#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This file is in the public domain. # # This script runs the jinja2 templating engine on an input template-file # using the specified locale for gettext translations, and outputs # the resulting (HTML) ouptut-file. # # Note that the gettext files need to be prepared first. This script # is thus to be invoked via the Makefile. # # We import unicode_literals until people have understood how unicode # with bytes and strings changed in python2->python3. from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import os.path import sys import re import gettext import glob import codecs import jinja2 # FIXME: lint will complain about this. Do NOT! fix this by writing # import i18nfix again, send an email to our developer list if you # have a problem with your system specific python integration! # PACKAGE_PARENT = '..' # SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.expanduser(__file__)))) # sys.path.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, PACKAGE_PARENT))) # sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) #from www import i18nfix try: from . import i18nfix except ImportError: import i18nfix env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(__file__)), extensions=["jinja2.ext.i18n"], lstrip_blocks=True, trim_blocks=True, undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined, autoescape=False) # DEBUG OUTPUT: print(sys.path) langs_full = {"en": "English", "fr": "Français", "it": "Italiano", "es": "Español", "de": "Deutsch"} for in_file in glob.glob("*.j2"): name, ext = re.match(r"(.*)\.([^.]+)$", in_file.rstrip(".j2")).groups() tmpl = env.get_template(in_file) def self_localized(other_locale): """ Return URL for the current page in another locale. """ return "../" + other_locale + "/" + in_file.rstrip(".j2") def url_localized(filename): return "../" + locale + "/" + filename def svg_localized(filename): lf = filename + "." + locale + ".svg" if locale == "en" or not os.path.isfile(lf): return "../" + filename + ".svg" else: return "../" + lf def url(x): # TODO: look at the app root environment variable # TODO: check if file exists return "../" + x for l in glob.glob("locale/*/"): locale = os.path.basename(l[:-1]) tr = gettext.translation("messages", localedir="locale", languages=[locale]) tr.gettext = i18nfix.wrap_gettext(tr.gettext) env.install_gettext_translations(tr, newstyle=True) content = tmpl.render(lang=locale, lang_full=langs_full[locale], url=url, self_localized=self_localized, url_localized=url_localized, svg_localized=svg_localized, filename=name + "." + ext) out_name = "./" + locale + "/" + in_file.rstrip(".j2") os.makedirs("./" + locale, exist_ok=True) with codecs.open(out_name, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(content)