import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { ReclaimService } from '../reclaim.service'; import { Identity } from '../identity'; import { GnsService } from '../gns.service'; import { NamestoreService } from '../namestore.service'; import { CredentialService } from '../credential.service'; import { OpenIdService } from '../open-id.service'; import { Attribute } from '../attribute'; import { Credential } from '../credential'; import { IdentityService } from '../identity.service'; import { finalize } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { from, forkJoin, EMPTY } from 'rxjs'; import { Authorization } from '../authorization'; import { ConfigService } from '../config.service'; import { LanguageService } from '../language.service'; import { IdProvider } from '../idProvider'; import { Scope } from '../scope'; import { OAuthService, LoginOptions } from 'angular-oauth2-oidc'; @Component({ selector: 'app-edit-identity', templateUrl: './edit-identity.component.html', styleUrls: ['./edit-identity.component.css'] }) export class EditIdentityComponent implements OnInit { identity: Identity; attributes: Attribute[] = []; credentials: Credential[] = []; credentialValues: {}; newAttribute: Attribute; newStandardAttribute: Attribute; newRequestedAttribute: Attribute; requestedClaims: Attribute[] = []; webfingerEmail: string; authorizations: Authorization[] = []; emailNotFoundAlertClosed: boolean = true; existingProfileClaims: Attribute[] = []; missingProfileClaims: Attribute[] = []; existingPhoneClaims: Attribute[] = []; missingPhoneClaims: Attribute[] = []; existingEmailClaims: Attribute[] = []; missingEmailClaims: Attribute[] = []; existingAddressClaims: Attribute[] = []; missingAddressClaims: Attribute[] = []; existingNonStandardClaims: Attribute[] = []; missingNonStandardClaims: Attribute[] = []; showMissingInfo: boolean = false; showGeneralInfo: boolean = false; claimInEdit: Attribute = null; //Attribute import importIdProvider: IdProvider; attributesToImport: Attribute[] = []; attributesToOverwriteOnImport: any[] = []; validImportEmail: boolean = false; importInProgress: boolean = false; scopes: Scope[]; newCredential: Credential; constructor(private reclaimService: ReclaimService, private identityService: IdentityService, private gnsService: GnsService, private oidcService: OpenIdService, private namestoreService: NamestoreService, private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, private configService: ConfigService, private languageService: LanguageService, private credentialService: CredentialService, private oauthService: OAuthService, private router: Router,) {} ngOnInit() { this.credentialValues = {}; this.webfingerEmail = ''; this.importIdProvider = new IdProvider ('', ''); this.loadAuthorizationsFromLocalStorage(); this.identity = new Identity('',''); this.newAttribute = new Attribute('', '', this.getZeroId(), '', 'STRING', '0'); this.newStandardAttribute = new Attribute('', '', this.getZeroId(), '', 'STRING', '0'); this.newRequestedAttribute = new Attribute('', '', this.getZeroId(), '', 'STRING', '0'); this.newCredential = new Credential('', '', '', 'JWT', '', 0, []); this.loadImportScopesFromLocalStorage() this.loadImportIdProviderFromLocalStorage(); this.importInProgress = true; let oidcState = localStorage.getItem('oidcRequestState'); if (oidcState) { this.oidcService.loadState(oidcState); } this.activatedRoute.params.subscribe(p => { if (p['id'] === undefined) { return; } this.identityService.getIdentities().subscribe( ids => { for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (ids[i].name == p['id']) { this.identity = ids[i]; this.updateAttributes(); } } }); }); } getDescription(claim: Attribute) : string { return this.oidcService.getClaimDescription(claim); } private bootstrapClaimArray(claimTemplate: Object): Attribute[] { var result = []; for (let claim in claimTemplate) { let attr = new Attribute(claim, '', this.getZeroId(), '', 'STRING', '0'); result.push(attr); } return result; } private updateClaimArray(claimArray: Attribute[], attr: Attribute): Attribute[] { var result = []; for (let i = 0; i < claimArray.length; i++) { if (claimArray[i].name === { result.push(attr); } else { result.push(claimArray[i]); } } return result; } private cleanupClaimArray(claimArray: Attribute[]) { var result = [] for (let attr of claimArray) { if (attr.value !