import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Identity } from './identity'; import { ConfigService } from './config.service'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { GnsService } from './gns.service'; import { Attribute } from './attribute'; import { LanguageService } from './language.service'; @Injectable() export class OpenIdService { params: any; inOidcFlow: Boolean; clientNameVerified: Boolean; clientName: String; referenceString: String; scopesDescriptions = {"profile": this.getMessage("scope_description@profile"), "email": this.getMessage("scope_description@email"), "address": this.getMessage("scope_description@address"), "phone_number": this.getMessage("scope_description@phone_number")}; constructor(private http: HttpClient, private config: ConfigService, private gnsService: GnsService, private languageService: LanguageService, private router: Router) { this.params = {}; this.inOidcFlow = false; this.referenceString = ""; this.clientNameVerified = undefined; } setClientName(name: string) { this.clientName = name; this.clientNameVerified = true; } isClientVerified() { return this.clientNameVerified; } login(identity: Identity) { const httpOptions = { withCredentials: true }; return + '/openid/login', { 'identity': identity.pubkey}, httpOptions); } parseRouteParams(params: any): any { this.params = params; console.log('Added OIDC params'); console.log(this.params); this.inOidcFlow = this.params['redirect_uri'] !== undefined; } private buildAuthorizeRedirect(): any { var redirectUri = this.config.get().apiUrl + '/openid/authorize'; redirectUri += '?client_id=' + this.params['client_id']; redirectUri += '&redirect_uri=' + this.params['redirect_uri']; redirectUri += '&response_type=' + this.params['response_type']; redirectUri += '&scope=' + this.params['scope']; if (this.params['claims'] !== undefined) { redirectUri += "&claims=" + this.params['claims']; } if (this.params['state'] !== undefined) { redirectUri += '&state=' + this.params['state']; } if (this.params['code_challenge'] !== undefined) { redirectUri += '&code_challenge=' + this.params['code_challenge']; } if (this.params['nonce'] !== undefined) { redirectUri += '&nonce=' + this.params['nonce']; } return redirectUri; } authorize(): any { this.inOidcFlow = false; window.location.href = this.buildAuthorizeRedirect(); } setCredentials(credentials: Attribute[]) { this.referenceString = ""; for(var i = 0; i < credentials.length; i++) { this.referenceString = this.referenceString + credentials[i].name + " "; } } cancelAuthorization(): any { const httpOptions = { withCredentials: true }; this.params = {}; this.inOidcFlow = false; return + '/openid/login', { 'identity': 'Denied'}, httpOptions); } inOpenIdFlow(): any { return this.inOidcFlow; } getClientId(): any { if (!this.inOpenIdFlow()) { return ''; } return this.params['client_id']; } getRequestedScope(): any { if (!this.inOpenIdFlow()) { return []; } if ((this.params['scope'] === "") || (this.params['scope'] === undefined)) { return []; } const scopes = this.params['scope'].split(' '); /* Ignore openid scope */ var i = scopes.indexOf('openid'); if (i >= 0) { scopes.splice(i, 1); } return scopes; } getScopeDescription(scope: string) { if (undefined === this.scopesDescriptions[scope]) { return scope; } return this.scopesDescriptions[scope]; } getRequestedStandardScopesWithDescription(): string[] { var scopes = this.getRequestedScope(); var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < scopes.length; i++) { if (undefined !== this.scopesDescriptions[scopes[i]]) { res.push(this.scopesDescriptions[scopes[i]]) } } return res; } getRequestedNonStandardScopes(): string[] { var scopes = this.getRequestedScope(); var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < scopes.length; i++) { if (undefined === this.scopesDescriptions[scopes[i]]) { res.push(scopes[i]) } } return res; } getRequestedNonStandardClaims(): string [] { var scopes = this.getRequestedNonStandardScopes(); var claims = this.getRequestedClaimNames(); return [...scopes,]; } getScopesDescriptionList(): any { var scopes = this.getRequestedScope(); var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < scopes.length; i++) { if (undefined === this.scopesDescriptions[scopes[i]]) { res.push(scopes[i]); } else { res.push(this.scopesDescriptions[scopes[i]]) } } return res; } isClaimsMissing(attributes: Attribute[], claims: Object): boolean { for (let claim in claims) { var found = false; for (let attr of attributes) { if ( === claim) { found = true; } } if (!found) { return true; } } return false; } isProfileMissing(attributes: Attribute[]): boolean { let profileClaims = this.getStandardProfileClaims(); return this.isClaimsMissing(attributes, profileClaims); } isEmailMissing(attributes: Attribute[]): boolean { let profileClaims = this.getStandardEmailClaims(); return this.isClaimsMissing(attributes, profileClaims); } isPhoneMissing(attributes: Attribute[]): boolean { let profileClaims = this.getStandardPhoneClaims(); return this.isClaimsMissing(attributes, profileClaims); } isAddressMissing(attributes: Attribute[]): boolean { let profileClaims = this.getStandardAddressClaims(); return this.isClaimsMissing(attributes, profileClaims); } isProfileRequested(): boolean { return this.getRequestedScope().includes("profile"); } isEmailRequested(): boolean { return this.getRequestedScope().includes("email"); } isPhoneRequested(): boolean { return this.getRequestedScope().includes("phone"); } isAddressRequested(): boolean { return this.getRequestedScope().includes("address"); } getStandardProfileClaims(): Object { return {"family_name": this.getMessage('claim@family_name'), "given_name": this.getMessage('claim@given_name'), "middle_name": this.getMessage('claim@middle_name'), "nickname": this.getMessage('claim@nickname'), "preferred_username": this.getMessage('claim@preferred_username'), "profile": this.getMessage('claim@profile'), "picture": this.getMessage('claim@picture'), "website": this.getMessage('claim@website'), "gender": this.getMessage('claim@gender'), //"birthdate": "Birthdate YYYY-MM-DD", FIXME make pretty calendar //"zoneinfo": "Timezone, e.g. Europe/Paris", Make pretty dropdown //"locale": "Locale, e.g. en-US" Make pretty dropdown }; } getStandardEmailClaims(): Object { return {"email": this.getMessage('claim@email')}; } getStandardPhoneClaims(): Object { return {"phone_number": this.getMessage('claim@phone_number')}; } getStandardAddressClaims(): Object { return {"street_address": this.getMessage('claim@street_address'), "locality": this.getMessage('claim@locality'), "region": this.getMessage('claim@region'), "postal_code": this.getMessage('claim@postal_code'), "country": this.getMessage('claim@country')}; } /** * Return all claim names requested implicitly * using scope and explicitly using claims parameter. */ getClaimNamesForRequest(): string[] { var scopes = this.getRequestedScope(); var result = []; if (scopes.includes("profile")) { result = result.concat(Object.keys(this.getStandardProfileClaims())); } if (scopes.includes("email")) { result = result.concat(Object.keys(this.getStandardEmailClaims())); } if (scopes.includes("address")) { result = result.concat(Object.keys(this.getStandardAddressClaims())); } if (scopes.includes("phone_number")) { result = result.concat(Object.keys(this.getStandardPhoneClaims())); } result = result.concat(this.getRequestedNonStandardClaims()); return result; } getStandardClaimNames(): string[] { var result = []; result = result.concat(Object.keys(this.getStandardProfileClaims())); result = result.concat(Object.keys(this.getStandardEmailClaims())); result = result.concat(Object.keys(this.getStandardAddressClaims())); result = result.concat(Object.keys(this.getStandardPhoneClaims())); return result; } getClaimDescription(claim: Attribute) { if (undefined !== this.getStandardProfileClaims()[]) { return this.getStandardProfileClaims()[]; } if (undefined !== this.getStandardEmailClaims()[]) { return this.getStandardEmailClaims()[]; } if (undefined !== this.getStandardAddressClaims()[]) { return this.getStandardAddressClaims()[]; } if (undefined !== this.getStandardPhoneClaims()[]) { return this.getStandardPhoneClaims()[]; } return; } isStandardProfileClaim(attribute: Attribute): boolean { return -1 != Object.keys(this.getStandardProfileClaims()).indexOf(; } isStandardEmailClaim(attribute: Attribute): boolean { return -1 != Object.keys(this.getStandardEmailClaims()).indexOf(; } isStandardPhoneClaim(attribute: Attribute): boolean { return -1 != Object.keys(this.getStandardPhoneClaims()).indexOf(; } isStandardAddressClaim(attribute: Attribute): boolean { return -1 != Object.keys(this.getStandardAddressClaims()).indexOf(; } getRequestedClaims(): any { if (!this.inOpenIdFlow()) { return []; } if ((this.params['claims'] === "") || (this.params['claims'] === undefined)) { return []; } var claims = []; var json = []; try { json = JSON.parse(this.params['claims']); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return claims; } if (undefined === json) { return claims }; var userinfo = json['userinfo'] if (undefined === userinfo) { return claims }; var claimkeys = []; for(var key in userinfo) { claims.push([key, userinfo[key]['essential'], userinfo[key]['attestation'], userinfo[key]['format']]); claimkeys.push(key); } var idtoken = json['id_token']; if (undefined === idtoken) { return claims }; for(var key in idtoken) { if (!claimkeys.includes(key)) { claims.push([key, idtoken[key]['essential'], idtoken[key]['attestation'], idtoken[key]['format']]); } } return claims; } getRequestedClaimNames(): string[] { var claimNames = []; var claims = this.getRequestedClaims(); for (let claim of claims) { claimNames.push(claim[0]); } return claimNames; } //Internationalization getMessage(key, sub?){ return this.languageService.getMessage(key, sub); } }