path: root/src/vpn/gnunet-service-dns.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* remove resolved TODOPhilipp Tölke2011-04-29
* make TODO better grepablePhilipp Tölke2011-04-29
* make the service-dns ready to receive answers to queries sent over from remot...Philipp Tölke2011-04-21
* cleanupPhilipp Tölke2011-04-21
* Send queries to remote peersPhilipp Tölke2011-04-21
* Fix #1676, take one byte more in data-segment...Philipp Tölke2011-04-18
* remove old commentPhilipp Tölke2011-04-10
* FIXMEsPhilipp Tölke2011-04-10
* 1k buffersChristian Grothoff2011-04-06
* going less bitfield crazyChristian Grothoff2011-04-06
* remove unused filePhilipp Tölke2011-04-01
* fixPhilipp Tölke2011-04-01
* tcp from vpn to exit. way back still missingPhilipp Tölke2011-03-14
* fixed FIXMEsPhilipp Tölke2011-03-14
* valgrind-cleanPhilipp Tölke2011-03-05
* read the dns-config from the filePhilipp Tölke2011-03-05
* fix mem-leaks and other nasty stuffPhilipp Tölke2011-02-24
* Let the -exit use an own tun and not socksPhilipp Tölke2011-02-21
* Use the configures IP-addresses correctlyPhilipp Tölke2011-02-05
* debug DNS-DHTPhilipp Tölke2011-02-05
* A few static-analysis-changesPhilipp Tölke2011-01-10
* doxygenMatthias Wachs2010-12-23
* send UDP-Packets to the peer offering the servicePhilipp Tölke2010-12-15
* new Struct (it will be saved to the hashmap)Philipp Tölke2010-11-17
* Adding replication parameter for initiating GET and PUT requests to the DHT.Nathan S. Evans2010-11-11
* scheduler removal mishap (fix)Nathan S. Evans2010-11-06
* big scheduler refactoring, expect some issuesNathan S. Evans2010-11-05
* LRN patch from Mantis #1615Christian Grothoff2010-11-05
* Answer PTR-Requests (mock-version)Philipp Tölke2010-11-04
* Only start the hijack if the vpn is runningPhilipp Tölke2010-11-04
* original patch from Mantis 1614Christian Grothoff2010-11-03
* Fixes and documentationPhilipp Tölke2010-11-02
* comment and indent gnunet-service-dnsPhilipp Tölke2010-11-02
* get rid of the unneeded "closure"-structPhilipp Tölke2010-11-02
* Answer questions for .gnunet with an ipv6-addressPhilipp Tölke2010-10-26
* Restart the hijack, if the tun was downPhilipp Tölke2010-10-26
* modified the DNS_Record-blockPhilipp Tölke2010-10-26
* renamed file as per policyPhilipp Tölke2010-10-26
* Send answers from the DHT to the daemon-vpnPhilipp Tölke2010-10-19
* less magic numbersPhilipp Tölke2010-10-19
* send an dns-response from the dhtPhilipp Tölke2010-10-19
* allow the service-dns to answer not only with an unchanged dns-packet, butPhilipp Tölke2010-10-19
* integers are %d, not %s!Philipp Tölke2010-10-19
* Only reschedule after an hour.Philipp Tölke2010-10-19
* toelke: don't bug dhtNathan S. Evans2010-10-08
* Fix the hashingPhilipp Tölke2010-10-08
* pyblish a dns-record for testingPhilipp Tölke2010-10-08
* lookup .gnunet-addresses in the dhtPhilipp Tölke2010-10-08
* Detect and log queries for .gnunet.-DomainsPhilipp Tölke2010-10-07
* for debugging, print the dns-packets running through the servicePhilipp Tölke2010-10-05