in the delegation record. Implementations MUST NOT allow multiple different zone type delegations under a single label. Implementations MAY support any subset of zone types. If an unsupported zone type is encountered, resolution fails and an error MUST be returned. The information that the zone type is unknown SHOULD be returned in the error description. The implementation MAY choose not to return the reason for the failure, merely impacting troubleshooting information for the user. Implementations MUST NOT process zone delegation for the empty apex label "@". Upon encountering a zone delegation record under this label, resolution fails and an error MUST be returned. The implementation MAY choose not to return the reason for the failure, merely impacting troubleshooting information for the user. If the remainder of the name to resolve is empty and we have received a record set containing only a single delegation record, the recursion is continued with the record value as authoritative zone and the empty apex label "@" as remaining name, except in the case where the desired record type is equal to the zone type, in which case the delegation record is returned and the resolution is concluded without resolving the empty apex label.
GNS2DNS When a resolver encounters one or more GNS2DNS records and the remaining name is empty and the desired record type is GNS2DNS, the GNS2DNS records are returned. Otherwise, it is expected that the resolver first resolves the IP addresses of the specified DNS name servers. GNS2DNS records MAY contain numeric IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, allowing the resolver to skip this step. The DNS server names may themselves be names in GNS or DNS. If the DNS server name ends in ".+", the rest of the name is to be interpreted relative to the zone of the GNS2DNS record. If the DNS server name ends in a label representation of a zone key, the DNS server name is to be resolved against the GNS zone zk. Multiple GNS2DNS records may be stored under the same label, in which case the resolver MUST try all of them. The resolver MAY try them in any order or even in parallel. If multiple GNS2DNS records are present, the DNS name MUST be identical for all of them, if not the resolution fails and an emtpy record set is returned as the record set is invalid. Once the IP addresses of the DNS servers have been determined, the DNS name from the GNS2DNS record is appended to the remainder of the name to be resolved, and resolved by querying the DNS name server(s). As the DNS servers specified are possibly authoritative DNS servers, the GNS resolver MUST support recursive resolution and MUST NOT delegate this to the authoritative DNS servers. The first successful recursive name resolution result is returned to the client. In addition, the resolver returns the queried DNS name as a supplemental LEHO record () with a relative expiration time of one hour. GNS resolvers MUST offer a configuration option to disable DNS processing to avoid information leakage and provide a consistent security profile for all name resolutions. Such resolvers would return an empty record set upon encountering a GNS2DNS record during the recursion. However, if GNS2DNS records are encountered in the record set for the apex and a GNS2DNS record is expicitly requested by the application, such records MUST still be returned, even if DNS support is disabled by the GNS resolver configuration.
CNAME If a CNAME record is encountered, the canonical name is appended to the remaining name, except if the remaining name is empty and the desired record type is CNAME, in which case the resolution concludes with the CNAME record. If the canonical name ends in ".+", resolution continues in GNS with the new name in the current zone. Otherwise, the resulting name is resolved via the default operating system name resolution process. This may in turn again trigger a GNS resolution process depending on the system configuration. The recursive DNS resolution process may yield a CNAME as well which in turn may either point into the DNS or GNS namespace (if it ends in a label representation of a zone key). In order to prevent infinite loops, the resolver MUST implement loop detections or limit the number of recursive resolution steps. If the last CNAME was a DNS name, the resolver returns the DNS name as a supplemental LEHO record () with a relative expiration time of one hour.
BOX When a BOX record is received, a GNS resolver must unbox it if the name to be resolved continues with "_SERVICE._PROTO". Otherwise, the BOX record is to be left untouched. This way, TLSA (and SRV) records do not require a separate network request, and TLSA records become inseparable from the corresponding address records.
GTS At the end of the recursion, if the queried record type is either A or AAAA and the retrieved record set contains at least one GTS record, the resolver SHOULD open a tunnel and return the IPv4 or IPv6 tunnel address, respectively. If the implementation does not have the capacity to establish a GTS tunnel, for example because it is not connected to the GNUnet network, the record set MUST be returned as retrieved from the network.
NICK NICK records are only relevant to the recursive resolver if the record set in question is the final result which is to be returned to the client. The encountered NICK records may either be supplemental (see ) or non-supplemental. If the NICK record is supplemental, the resolver only returns the record set if one of the non-supplemental records matches the queried record type. The differentiation between a supplemental and non-supplemental NICK record allows the client to match the record to the authoritative zone. Consider the following example: In this example, the returned NICK record is non-supplemental. For the client, this means that the NICK belongs to the zone "alice.doe" and is published under the empty label along with an A record. The NICK record should be interpreted as: The zone defined by "alice.doe" wants to be referred to as "eve". In contrast, consider the following: In this case, the NICK record is marked as supplemental. This means that the NICK record belongs to the zone "doe" and is published under the label "alice" along with an A record. The NICK record should be interpreted as: The zone defined by "doe" wants to be referred to as "john". This distinction is likely useful for other records published as supplemental.
