path: root/draft-schanzen-reclaimid.xml
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28<rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" category="info" docName="draft-schanzen-reclaimid-00" ipr="trust200902" obsoletes="" updates="" submissionType="IETF" xml:lang="en" version="3">
29 <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 2.26.0 -->
30 <front>
31 <title abbrev="reclaimid">
32 re:claimID - A System for Self-sovereign, Decentralised Identity Management and Personal Data Sharing
33 </title>
34 <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-schanzen-reclaimid-00"/>
35 <author fullname="Martin Schanzenbach" initials="M." surname="Schanzenbach">
36 <organization>GNUnet e.V.</organization>
37 <address>
38 <postal>
39 <street>Boltzmannstrasse 3</street>
40 <city>Garching</city>
41 <code>85748</code>
42 <country>DE</country>
43 </postal>
44 <email>schanzen@gnunet.org</email>
45 </address>
46 </author>
47 <author fullname="Christian Grothoff" initials="C." surname="Grothoff">
48 <organization>Berner Fachhochschule</organization>
49 <address>
50 <postal>
51 <street>Hoeheweg 80</street>
52 <city>Biel/Bienne</city>
53 <code>2501</code>
54 <country>CH</country>
55 </postal>
56 <email>grothoff@gnunet.org</email>
57 </address>
58 </author>
59 <author fullname="Bernd Fix" initials="B." surname="Fix">
60 <organization>GNUnet e.V.</organization>
61 <address>
62 <postal>
63 <street>Boltzmannstrasse 3</street>
64 <city>Garching</city>
65 <code>85748</code>
66 <country>DE</country>
67 </postal>
68 <email>fix@gnunet.org</email>
69 </address>
70 </author>
72 <!-- Meta-data Declarations -->
73 <area>General</area>
74 <workgroup>Independent Stream</workgroup>
75 <keyword>identity management</keyword>
76 <abstract>
77 <t>This document contains the re:claimID technical specification.</t>
78 </abstract>
79 </front>
80 <middle>
81 <section anchor="introduction" numbered="true" toc="default">
82 <name>Introduction</name>
83 <t>
84 re:claimID is a decentralized, self-sovereign identity management
85 system. It allows users to be in control over their digital identities
86 without having to rely on central identity provider services (IdPs) in
87 order to share personal data.
88 </t>
89 <t>
90 re:claimID is built upon the GNU Name System <xref target="GNS"/>
91 for data sharing and storage.
92 It leverages the zone privacy and key blinding properties of the name
93 system in order to provide a secure sharing and authorization mechanism.
94 </t>
95 <t>
96 The system supports both "self-asserted" as well as third party asserted
97 identity attributes. The assertion mechanisms are out of scope of this
98 document.
99 </t>
100 <t>
101 The re:claimID system can used and integrated into the OpenID Connect
102 protocol.
103 </t>
104 <t>
105 This document defines the normative wire format of resource records, resolution processes,
106 cryptographic routines and security considerations for use by implementors.
107 </t>
108 <t>
109 The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
111 "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described
112 in <xref target="RFC2119"/>.
113 </t>
114 </section>
115 <section anchor="identities" numbered="true" toc="default">
116 <name>Identities</name>
117 <t>
118 An identity in re:claimID is defined through a zone in GNS.
119 As such, the creation of a zone in GNS implicitly also creates
120 a re:claimID identity.
121 </t>
122 <section anchor="attributes" numbered="true" toc="default">
123 <name>Attributes</name>
124 <t>
125 A re:claimID identity attribute is stored in GNS under records
126 of type "RECLAIM_ATTRIBUTE". An attribute consists of an identifier,
127 an optional attestation identifier, a type, a flag, a name and data.
128 The record format of a RECLAIM_ATTRIBUTE is as follows:
129 </t>
130 <figure anchor="figure_gnsattribute">
131 <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
1320 8 16 24 32 40 48 56
134| TYPE | FLAG |
136| ID |
140| NSIZE | DSIZE |
142/ NAME + DATA /
143/ /
145 ]]></artwork>
146 <!-- <postamble>which is a very simple example.</postamble>-->
147 </figure>
148 <t>
149 where:
150 </t>
151 <dl>
152 <dt>TYPE</dt>
153 <dd>
154 Is the 32 bit attribute type as defined in the GANA registry.
155 </dd>
156 <dt>FLAG</dt>
157 <dd>
158 Is a 32 bit attribute flag combination as defined in the GANA registry
159 </dd>
160 <dt>ID</dt>
161 <dd>
162 Is a 64 bit attribute identifier.
163 </dd>
164 <dt>ATTESTATION</dt>
165 <dd>
166 Is the 64 bit credential identifier which asserts this attribute.
167 0 means no attestation.
168 </dd>
169 <dt>NSIZE</dt>
170 <dd>
171 32 bit length of the attribute name in bytes.
172 </dd>
173 <dt>DSIZE</dt>
174 <dd>
175 32 bit length of the attribute data.
176 </dd>
177 <dt>NAME</dt>
178 <dd>
179 The attribute name. A UTF-8 string.
180 </dd>
181 <dt>DATA</dt>
182 <dd>
183 The attribute data.
184 </dd>
185 </dl>
186 </section>
187 <section anchor="credentials" numbered="true" toc="default">
188 <name>Credentials</name>
189 <t>
190 A re:claimID credential is stored in GNS under records
191 of type "RECLAIM_CREDENTIAL". A credential consists of an identifier,
192 a type, a flag, a name and data.
