#+TITLE: Introduction to SecuShare #+AUTHOR: Daniel Reusche and Gabor Toth #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t #+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc #+INFOJS_OPT: view:nil toc:nil ltoc:t mouse:underline buttons:0 path:http://orgmode.org/org-info.js #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: export #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport #+startup: oddeven #+startup: beamer #+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [bigger] #+latex_header: \mode{\usetheme{Pittsburgh}} #+latex_header: \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} #+BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 2 * Introduction ** Introduction [[file:./img/unicast.png]] *** unicast :NOEXPORT: - natural communication - this is where we want to go ** Introduction [[file:./img/cloud.png]] *** server :NOEXPORT: - this is where we are now - servers - clouds - clusters - all more or less centrally owned * Goals ** Goals #+Begin_Center #+LaTeX: \textbf{\Huge{Transfer Anything}} #+End_Center *** Transfer :NOEXPORT: - Arbitrary stuff - messages - subscription lists, etc. - files - future: - push to talk - television ** Goals #+Begin_Center #+LaTeX: \textbf{\Huge{Resilience}} #+End_Center *** Resilience :NOEXPORT: - Do not get rid of servers but: - Make nodes/content/servers easily exchangeable. - It is no problem if a server goes down, because traffic is rerouted. - If we put up another server, traffic gets quickly routed over it again. ** Goals #+Begin_Center #+LaTeX: \textbf{\Huge{Privacy}} #+End_Center *** Privacy :NOEXPORT: - Only intended recipients get the content. - public stuff unencrypted - Make sure of this by end-to-end encryption - Groups and one-on-one chat - goal mpotr - encrypted - authenticated - repudiable - maybe even anonymity later: - play with packet padding and timing - onion routing possible ** Goals #+Begin_Center #+LaTeX: \textbf{\Huge{Scalability}} #+End_Center *** Scalability :NOEXPORT: - not only adsl nodes - servers for routing, buffering - bandwith, cpu, memory - everything is encrypted, so no problem - Round Robin slow - Carlos Mailverteiler - vor 5 jahren 70% XMPP traffic presence messages - http://about.psyc.eu/XMPP#Scalability - multicast distribution trees scale well - psyc: several hundred instances of up to 10k users each ** Goals [[file:./img/multicast.png]] *** notes :NOEXPORT: - this is what we want to do - make the first scale on large networks ** Goals #+Begin_Center #+LaTeX: \textbf{\Huge{API}} #+End_Center *** API :NOEXPORT: - Ease of use for developers = more applications - we need gread (Easily adaptable) interfaces - our grandmothers have to be able to use it - The developers will never be able to keep up with all the needs of the users * How Not To Do It ** How Not To Do It #+Begin_Center #+LaTeX: \textbf{\Huge{Trust in Servers}} #+End_Center *** notes :NOEXPORT: - Can be seized - server unfriendly legislation can be passed, eg liability - In current architectures, lots of data resides there - federation: - data is visible, accessible on even more servers - you have to trust even more admins - Central points of failure - even with crypto, the data is not lost but the communication channels are - Servers are vulnerable to: - Memory analysis - VPSs are vulnerable to : - Being fed bad random data -> weak crypto ** How Not To Do It #+Begin_Center #+LaTeX: \textbf{\Huge{Encryption in the Browser}} #+End_Center *** notes :NOEXPORT: - trust in integrity of whatever code you get from the server required - server compromised, all users compromised - ssl ca system broken * Technologies ** Technologies #+Begin_Center #+LaTeX: \textbf{\Huge{GNUnet}} #+End_Center *** GNUnet :NOEXPORT: - Use it for routing and encryption. - anonymous filehosting - TUM, in the heritage of freenet ** Technologies #+Begin_Center #+LaTeX: \textbf{\Huge{PSYC}} #+End_Center *** PSYC :NOEXPORT: - Use it for multicast binary transport and trust graph. - Scales well, several hundred instances with 10k users each * About Us ** Contributors - Carlo von lynX - Gabor Toth - Matthias Baumann - Daniel Reusche ** URL #+Begin_Center #+LaTeX: \textbf{\Huge{secushare.org}} #+End_Center