Internationalization and Character Encoding All labels in GNS are encoded in UTF-8 . This does not include any DNS names found in DNS records, such as CNAME records, which are internationalized through the IDNA specifications .
Security and Privacy Considerations
Cryptography The security of cryptographic systems depends on both the strength of the cryptographic algorithms chosen and the strength of the keys used with those algorithms. The security also depends on the engineering of the protocol used by the system to ensure that there are no non-cryptographic ways to bypass the security of the overall system. This is why developers of applications managing GNS zones SHOULD select a default zone type considered secure at the time of releasing the software. For applications targetting end users that are not expected to understand cryptography, the application developer MUST NOT leave the zone type selection of new zones to end users. This document concerns itself with the selection of cryptographic algorithms for use in GNS. The algorithms identified in this document are not known to be broken (in the cryptographic sense) at the current time, and cryptographic research so far leads us to believe that they are likely to remain secure into the foreseeable future. However, this isn't necessarily forever, and it is expected that new revisions of this document will be issued from time to time to reflect the current best practices in this area. GNS PKEY zone keys use ECDSA over Curve25519. This is an unconventional choice, as ECDSA is usually used with other curves. However, traditional ECDSA curves are problematic for a range of reasons described in the Curve25519 and EdDSA papers. Using EdDSA directly is also not possible, as a hash function is used on the private key which destroys the linearity that the GNU Name System depends upon. We are not aware of anyone suggesting that using Curve25519 instead of another common curve of similar size would lower the security of ECDSA. GNS uses 256-bit curves because that way the encoded (public) keys fit into a single DNS label, which is good for usability. In terms of crypto-agility, whenever the need for an updated cryptographic scheme arises to, for example, replace ECDSA over Curve25519 for PKEY records it may simply be introduced through a new record type. Such a new record type may then replace the delegation record type for future records. The old record type remains and zones can iteratively migrate to the updated zone keys. In order to ensure ciphertext indistinguishability, care must be taken with respect to the initialization vector in the counter block. In our design, the IV is always the expiration time of the record block. For blocks with relative expiration times it is implicitly ensured that each time a block is published into the storage, its IV is unique as the expiration time is calculated dynamically and increases monotonically. For blocks with absolute expiration times, the implementation MUST ensure that the expiration time is modified when the record data changes. For example. the expiration time may be increased by a single microsecond.
Abuse Mitigation GNS names are UTF-8 strings. Consequently, GNS faces similar issues with respect to name spoofing as DNS does for internationalized domain names. In DNS, attackers may register similar sounding or looking names (see above) in order to execute phishing attacks. GNS zone administrators must take into account this attack vector and incorporate rules in order to mitigate it. Further, DNS can be used to combat illegal content on the internet by having the respective domains seized by authorities. However, the same mechanisms can also be abused in order to impose state censorship, which ist one of the motivations behind GNS. Hence, such a seizure is, by design, difficult to impossible in GNS. In particular, GNS does not support WHOIS ().
Zone Management In GNS, zone administrators need to manage and protect their zone keys. Once a zone key is lost it cannot be recovered. Once it is compromised it cannot be revoked (unless a revocation message was pre-calculated and is still available). Zone administrators, and for GNS this includes end-users, are required to responsibly and dilligently protect their cryptographic keys. Offline signing is in principle possible, but GNS does not support separate zone signing and key-signing keys (as in ) in order to provide usable security. Similarly, users are required to manage their local root zone. In order to ensure integrity and availability or names, users must ensure that their local root zone information is not compromised or outdated. It can be expected that the processing of zone revocations and an initial root zone is provided with a GNS client implementation ("drop shipping"). Extension and customization of the zone is at the full discretion of the user.
Impact of DHTs as Underlying Storage This document does not specifiy the properties of the underlying storage which is required by any GNS implementation. For implementers using a DHT as underlying storage, it is important to note that the properties of the DHT are directly inherited by the GNS implementation. This includes both security as well as other non-functional properties such as scalability and performance. Implementers should take great care when selecting or implementing a DHT for use in a GNS implementation. DHTs with strong security and performance guarantees exist . It should also be taken into consideration that GNS implementations which build upon different DHT overlays are unlikely to be interoperable with each other.