== '') { result.push(attr); } } return result; } private getAttributePriority(attr: Attribute) { if (this.oidcService.isStandardProfileClaim(attr)) { return 5; } else if (this.oidcService.isStandardEmailClaim(attr)) { return 6; } else if (this.oidcService.isStandardAddressClaim(attr)) { return 4; } else if (this.oidcService.isStandardPhoneClaim(attr)) { return 3; } else { return 2; } } sortAttributes(attrs: Attribute[]) { return attrs.sort((a,b) => { if (this.getAttributePriority(a) > this.getAttributePriority(b)) { return -1; } if (this.getAttributePriority(a) < this.getAttributePriority(b)) { return 1; } if ( > { return -1; } if ( < { return 1; } return 0; }); } private updateAttributes() { this.reclaimService.getAttributes(this.identity).subscribe(attributes => { this.reclaimService.getCredentials(this.identity).subscribe(credentials => { this.credentials = credentials; this.existingProfileClaims = this.bootstrapClaimArray (this.oidcService.getStandardProfileClaims()); this.existingEmailClaims = this.bootstrapClaimArray (this.oidcService.getStandardEmailClaims()); this.existingPhoneClaims = this.bootstrapClaimArray (this.oidcService.getStandardPhoneClaims()); this.existingAddressClaims = this.bootstrapClaimArray (this.oidcService.getStandardAddressClaims()); this.existingNonStandardClaims = []; this.attributes = this.sortAttributes(attributes); for (let attr of this.attributes) { if (this.oidcService.isStandardProfileClaim(attr)) { this.existingProfileClaims = this.updateClaimArray(this.existingProfileClaims, attr); } else if (this.oidcService.isStandardEmailClaim(attr)) { this.existingEmailClaims = this.updateClaimArray(this.existingEmailClaims, attr); } else if (this.oidcService.isStandardAddressClaim(attr)) { this.existingAddressClaims = this.updateClaimArray(this.existingAddressClaims, attr); } else if (this.oidcService.isStandardPhoneClaim(attr)) { this.existingPhoneClaims = this.updateClaimArray(this.existingPhoneClaims, attr); } else { this.existingNonStandardClaims.push(attr); } } this.existingProfileClaims = this.cleanupClaimArray(this.existingProfileClaims); this.existingEmailClaims = this.cleanupClaimArray(this.existingEmailClaims); this.existingPhoneClaims = this.cleanupClaimArray(this.existingPhoneClaims); this.existingAddressClaims = this.cleanupClaimArray(this.existingAddressClaims); this.updateMissingAttributes(); this.validateEmailForImport(); this.resetAttributes(); }, err => { //this.errorInfos.push("Error retrieving attributes for ``" + + "''"); console.log(err); }); }); } resetAttributes() { this.resetStandardAttribute(this.newStandardAttribute); this.resetStandardAttribute(this.newRequestedAttribute); if ( === '') { let missing = this.getMissingClaims(); if (missing.length > 0) { let firstMissing = this.getMissingClaims()[0]; =; this.newRequestedAttribute.flag = firstMissing.flag; } } this.resetAttribute(this.newAttribute); } inOpenIdFlow() { return this.oidcService.inOpenIdFlow(); } isClaimRequested(attribute) { const claims = this.oidcService.getClaimNamesForRequest(); if (undefined === claims) { return false; } else { return -1 !