193 The record format of a RECLAIM_CREDENTIAL is as follows:
194 </t>
195 <figure anchor="figure_gnscred">
196 <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
1970 8 16 24 32 40 48 56
199| TYPE | FLAG |
201| ID |
203| NSIZE | DSIZE |
205/ NAME + DATA /
206/ /
208 ]]></artwork>
209 <!-- <postamble>which is a very simple example.</postamble>-->
210 </figure>
211 <t>
212 where:
213 </t>
214 <dl>
215 <dt>TYPE</dt>
216 <dd>
217 Is the 32 bit credential type as defined in the GANA registry.
218 </dd>
219 <dt>FLAG</dt>
220 <dd>
221 Is a 32 bit credential flag combination as defined in the GANA registry
222 </dd>
223 <dt>ID</dt>
224 <dd>
225 Is a 64 bit credential identifier.
226 </dd>
227 <dt>NSIZE</dt>
228 <dd>
229 32 bit length of the credential name in bytes.
230 </dd>
231 <dt>DSIZE</dt>
232 <dd>
233 32 bit length of the credential data.
234 </dd>
235 <dt>NAME</dt>
236 <dd>
237 The credential name. A UTF-8 string.
238 </dd>
239 <dt>DATA</dt>
240 <dd>
241 The credential data.
242 </dd>
243 </dl>
244 </section>
245 <section anchor="tickets" numbered="true" toc="default">
246 <name>Tickets</name>
247 <section anchor="attrrefs" numbered="true" toc="default">
248 <name>Attribute References</name>
249 </section>
250 <section anchor="credpres" numbered="true" toc="default">
251 <name>Credential Presentations</name>
252 </section>
253 </section>
254 </section>
255 <section anchor="access" numbered="true" toc="default">
256 <name>Access Management</name>
257 <section anchor="authorization" numbered="true" toc="default">
258 <name>Authorization</name>
259 </section>
260 <section anchor="revocation" numbered="true" toc="default">
261 <name>Revocation</name>
262 </section>
263 </section>
264 <section anchor="openid" numbered="true" toc="default">
265 <name>OpenID Connect Integration</name>
266 <section anchor="openidclientreg" numbered="true" toc="default">
267 <name>Client Registration</name>
268 </section>
269 <section anchor="AuthorizationCode" numbered="true" toc="default">
270 <name>Authorization Code</name>
271 </section>
272 <section anchor="IDToken" numbered="true" toc="default">
273 <name>ID Token</name>
274 </section>
275 <section anchor="UserinfoEndpoint" numbered="true" toc="default">
276 <name>Userinfo Endpoint</name>
277 </section>
279 </section>
280 <section anchor="encoding" numbered="true" toc="default">
281 <name>Internationalization and Character Encoding</name>
282 <t>
283 All attribute names in re:claimID are encoded in UTF-8
284 <xref target="RFC3629" />.
285 </t>
286 </section>
288 <section anchor="security" numbered="true" toc="default">
289 <name>Security Considerations</name>
290 </section>
291 <section anchor="gana" numbered="true" toc="default">
292 <name>GANA Considerations</name>
293 <t>
294 GANA is requested to populate this registry as follows:
295 </t>
296 <figure anchor="figure_rrtypenums">
297 <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
298Number: 65549
300Contact: N/A
301References: [This.I-D]
302Description: Ticket
304Number: 65549
306Contact: N/A
307References: [This.I-D]
308Description: Identity attribute
310Number: 65550
312Contact: N/A
313References: [This.I-D]
314Description: Refrerence to identity attribute
316Number: 65551
318Contact: N/A
319References: [This.I-D]
320Description: OIDC client description
322Number: 65552
324Contact: N/A
325References: [This.I-D]
326Description: OIDC client redirect(s)
328Number: 65553
330Contact: N/A
331References: [This.I-D]
332Description: Credential
334Number: 65554
336Contact: N/A
337References: [This.I-D]
338Description: Credential presentation
339 ]]></artwork>
340 </figure>
341 <t>
342 GANA is requested to amend the "GNUnet Signature Purpose" registry
343 as follows:
344 </t>
345 <figure anchor="figure_purposenums">
346 <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
347Purpose: 27
349References: [This.I-D]
350Description: Signature in OIDC authorization code
351 ]]></artwork>
352 </figure>
353 </section>
354 <!-- gana -->
355 <section>
356 <name>Test Vectors</name>
357 </section>
358 </middle>
359 <back>
360 <references>
361 <name>Normative References</name>
363 &RFC2119;
364 &RFC3629;
366 <reference anchor="GNS" target="https://lsd.gnunet.org/lsd0001">
367 <front>
368 <title>The GNU Name System</title>
369 <author initials="M." surname="Schanzenbach" fullname="Martin Schanzenbach">
370 <organization>GNUnet e.V.</organization>
371 </author>
373 <author initials="C." surname="Grothoff" fullname="Christian Grothoff">
374 <organization>GNUnet e.V.</organization>
375 </author>
377 <author initials="B." surname="Fix"
378 fullname="Bernd Fix">
379 <organization>GNUnet e.V.</organization>
380 </author>
381 <date year="2020" month="March"/>
382 </front>
383 </reference>
384 </references>
385 </back>
386 </rfc>