Revocations Zone administrators are advised to pre-generate zone revocations and securely store the revocation information in case the zone key is lost, compromised or replaced in the furture. Pre-calculated revocations may become invalid due to expirations or protocol changes such as epoch adjustments. Consequently, implementers and users must make precautions in order to manage revocations accordingly. Revocation payloads do NOT include a 'new' key for key replacement. Inclusion of such a key would have two major disadvantages: If revocation is used after a private key was compromised, allowing key replacement would be dangerous: if an adversary took over the private key, the adversary could then broadcast a revocation with a key replacement. For the replacement, the compromised owner would have no chance to issue even a revocation. Thus, allowing a revocation message to replace a private key makes dealing with key compromise situations worse. Sometimes, key revocations are used with the objective of changing cryptosystems. Migration to another cryptosystem by replacing keys via a revocation message would only be secure as long as both cryptosystems are still secure against forgery. Such a planned, non-emergency migration to another cryptosystem should be done by running zones for both ciphersystems in parallel for a while. The migration would conclude by revoking the legacy zone key only once it is deemed no longer secure, and hopefully after most users have migrated to the replacement.
Label Guessing Record blocks are published encrypted using keys derived from the zone public key and record label. Zone administrators should carefully consider if the label may be public or if it should be used and considered as a shared secret. Labels can be guessed by an attacker in the network observing queries and responses. Given a targeted zone public key, the use of well known or easily guessable labels effectively result in general disclosure of the records to the public. If the labels and hence the records should be kept secret except to those knowing a secret label and the zone in which to look, the label must be chosen accordingly. It is recommended to then use a label with sufficient entropy as to prevent guessing attacks.
GANA Considerations GANA is requested to create an "GNU Name System Record Types" registry. The registry shall record for each entry:
  • Name: The name of the record type (case-insensitive ASCII string, restricted to alphanumeric characters. For zone delegation records, the assigned number represents the ztype value of the zone.
  • Number: 32-bit, above 65535
  • Comment: Optionally, a brief English text describing the purpose of the record type (in UTF-8)
  • Contact: Optionally, the contact information of a person to contact for further information.
  • References: Optionally, references describing the record type (such as an RFC)
The registration policy for this sub-registry is "First Come First Served". This policy is modeled on that described in , but describes the actions taken by GANA. Adding records is possible after expert review, using a first-come-first-served policy for unique name allocation. Experts are responsible to ensure that the chosen "Name" is appropriate for the record type. The registry will assign a unique number for the entry. The current contact(s) for expert review are reachable at gns-registry@gnunet.org. Any request MUST contain a unique name and a point of contact. The contact information MAY be added to the registry given the consent of the requestor. The request MAY optionally also contain relevant references as well as a descriptive comment as defined above. GANA is requested to populate this registry as listed in .
The GANA Resource Record Registry. GANA is requested to amend the "GNUnet Signature Purpose" registry as illustrated in .
Requested Changes in the GANA GNUnet Signature Purpose Registry.
IANA Considertations This document makes no requests for IANA action. This section may be removed on publication as an RFC.
Implementation and Deployment Status There are two implementations conforming to this specification written in C and Go, respectively. The C implementation as part of GNUnet represents the original and reference implementation. The Go implementation demonstrates how two implementations of GNS are interoperable given that they are built on top of the same underlying DHT storage. Currently, the GNUnet peer-to-peer network is an active deployment of GNS on top of its DHT. The implementation uses this deployment by building on top of the GNUnet DHT services available on any GNUnet peer. It shows how GNS implementations and client resolvers can attach to this existing deployment and participate in name resolution as well as zone publication.
Test Vectors The following represents a test vector for a record set with a DNS record of type "A" as well as a GNS record of type "PKEY" under the label "test". The following represents a test vector for a record set with a DNS record of type "A" as well as a GNS record of type "EDKEY" under the label "test". The following is an example revocation for a zone:
Normative References &RFC1034; &RFC1035; &RFC2693; &RFC2782; &RFC2119; &RFC3629; &RFC3686; &RFC3826; &RFC3912; &RFC5869; &RFC5890; &RFC5891; &RFC6781; &RFC6895; &RFC6979; &RFC7748; &RFC8032; &RFC8126; &RFC8174; &RFC9106; GNUnet Assigned Numbers Authority (GANA) GNUnet e.V. Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods and Techniques NIST This recommendation defines five confidentiality modes of operation for use with an underlying symmetric key block cipher algorithm: Electronic Codebook (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), Cipher Feedback (CFB), Output Feedback (OFB), and Counter (CTR). Used with an underlying block cipher algorithm that is approved in a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS), these modes can provide cryptographic protection for sensitive, but unclassified, computer data. Base32 Extending the Salsa20 nonce University of Illinois at Chicago Informative References &RFC7363; Next-Generation Hidden Services in Tor Kademlia: A peer-to-peer information system based on the xor metric. Ipfs-content addressed, versioned, p2p file system. High-Speed High-Security Signatures University of Illinois at Chicago Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Technische Universiteit Eindhoven National Taiwan University Academia Sinica A Censorship-Resistant, Privacy-Enhancing and Fully Decentralized Name System Technische Universität München Technische Universität München Technische Universität München R5N: Randomized recursive routing for restricted-route networks Technische Universität München Technische Universität München The GNUnet GNS Implementation GNUnet e.V. The GNUnet Project GNUnet e.V. The Go GNS Implementation