<a href="http://about.psyc.eu/">PSYC</a> IMPLEMENTATION IN <a href="http://perl.pages.de">PERL</a>

Net::PSYC with support for TCP, UDP, Event.pm, IO::Select and Gtk2 event loops.

git2psyc	- report changes to a git repository into a developer chatroom
psycauth	- authenticate something with your PSYC identity
psyccat		- dump a file to a PSYC recipient
psyccmd		- remote control psycamp and whatever wants to be controlled
psycfilemonitor*- notify changes to the file system in realtime
psycion		- amazing console psyc client!
psyclisten	- receive messages and notify the user about them
psycmail	- report incoming emails to the recipient
psycamp*	- media player with PSYC notification and remote control
psycmsg		- send a message to a PSYC recipient
psycnotify	- send presence notification from the command line
psycsyncd	- interfaces PSYC SYNC protocol to DBI (SQL databases etc)
syslog2psyc	- daemon that receives events from syslog and forwards to PSYC
remotor 	- control console for Tor routers that can notify into PSYC

contrib area includes a notification plugin for MovableType blogs.

perldoc documentation inside the module.
try `perldoc lib/perl5/Net/PSYC.pm` from here.

The commands all provide for usage information when you try to
use them. Just try to.

irssi-psyc, the psyc implementation for irssi, is not provided here.
get it from http://about.psyc.eu/irssi

*) psycfilemonitor uses the FAM API and needs to be updated to
   inotify or gamin.
*) psycmp3 has been renamed into 'psycamp' as it no longer depends
   on a non-free mp3 engine from 1998. It now uses mplayer.


   http://perl.psyc.eu	=
  http://about.psyc.eu	=


    torify git clone
	or git clone git://git.psyced.org/git/perlpsyc

If you're a lucky owner of a Gentoo system, emerge Net-PSYC
from http://youbroketheinternet.org 's overlay. You can visit
that site at

Questions? ask psyc://psyced.org/~lynX or psyc://psyced.org/~el

* Disclaimer

The https://github.com/psyc/perlpsyc repository only serves promotional
purposes. It may be outdated and we do not recommend participating in a
centralistic social networking business.