{% extends "common/base.j2" %} {% block body_content %}

{{ _("Contact information") }}

{{ _("The mailing list") }}

{% trans %} An archived, public mailing list for GNUnet is hosted at https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/gnunet-developers. You can send messages to the list at gnunet-developers@gnu.org. {% endtrans %}

{{ _("The IRC channel") }}

{% trans %} #gnunet is reachable via irc.freenode.net. There is also an archive available (currently unavailable, we are working on restoring access to it). {% endtrans %}

{{ _("Contacting individuals") }}

{% trans %} GNUnet developers are generally reachable at either PSEUDONYM@gnunet.org or LASTNAME@gnunet.org. Most of us support receiving GnuPG encrypted Emails. {% endtrans %}

{{ _("Reporting bugs") }}

{% trans %} We track open feature requests and bugs for projects within GNUnet in our Bug tracker. You can also report bugs or feature requests to the bug-gnunet mailing list. The mailinglist requires no subscription. {% endtrans %}

{% endblock body_content %}