{% extends "common/base.j2" %} {% block body_content %}

{{ _("Install-Tutorials") }}

{% trans %} This page holds various simplified step-by-step tutorials for GNUnet.
Some of them are not complete, but we find them useful regardless of their state.
Find much more detailled documentation of the installation options in the according section of the handbook. {% endtrans %}

{% trans %} Please note that the installation process will get much easier once we have proper packages again. {% endtrans %}

{% trans %} GNUnet installation instructions:

{% endtrans %}

{% trans %} C Coding Tutorial for GNUnet {% endtrans %}

{% trans %} Once the installation is done, please head over to the "How to use GNUnet"-page to get a brief intro on what can be done with your installation.
If you have any queries about the installation or the usage, please get in touch! {% endtrans %}

{% endblock body_content %}