- about-page: * The page, like the rest of the pages, must be finetuned for responsive layouts. * Either provide no image or upload your images! - Do we need ALL the boilerplate of bootstrap css? * Layout / CSS: - Firefox Reader Mode does not display all of our pages in full. - architecture-page: * The graph image does not really display well on small screens. - branding / navigation: * Can we get a hover image for the navbar logo? - Makefile: * conditionally without gmake extensions pick up values for BABEL and PYTHON. They can be python3, python2, python2.7, pybabel, pybabel-2.7 etc. * Ideally don't require gmake to run make. template.py: * it is currently broken with python2.7. Since I use python3.7 and 2.7 is on its way out: person who cares enough for 2.7, step up to fix this in a portable way (in other words, do not break various corner cases for relative imports in the 3.x series!)