path: root/resources/ui/new_contact.ui
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Cleanup transitions of new contact dialogJacki2024-01-19
* Change camera nick with descriptionJacki2024-01-19
* Adjust revealer to be dynamicJacki2024-01-19
* Add combobox to select between camerasJacki2024-01-19
* Improve gstreamer video pipeline for contact qr code scanningTheJackiMonster2022-11-12
* Added about dialog and ui files of contact information dialogTheJackiMonster2022-03-16
* Implemented QR generation and usage of lobbiesTheJackiMonster2022-03-12
* Added dialog to delete with custom delayTheJackiMonster2022-02-18
* Adapted UI to visualize problems with the camera connectionTheJackiMonster2021-12-18
* Implemented QR decoding using zbar_image_scannerTheJackiMonster2021-11-17
* Added zbar video input to scan for contactsTheJackiMonster2021-11-14