Common shared components for the websites of GNUnet and Taler.

This is meant to be imported by a jinja2 project with a
structure equivalent to https://git.gnunet.org/www.git
or https://git.taler.net/www.git.


The code expects to sit in 'inc', which for gnunet.org is the folder
where this submodule is checked out to. For more practical
applications of it refer to the source code of gnunet.org.

Changes to this code must be usable outside of the structure
of one website, ie this affects both websites and if in doubt
should be tested against both as soon as both websites have
been switched to this code.

YAML files are used for both translations and the Site Builder as
content properties. The collection hierarchy is as follows
 * First, the file "properties.yml" in the top directory is read.
 * Second, all YAML files are collected in a directory called "properties.d".
 * Third, the collected files are fed into the build system as a dictionary.
Note that the name is controlled by a variable PROPERTIES_YML. The name of
the file is linked to the name of the directory.


python3, jinja2, BeautifulSoup 4, ruamel.yaml

Everything in here is to be placed in the public domain, due to
ambiguity of "public domain" in some countries the code is 0-BSD
New code should follow this licensing choice.