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4 xml2rfc --html draft-schanzen-r5n.xml
7 xml2rfc draft-schanzen-r5n.xml
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1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
2<!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629-xhtml.ent" [
3<!ENTITY RFC1034 PUBLIC '' "">
4<!ENTITY RFC1035 PUBLIC '' "">
5<!ENTITY RFC2119 PUBLIC '' "">
6<!ENTITY RFC2782 PUBLIC '' "">
7<!ENTITY RFC3629 PUBLIC '' "">
8<!ENTITY RFC3686 PUBLIC '' "">
9<!ENTITY RFC3826 PUBLIC '' "">
10<!ENTITY RFC3912 PUBLIC '' "">
11<!ENTITY RFC4648 PUBLIC '' "">
12<!ENTITY RFC5869 PUBLIC '' "">
13<!ENTITY RFC5890 PUBLIC '' "">
14<!ENTITY RFC5891 PUBLIC '' "">
15<!ENTITY RFC6781 PUBLIC '' "">
16<!ENTITY RFC6895 PUBLIC '' "">
17<!ENTITY RFC6979 PUBLIC '' "">
18<!ENTITY RFC7748 PUBLIC '' "">
19<!ENTITY RFC8032 PUBLIC '' "">
20<!ENTITY RFC8126 PUBLIC '' "">
22<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='rfc2629.xslt' ?>
23<?rfc strict="yes" ?>
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26<?rfc sortrefs="yes" ?>
27<?rfc compact="yes" ?>
28<?rfc subcompact="no" ?>
29<rfc xmlns:xi="" category="info" docName="draft-schanzen-r5n-00" ipr="trust200902" obsoletes="" updates="" submissionType="IETF" xml:lang="en" version="3">
30 <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 2.26.0 -->
31 <front>
32 <title abbrev="The R5N Distributed Hash Table">
33 The R5N Distributed Hash Table
34 </title>
35 <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-schanzen-gns-04"/>
36 <author fullname="Martin Schanzenbach" initials="M." surname="Schanzenbach">
37 <organization>GNUnet e.V.</organization>
38 <address>
39 <postal>
40 <street>Boltzmannstrasse 3</street>
41 <city>Garching</city>
42 <code>85748</code>
43 <country>DE</country>
44 </postal>
45 <email></email>
46 </address>
47 </author>
48 <author fullname="Christian Grothoff" initials="C." surname="Grothoff">
49 <organization>Berner Fachhochschule</organization>
50 <address>
51 <postal>
52 <street>Hoeheweg 80</street>
53 <city>Biel/Bienne</city>
54 <code>2501</code>
55 <country>CH</country>
56 </postal>
57 <email></email>
58 </address>
59 </author>
60 <author fullname="Bernd Fix" initials="B." surname="Fix">
61 <organization>GNUnet e.V.</organization>
62 <address>
63 <postal>
64 <street>Boltzmannstrasse 3</street>
65 <city>Garching</city>
66 <code>85748</code>
67 <country>DE</country>
68 </postal>
69 <email></email>
70 </address>
71 </author>
73 <!-- Meta-data Declarations -->
74 <area>General</area>
75 <workgroup>Independent Stream</workgroup>
76 <keyword>distributed hash tables</keyword>
77 <abstract>
78 <t>This document contains the R5N DHT technical specification.</t>
79 </abstract>
80 </front>
81 <middle>
82 <section anchor="introduction" numbered="true" toc="default">
83 <name>Introduction</name>
84 <t>
85 Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) are a key data structure for the
86 construction of completely decentralized applications.
87 DHTs are important because they generally provide a robust and
88 efficient means to distribute the storage and retrieval of
89 key-value pairs.
90 </t>
91 <t>
92 This document contains the technical specification
93 of the R5N DHT <xref target="R5N" />, a secure DHT routing algorithm
94 and data structure for decentralized applications.
95 </t>
96 <t>
97 This document defines the normative wire format of peer-to-peer
98 messages, routing algorithms, cryptographic routines and security
99 considerations for use by implementors.
100 </t>
101 <t>
102 The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
104 "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described
105 in <xref target="RFC2119"/>.
106 </t>
107 <t>
109 </t>
110 </section>
111 <section anchor="p2p_messages" numbered="true" toc="default">
112 <name>Peer-to-peer messages</name>
113 <section anchor="p2p_put" numbered="true" toc="default">
114 <name>PUT message</name>
115 </section>
116 <section anchor="p2p_get" numbered="true" toc="default">
117 <name>GET message</name>
118 </section>
119 <section anchor="p2p_result" numbered="true" toc="default">
120 <name>RESULT message</name>
121 </section>
122 </section>
123 <section anchor="security" numbered="true" toc="default">
124 <name>Security Considerations</name>
125 </section>
126 <section anchor="gana" numbered="true" toc="default">
127 <name>GANA Considerations</name>
128 <t>
129 GANA <xref target="GANA" />
130 is requested to create a "DHT Block Types" registry.
131 The registry shall record for each entry:
132 </t>
133 <ul>
134 <li>Name: The name of the record type (case-insensitive ASCII
135 string, restricted to alphanumeric characters</li>
136 <li>Number: 32-bit, above 65535</li>
137 <li>Comment: Optionally, a brief English text describing the purpose of
138 the record type (in UTF-8)</li>
139 <li>Contact: Optionally, the contact information of a person to contact for
140 further information</li>
141 <li>References: Optionally, references describing the record type
142 (such as an RFC)</li>
143 </ul>
144 <t>
145 The registration policy for this sub-registry is "First Come First
146 Served", as described in <xref target="RFC8126"/>.
147 GANA is requested to populate this registry as follows:
148 </t>
149 <figure anchor="figure_btypenums">
150 <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
151Number | Name | Contact | References | Description
154 ]]></artwork>
155 </figure>
156 <t>
157 GANA is requested to amend the "GNUnet Signature Purpose" registry
158 as follows:
159 </t>
160 <figure anchor="figure_purposenums">
161 <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
162Purpose | Name | References | Description
164 ]]></artwork>
165 </figure>
166 </section>
167 <!-- gana -->
168 <section>
169 <name>Test Vectors</name>
170 </section>
171 </middle>
172 <back>
173 <references>
174 <name>Normative References</name>
176 &RFC2119;
177 &RFC8126;
179 <reference anchor="GANA" target="">
180 <front>
181 <title>GNUnet Assigned Numbers Authority (GANA)</title>
182 <author><organization>GNUnet e.V.</organization>
183 </author>
184 <date month="April" year="2020" />
185 </front>
186 </reference>
187 <reference anchor="R5N" target="">
188 <front>
189 <title>R5N: Randomized recursive routing for restricted-route networks</title>
190 <author initials="N. S." surname="Evans" fullname="Nathan S. Evans">
191 <organization>Technische Universität München</organization>
192 </author>
194 <author initials="C." surname="Grothoff"
195 fullname="Christian Grothoff">
196 <organization>Technische Universität München</organization>
197 </author>
198 <date year="2011"/>
199 </front>
200 </reference>
204 </references>
205 <!-- Change Log
206 v00 2017-07-23 MS Initial version
207 -->
208 </back>
209 </rfc>