== claims.indexOf(; } } updateMissingAttributes() { /** * The original set of claim names here consists of all possible * standard claim names and all currently REQUESTED non-standard * claims (if any) */ var sClaims = this.oidcService.getStandardClaimNames(); var nsClaims = this.oidcService.getRequestedClaimNames(); var claims = [...sClaims, ...nsClaims]; for (let attr of this.attributes) { const j = claims.indexOf(; if (j >= 0) { claims.splice(j, 1); } } this.missingProfileClaims = []; this.missingEmailClaims = []; this.missingPhoneClaims = []; this.missingAddressClaims = []; this.missingNonStandardClaims = []; for (let claim of claims) { const attribute = new Attribute('', '', this.getZeroId(), '', 'STRING', ''); attribute.flag = '0'; = claim; if (this.isClaimCredentialRequested(attribute)) { attribute.flag = '1'; if (this.credentials.length > 0) { attribute.credential = this.credentials[0].id; } } if (this.oidcService.isStandardProfileClaim(attribute)) { this.missingProfileClaims.push(attribute); } else if (this.oidcService.isStandardEmailClaim(attribute)) { this.missingEmailClaims.push(attribute); } else if (this.oidcService.isStandardPhoneClaim(attribute)) { this.missingPhoneClaims.push(attribute); } else if (this.oidcService.isStandardAddressClaim(attribute)) { this.missingAddressClaims.push(attribute); } else { this.missingNonStandardClaims.push(attribute); } } } checkConflict(attrs: Attribute[], attribute: Attribute): boolean { if (undefined !== attrs) { for (let attr of attrs) { if ( === { return true; } } } return false; } isInConflict(attribute: Attribute): boolean { return this.checkConflict(this.attributes, attribute); } canUpdateAttribute(attribute: Attribute): boolean { if (( === '') || (attribute.value === '')) { return false; } if (' ') >= 0) { return false; } return true; } canAddAttribute(attribute: Attribute): boolean { if (( === '') || (attribute.value === '')) { return false; } if (' ') >= 0) { return false; } return !this.isInConflict(attribute); } canSaveIdentity(): boolean { return this.canSaveAttributes(); } isAttributeOk(attr: Attribute) { return (( === '') && (attr.value === '')) && !this.isInConflict(attr); } canSaveAttributes(): boolean { if (this.canAddAttribute(this.newAttribute)) { return true; } return this.isAttributeOk(this.newAttribute) && this.isAttributeOk(this.newStandardAttribute); } goBack() { localStorage.removeItem("userForCredential"); this.router.navigate(['/']); } resetAttribute(attr: Attribute) { = ''; attr.value = ''; attr.type = 'STRING'; attr.flag = '0'; attr.credential = this.getZeroId(); } resetStandardAttribute(attr: Attribute) { this.resetAttribute(attr); for (let claim of this.attributes) { if ( === 'email') { return; } } = 'email'; } deleteAttribute(attribute) { this.reclaimService.deleteAttribute(this.identity, attribute) .subscribe(res => { //FIXME info dialog this.updateAttributes(); }, err => { //this.errorInfos.push("Failed to delete attribute ``" + + "''"); console.log(err); }); } saveAttribute(attr: Attribute) { this.reclaimService.addAttribute(this.identity, attr) .pipe( finalize(() => { this.updateAttributes(); })) .subscribe(res => { console.log(res); }, err => { console.log(err); //this.errorInfos.push("Failed to update identity ``" + + "''"); EMPTY }); } attributeNameValid(attribute: Attribute): boolean { if ( === '' && attribute.value === '') { return true; } if (' ') >= 0) { return false; } if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/.test( { return false; } return !this.isInConflict(attribute); } attributeValueValid(attribute) { if (attribute.value === '') { return === ''; } return true; } isAttributeNameInList(name: string, attrs: Attribute[]) { for (let attr of attrs) { if (name === { return true; } } return false; } isAnyRequestedNonStandardClaimMissing(): boolean { if (!this.oidcService.inOpenIdFlow()) { return false; } var requestedClaims = this.oidcService.getClaimNamesForRequest(); for (let claim of requestedClaims) { if (this.isAttributeNameInList(claim, this.missingNonStandardClaims)) { return true; } } return false; } isAnyRequestedAttributeMissing(): boolean { if (!this.oidcService.inOpenIdFlow()) { return false; } var requestedClaims = this.oidcService.getClaimNamesForRequest(); for (let claim of requestedClaims) { if (this.isAttributeNameInList(claim, this.missingProfileClaims) || this.isAttributeNameInList(claim, this.missingEmailClaims) || this.isAttributeNameInList(claim, this.missingAddressClaims) || this.isAttributeNameInList(claim, this.missingPhoneClaims) || this.isAttributeNameInList(claim, this.missingNonStandardClaims)) { return true; } } return false; } isClaimCredentialRequested(attr: Attribute) { //TODO check if this claim is in claims parameter and needs credential var claims = this.oidcService.getRequestedClaims(); for (let claim of claims) { if (claim[0] == { return claim[2]; } } return false; } isClaimOptional(claim: Attribute) { //TODO check if this claim is in claims parameter and optional var claims = this.oidcService.getRequestedClaims(); for (let claim of claims) { return claim[1]; } return true; } private updateCredentials() { this.reclaimService.getCredentials(this.identity).subscribe(credentials => { this.credentials = credentials; }, err => { //this.errorInfos.push("Error retrieving credential for ``" + + "''"); console.log(err); }); } isClaimCred(attribute) { return attribute.flag === '1'; } isClaimCredentialValid(attribute: Attribute) { if (attribute.credential === '') { return === ''; } return true; } credentialValuesForClaim(attribute: Attribute) { for (let i = 0; i < this.credentials.length; i++) { if (this.credentials[i].id == attribute.credential) { return this.credentials[i].attributes; } } } hasCredentialSources(){ return this.credentials.length > 0 } getImportIssuerName(): string { return this.credentialService.mapIssuerName(; } getIssuerNameForAttribute(attribute: Attribute): string { for (let i = 0; i < this.credentials.length; i++) { if (this.credentials[i].id == attribute.credential) { return this.getIssuerName(this.credentials[i]); } } } getCredValue(attribute: Attribute) { for (let i = 0; i < this.credentials.length; i++) { if (this.credentials[i].id == attribute.credential) { for (let j = 0; j < this.credentials[i].attributes.length; j++) { if (attribute.value == this.credentials[i].attributes[j].name) { return this.credentials[i].attributes[j].value.replace(/\"/g, ""); } } } } return "?"; } loadAuthorizationsFromLocalStorage(){ this.authorizations = []; var potentialIdProviders = Object.keys(localStorage); potentialIdProviders.forEach(element => { if (element.includes('Authorization')){ const newAuthorization: Authorization = { attestationName: element.replace('Authorization: ', ''), idProvider: '', redirectUri: '', clientId: '', accessToken: '', idToken: '', logoutURL: '', } var content = localStorage.getItem(element); content.split(";").forEach(authInfo => { var key = authInfo.split(": ")[0]; var value = authInfo.split(": ")[1]; newAuthorization[key] = value; } ) this.authorizations.push(newAuthorization); } }); } isExperimental() { return this.configService.get().experiments; } //Internationalization getMessage(key, sub?){ return this.languageService.getMessage(key, sub); } hasAttributes(): boolean { return this.attributes.length > 0; } editAttribute(claim: Attribute) { this.claimInEdit = claim; } loadImportScopesFromLocalStorage(){ this.scopes = []; var loadedScopes = localStorage.getItem("scopes"); if (loadedScopes==null){ return } loadedScopes.split(',{').forEach(scopeObject => { var scopeName = scopeObject.split(',')[0]; var scopeChosen = scopeObject.split(',')[1].slice(0, -1); const scopeInterface: Scope = { scope: scopeName.split(':')[1].slice(1,-1), chosen: (/true/i).test(scopeChosen.split(':')[1]), } this.scopes.push(scopeInterface) } ); } loadImportIdProviderFromLocalStorage(){ this.importIdProvider.url = localStorage.getItem("importIdProviderURL") || ''; = this.importIdProvider.url.split('//')[1]; } tryImportCredential() { if (this.importIdProvider.url === '') { this.importInProgress = false; return; } const loginOptions: LoginOptions = { customHashFragment: "?code="+localStorage.getItem("credentialCode") + "&state=" + localStorage.getItem("credentialState") + "&session_state="+ localStorage.getItem("credentialSession_State"), } this.configureOauthService(); if (!localStorage.getItem("credentialCode")){ this.oauthService.loadDiscoveryDocumentAndTryLogin().then(success => { if (!success || (null == this.oauthService.getIdToken())) { this.importInProgress = false; return; } console.log("Login successful: "+this.oauthService.getIdToken()); = + "oidcjwt"; this.newCredential.value = this.oauthService.getIdToken(); this.importAttributesFromCredential(); }); } else { this.oauthService.loadDiscoveryDocumentAndTryLogin(loginOptions).then(success => { if (!success || (null == this.oauthService.getIdToken())) { this.importInProgress = false; return; } console.log("Login successful: "+this.oauthService.getIdToken()); = + "oidcjwt"; this.newCredential.value = this.oauthService.getIdToken(); this.importAttributesFromCredential(); }); } } abortAttributeImport() { this.importIdProvider.url = ''; = ''; this.attributesToImport = []; this.attributesToOverwriteOnImport = []; localStorage.removeItem('importIdProviderURL'); localStorage.removeItem('credentialCode'); localStorage.removeItem('oidcRequestState'); localStorage.removeItem('importTargetComponent'); this.importInProgress = false; this.oauthService.logOut(); this.updateAttributes(); } proceedAttributeImport() { let promises = []; for (let attestation of this.attributesToImport) { let skip = false; for (let overwriteAttrInfo of this.attributesToOverwriteOnImport) { if ((overwriteAttrInfo[0].name === && !overwriteAttrInfo[1]) { skip = true; } } if (!skip) { promises.push( from(this.reclaimService.addAttribute(this.identity, attestation))); } } forkJoin(promises) .pipe( finalize(() => { this.importIdProvider.url = ''; = ''; this.attributesToImport = []; this.attributesToOverwriteOnImport = []; localStorage.removeItem('importIdProviderURL'); localStorage.removeItem('credentialCode'); localStorage.removeItem('oidcRequestState'); localStorage.removeItem('importTargetComponent'); this.importInProgress = false; this.oauthService.logOut(); this.updateAttributes(); }) ).subscribe(res => { console.log("Finished attribute import."); }, err => { console.log(err); }); } setAllOverwriteInfo(target: boolean) { for (let overwriteInfo of this.attributesToOverwriteOnImport) { overwriteInfo[1] = target; } this.proceedAttributeImport(); } getAttrValue(attr: Attribute) { if (attr.credential === this.getZeroId()) { return attr.value; } return this.getCredValue(attr); } getAttributeByName(name: string) { for (let attr of this.attributes) { if ( === name) { return attr; } } return null; } importAttributesFromCredential() { this.importInProgress = true; this.reclaimService.addCredential(this.identity, this.newCredential).subscribe(res => { console.log("Stored credential"); this.reclaimService.getCredentials(this.identity).subscribe(creds => { this.credentials = creds; this.reclaimService.getAttributes(this.identity).subscribe(attrs => { var cred = null; this.attributesToImport = []; for (var c of creds) { if ( == { cred = c; } } if (null == cred) { console.log("ERROR: credential was not added!"); this.importInProgress = false; return; } console.log("Trying to import " + cred.attributes.length + " attributes"); var needsUserInteraction = false; for (let attr of cred.attributes) { if (( == "sub") || ( == "nonce") || ( == "email_verified") || ( == "phone_number_verified")) { continue; } //New attribute with name == claim name var attestation = new Attribute(, '',,, 'STRING', '1'); for (let existAttr of attrs) { /* Overwrite existing */ if ( !== { continue; } console.log("Found conflicting attribute " +; this.attributesToOverwriteOnImport.push([attestation, !this.isClaimCred(existAttr)]); =; /* If the new attribute is attested, and the old wasn't, we * override by default. Otherwise, we need to have the user * make a decision */ if (this.isClaimCred(existAttr)) { needsUserInteraction = true; } break; } this.attributesToImport.push(attestation); } if ((this.attributesToOverwriteOnImport.length > 0) && needsUserInteraction) { console.log("Wait for user input"); return; } this.proceedAttributeImport(); }); }); }); } private validateEmailForImport() { var emailAddr = null; this.importInProgress = false; for (let attr of this.attributes) { if ( !