#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; BEGIN { unless (eval "require Event") { print "You don't have Event.pm installed. No Problem.\nSkipping this test.\n"; exit; } require Test::Simple; import Test::Simple qw(tests 7); require Net::PSYC; import Net::PSYC qw(Event=Event :base make_psyc send_mmp setDEBUG); } my $p_num = 0; my $s_num = 0; setDEBUG(); ok( register_uniform(), 'registering main::msg for all incoming packets' ); my $c = bind_uniform('psyc://'); ok( $c, 'binding a tcp port' ); exit unless($c); my $target = sprintf('psyc://%s:%s', $c->{'IP'}, $c->{'PORT'}); print STDERR "\tI am $target\n"; sendmsg($target, '_notice_test_tcp', 'Hey there! That is a message for testing [_thing].', {_thing=>'tcp'}); # STATE foreach (1 .. 6) { sendmsg($target, '_notice_test_state', 'testing state', {}, {_source_identification=>'YEAH!'}); } sendmsg($target, '_notice_test_state', 'testing state', {}, {_source_identification=>'miuh'}); sendmsg($target, '_notice_test_state', 'testing state'); sendmsg($target, '_notice_test_state', 'testing state', {}, {_source_identification=>'YEAH!'}); # FRAGMENTS my $data = make_psyc('_notice_test_fragments', "irgendwaslangesnichtsowichtig,nurnichtzukurz\n\n\rmitnewlinesdrin...\n"); my $l = int((length($data)/5) + 1); send_mmp($target, [unpack("a$l a$l a$l a$l a$l", $data)], {_source_identification=>'lolli'}); add(5, 'i', \&stop_loop); ok( start_loop(), 'starting/stopping event loop' ); ok( $s_num == -1, 'MMP state' ); sub msg { my ($source, $mc, $data, $vars) = @_; $p_num++; if ($mc eq '_notice_test_tcp') { ok(1, 'sending/receiving psyc packets via tcp'); ok( psyctext($data, $vars) eq 'Hey there! That is a message for testing tcp.', 'rendering psyc messages with psyctext()' ); } elsif ($mc eq '_notice_test_state') { $s_num-= 2 if (!exists $vars->{'_source_identification'}); $s_num++ if (exists $vars->{'_source_identification'} && $vars->{'_source_identification'} eq 'YEAH!'); $s_num-= 6 if (exists $vars->{'_source_identification'} && $vars->{'_source_identification'} eq 'miuh'); } elsif ($mc eq '_notice_test_fragments') { ok( $data eq "irgendwaslangesnichtsowichtig,nurnichtzukurz\n\n\rmitnewlinesdrin...\n" && $vars->{'_source_identification'} eq 'lolli', 'sending fragments' ); stop_loop(); } return 1; } exit; __END__