== 'email') { continue; } console.log("Found email attribute " + attr.value); emailAddr = attr.value; break; } if ((null == emailAddr) || !emailAddr.includes('@')) { this.validImportEmail = false; return; } if (emailAddr.length - emailAddr.indexOf('@') < 4) { this.validImportEmail = false; return; } this.importInProgress = true; this.discoverIdProvider(emailAddr); } discoverIdProvider(emailAddr: string) { localStorage.setItem('userForCredential',; let account = emailAddr; if (this.configService.get().experiments) { if (emailAddr.substr(emailAddr.indexOf('@')+1) === '') { account = emailAddr.substr(0, emailAddr.indexOf('@')+1) + ''; } else if (emailAddr.substr(emailAddr.indexOf('@')+1) === '') { account = emailAddr.substr(0, emailAddr.indexOf('@')+1) + ''; } } this.credentialService.getLink(account).subscribe (idProvider => { this.importIdProvider = new IdProvider((idProvider.links[0]).href, (idProvider.links[0]).href.split('//')[1]); localStorage.setItem('importIdProviderURL', this.importIdProvider.url); this.getImportScopes(); console.log(this.importIdProvider.url); this.validImportEmail = true; this.tryImportCredential(); }, error => { this.importInProgress = false; this.validImportEmail = false; console.log (error); }); } getIssuerName(cred: Credential): string { return this.credentialService.getIssuerName(cred); } import(){ this.configureOauthService(); this.oauthService.logOut(); //Make sure we logout before login localStorage.setItem('importTargetComponent', 'edit-identity'); /** * Save current openid request state (if any) */ localStorage.setItem('oidcRequestState', this.oidcService.getState()); this.oauthService.loadDiscoveryDocumentAndLogin(); } configureOauthService(){ var authCodeFlowConfig = this.credentialService.getOauthConfig(this.importIdProvider, this.scopes); this.oauthService.configure(authCodeFlowConfig); } getImportScopes(){ this.configureOauthService(); this.credentialService.getDiscoveryDocument(this.oauthService.issuer).subscribe(openidConfig => { this.scopes = []; openidConfig["scopes_supported"].forEach(scope => { const scopeInterface: Scope = { scope: scope, chosen: true, } this.scopes.push(scopeInterface) }); localStorage.setItem("scopes", JSON.stringify(this.scopes)); }); } getZeroId() { return "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; } credentialSelected(claim: Attribute, eventValue) { claim.credential = eventValue; claim.value = ''; claim.flag = (eventValue == this.getZeroId()) ? '0' : '1'; } credentialClaimSelected(claim: Attribute, eventValue) { claim.value = eventValue; if ( !== '') { this.saveAttribute(claim); } } getMissingStandardClaims() { var claims = []; claims = claims.concat(this.missingProfileClaims); claims = claims.concat(this.missingEmailClaims); claims = claims.concat(this.missingAddressClaims); claims = claims.concat(this.missingPhoneClaims); return claims; } getMissingClaims() { var sClaims = this.getMissingStandardClaims(); let claims = []; for (let sClaim of sClaims) { if (this.isClaimRequested(sClaim)) { claims.push(sClaim); } } claims = claims.concat(this.missingNonStandardClaims); return this.sortAttributes(claims); } setNewRequestedAttribute(attrName: string) { this.resetAttribute(this.newRequestedAttribute); = attrName; this.newRequestedAttribute.flag = '0'; this.newRequestedAttribute.value = ''; if (this.isClaimCredentialRequested(this.newRequestedAttribute)) { this.newRequestedAttribute.flag = '1'; if (this.credentials.length > 0) { this.newRequestedAttribute.credential = this.credentials[0].id; } } } loginIdentity(identity) { this.oidcService.login(identity).subscribe(() => { console.log('Successfully logged in'); this.oidcService.authorize(); }); } isClientVerified() { return this.oidcService.isClientVerified(); } }